[UK] James "Wolf" / James K's Internal Affairs Ambassador Application.

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Jul 22, 2023
Unsure Whether to call this my 2nd application due to my first being accepted.
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have played for around 4-6 months with a recent 6 month break
In what country are you located?:
UK, England
Time zone:
BST (+0)
Character name(s):
James K.
Civilian name:
James Kennedy
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-IA Agent
-DEA Agent
-IA Ambassador (Held)
-Overseer Assistant (Held)
-E-11 LCPL (Held)
List of Warns / Bans
-FailRP, I entered the Facility as a Civ.
-Mic Spam, my soundboard was louder than I wanted it to be.
-Meta Gaming, I said "Missclick" in in-person chat.
-FearRP, Broke out of cuffs, under gunpoint.
-ERP, Made a really bad joke.

Why are you applying for IA ambassador?
I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador because I used to really enjoy the role, I took this role seriously and I enjoyed being able to teach agents how to become better at there job as well as being able to help people throughout site, I also found this role to be a unique way to play the game of SCP-RP, since it is a mix of combative and non-combative roles, this allows for a more unique and diverse roleplaying scenarios, furthermore I enjoy being able to make more senior decisions, this includes being able to be relied upon by Dept. Directors and other Cl4 members for tasks such as investigations.
Another reason that I am applying for this role is because it involves lots of interesting and deep roleplay, from simple arrests to investigating a kidnapping.

What makes you suitable for IA ambassador?
I am suitable for this role for many reasons, firstly I have vast and lengthy knowledge for the Internal Affairs guidelines and also for the FLC, this is due to my experience from previously being apart of the IA team.
Another reason for why I am suitable is that I am great at writing documents, I have a few excellent rated documents from the research department furthermore I have written several arrest reports, both from my time as agent and as ambassador, I have also written several Investigation documents by the orders of floor 3 and several interview papers from my time as OSA.
Again, another reason for why I am suitable would be because, I am active, I am often on SCP-RP daily, this is due to my schedule, I am also free to be messaged on Discord / TeamSpeak the event of anyone needing help.
Finally, I am easy to talk to, so in the event of anyone needing help, I am there and ready to provide my services.

How many documents have you written? and what makes a document good?
I have written many documents, I am unsure of the amount but due to the fact that some of my old roles included interviewing several site staff and making documents about it, it is safe to say I have written plenty.
To make a document good it requires at least 4 keys things,

  1. Structure, -Good structure is needed when writing a document, this can include clearly separating the paragraphs via indents, or spaces, this allows for the page to look less like a jumbled mess of words, and more like a fully structured document. Another important part to structure is to clearly have an order, this can include having a title page, index, event page and a evidence page, this depends on how detailed you plan your arrest report to be.
  2. Purpose, -Purpose is important for several reasons, firstly if you have arrested a tech expert for misuse 2, there may be no reason to write a long arrest report or sometimes even one at all, for small, simple crimes all that may be needed is a title page and a short report detailing what happened. Although a more in-depth report may be needed for crimes such as treason or when arresting CL4 personnel, these complicated scenarios may include a lengthy report on exactly what happened and footage of the incident.
  3. Punctuation, -This is allows for your document to be more easily read, a document with no punctuation is difficult to read and may end up delaying any potential investigations.
  4. Spelling, -Spelling is important for a multitude of reasons, but mainly because it shows professionalism and it also shows that you are willing to take the time to make sure what you have written is spelt correct which is useful for when applying for other roles.
Finally, another thing that makes a document good is being detailed orientated, it is always better to write too much than too little.

What are some of the responsibilities a Ambassador has in RP?
-Ambassadors should train any potential IA agents when available.
-Responding to reports / complaints made against agents in an unbiased manor.
-Making arrests on those breaking the FLC.
-Reading then approving or denying arrest reports that have been uploaded via script net.
-Creating training sessions for IA members.
-Assigning tasks to IA members.
-Operation of the CL4 PW BD in the event of certain situations such as a Code 5.
-Being active and free in the event of anyone needing you, whether its an agent or a site member.
-Observing agents, making sure they are correctly doing there job and they are not breaking any rules.
-Creating investigations on certain staff, departments or areas.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in.

<:CL4 Required:>
<:Case File: James Kennedy:>

DOB: 03/05/20██

Full Name: James Kennedy
Aliases: None
Status: Unknown
Next of kin: Deceased
Location: Site 65

Not much is known about James' childhood life, he was found abandoned in a ditch at the age of 7,
He has signs of Dissociative amnesia, this is a affect the memory of people who have experienced a traumatic event.
The trauma he experienced is likely the reason he cannot remember anything before then,
Up until 16 he lived in an orphanage located in the north of England, in a small town called Glowchestshire, a town inhabiting a population of 273,
James K. attempted to escape that orphanage several times through out his teens, ultimately is was on his final attempt when the SCP foundation spotted him,

May 3rd 20██
The date was James' 16th birthday, he is in discontent from the conditions he is kept in at his orphanage so he attempts one final escape,
The door was open,
He looked left and right,
It was clear, no was his chance to run he thought to himself,
Without a second thought he dashed out of the building looking everywhere but behind him.
hearing shouting coming from his rear he couldn't think about anything but speeding up,
The best plan of action was to run into the forest and hide, so this is what he did, he managed to hide up in the trees for hours managing to avoid those following him.
This was when he noticed IT
At the time he was unsure what he was looking at,
A Mask?

After grabbing it he ran and kept on running,
this when he kept hearing voices, he had to fight the temptation to wear it,
For some unknown reason he felt only bad things would come if he put it on but he felt like he must keep it.
After running for what felt like days he found a ventilation system,
It was covered from the rain and was nice and warm.
here would be a good place to sleep for the night he thought.

May 4th 20██
After waking up he noticed he was somewhere else.
an interrogation room?
He felt nothing but fear,
that is when a man appeared out of the dark corner of the room,
he wore a vest reading DEA,
"I'm going to asak you a question and you better answer it!"
James, too fearful to say anything other than yes replied,
"How did you come into possession of SCP-035!"
"SCP? 035?" James Muttered
"What are you CI!? There is no way you managed to sneak into our ventilation system and manage to resist SCP-035 without training, who do you work for?"
"I found it on the ground, Sir..... I'm not..... I'm...."
The DEA agent leaves the room, and another figure enters.
The figure was sharply dressed with 2 security members guarding him.
He seemed important James believed.
"If what you say is true, we may have use for you James"
"How do you know my name!?!"
The sharply dressed figure leaves the room.

<:Error End of File:>
<:Case File: James Kennedy:>

I'm terrible at writing lore.
Thanks for reading :)

Mar 20, 2022

Application Denied

Good day, Agent James.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

Your recent behaviour on IA has brought some concerns.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Directors or
Ambassadors. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Broda Kagen
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Merrick Travolta​
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