[UK] James Siegel (Skinner)'s ECM Application

Can I ask - Have you created/lead any notable RP, or had any RP storylines that you were involved in? I'm curious as you don't seem to mention any.
Either way +Support, most I can hold against you is a uncertainty on the above. You've shown your experience on site, you have lots of good experience in the positions you've held, you're pretty active and most people like you. And the application looks great, amazing work on the formatting and looks of it.

also you're still a ECA? I see this man once in a blue moon on the job
I've partaken in the Legions project led by O5 & Alpha-1, the Class D Reputation Program which I led, I also was in many other storylines which I am not exactly bound to remember however if you DM me I could list further storylines off the top of my head.
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Edited to a -support

Past position as Chief of Security means that you will have undoubtedly have had to deal with FLC infractions committed by your own staff and will therefore have been in the receiving end of EC and/or IA investigations, so you will have some level of understanding of how these departments operate.

It seems that in your past time spent as ECA you have correctly used it to observe how the EC and Omega-1 works.

You have been proactive in looking to make edits and reworks of departmental documentation and you demonstrate and understanding of departmental policy and, at some level, site-wide policy

The Chief of Security's position has limited opportunities to create RP but it seems you have made a genuine effort to do so.

There are a small number of major errors in this application however;
.You state that the EC will arrest members of the O5 Council, this is not the case - to arrest a member of the O5 and not amnesticate them afterwards will reveal to the O5 that the Committee has this authority, which will cause the O5 to become hostile. The only safe way to put an end to a corrupt Overseer is to assassinate them.

.You do not discuss how the FLC is used to establish RP rules or how the FLC is developed. You also do not state that the EC enforces the FLC - this is fundamental to EC gameplay
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 25, 2023
- I believe that your tenure as a CoS and the time that you spent in that position proves your competency for Site Command, Your level of Roleplay as well is good and you would definitely be a welcome addition to the Site Command team, Good Luck
+ Support

Past position as Chief of Security means that you will have undoubtedly have had to deal with FLC infractions committed by your own staff and will therefore have been in the receiving end of EC and/or IA investigations, so you will have some level of understanding of how these departments operate.

It seems that in your past time spent as ECA you have correctly used it to observe how the EC and Omega-1 works.

You have been proactive in looking to make edits and reworks of departmental documentation and you demonstrate and understanding of departmental policy and, at some level, site-wide policy

The Chief of Security's position has limited opportunities to create RP but it seems you have made a genuine effort to do so.

There are a small number of major errors in this application however;
.You state that the EC will arrest members of the O5 Council, this is not the case - to arrest a member of the O5 and not amnesticate them afterwards will reveal to the O5 that the Committee has this authority, which will cause the O5 to become hostile. The only safe way to put an end to a corrupt Overseer is to assassinate them.

.You do not discuss how the FLC is used to establish RP rules or how the FLC is developed. You also do not state that the EC enforces the FLC - this is fundamental to EC gameplay
Hello, I would like to go over some of the things you've mentionned here:

1. "You state that the EC will arrest members of the O5 Council, this is not the case - to arrest a member of the O5 and not amnesticate them afterwards will reveal to the O5 that the Committee has this authority, which will cause the O5 to become hostile. The only safe way to put an end to a corrupt Overseer is to assassinate them."
I would like to just clarify that though I did not go in specific details with this, the Ethics Committee is on a level not recognised by the O5 Council where they can make arrests, warrants or terminate members of the O5 and their personal task force (excluding Resh-1).
Although it might not seem "recognised" as you say, members of the O5 are completly aware of the Committee's purpose, and they strive to keep personal defense at all costs should they perform something highly unethical. The Committee furthermore has the ability to command MTF Omega-1 to terminate Alpha-1 or any obstructing subject(s) in order to make a valid arrest on the O5. They will not arrest them like IA does but rather they will either execute them, or demote them down to Class-D via a private hearing or tribunal like in the lore of the SCP Foundation (O5-14 was demoted down to Class-D after abusing an anomaly which in-turn gave him O5 Status). I hope this makes it clear on why the Committee CAN arrest O5 to demote them or execute them.
2. "You do not discuss how the FLC is used to establish RP rules or how the FLC is developed. You also do not state that the EC enforces the FLC - this is fundamental to EC gameplay"

The FLC is a standard roleplay function used across both the US and UK sites to allow for IA and the Committee (which they manage) to work on keeping the Foundation's actions, research and use of their ressources at an ethical and moral level by defining a codex which puts certain rules and restrictions.
Lastly, I did mention that the Ethics Committee enforces and manages the Legal Codex: The Committee has the responsibility to manage and monitor all departments to ensure their adherence to the Legal Codex and all established guidelines, rules, and standard operating protocols. (see Responsabilities I).
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Hello, I would like to go over some of the things you've mentionned here:

1. "You state that the EC will arrest members of the O5 Council, this is not the case - to arrest a member of the O5 and not amnesticate them afterwards will reveal to the O5 that the Committee has this authority, which will cause the O5 to become hostile. The only safe way to put an end to a corrupt Overseer is to assassinate them."
I would like to just clarify that though I did not go in specific details with this, the Ethics Committee is on a level not recognised by the O5 Council where they can make arrests, warrants or terminate members of the O5 and their personal task force (excluding Resh-1).
Although it might not seem "recognised" as you say, members of the O5 are completly aware of the Committee's purpose, and they strive to keep personal defense at all costs should they perform something highly unethical. The Committee furthermore has the ability to command MTF Omega-1 to terminate Alpha-1 or any obstructing subject(s) in order to make a valid arrest on the O5. They will not arrest them like IA does but rather they will either execute them, or demote them down to Class-D via a private hearing or tribunal like in the lore of the SCP Foundation (O5-14 was demoted down to Class-D after abusing an anomaly which in-turn gave him O5 Status). I hope this makes it clear on why the Committee CAN arrest O5 to demote them or execute them.
2. "You do not discuss how the FLC is used to establish RP rules or how the FLC is developed. You also do not state that the EC enforces the FLC - this is fundamental to EC gameplay"

The FLC is a standard roleplay function used across both the US and UK sites to allow for IA and the Committee to work on keeping the Foundation's actions, research and use of their ressources at an ethical and moral level by defining a codex which puts certain rules and restrictions.
Lastly, I did mention that the Ethics Committee enforces the Legal Codex: The Committee has the responsibility to manage and monitor all departments to ensure their adherence to the Legal Codex and all established guidelines, rules, and standard operating protocols. (see Responsabilities I).

I'm not sure where you got this information from but your saying these things has made me change my opinion to a -support I do not believe you know what the lore setting of the Ethics Committee is or what the FLC's intended purpose is.
I'm not sure where you got this information from but your saying these things has made me change my opinion to a -support I do not believe you know what the lore setting of the Ethics Committee is or what the FLC's intended purpose is.
If you'd like to further elaborate in DMs that would be appreciated.