[UK] Jeremy´s DoR Application

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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59068375
Discord name: Smug#5737
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Several months, approximatly 5-7 I believe.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Germany
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Jeremy Siens | Joan "Ferrous" Sints / [REDACTED] "Ferrous"
Civilian name: Henry "Benton"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-A (USA, Former), Executive Researcher (UK, Current), SCP-096 (UK,Current), MTF Omega-1 CPL (UK,Current)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-1 warning for Metagame when i opened fire on two CI when only one of them had engaged me in combat,
-1 Kick for AFK during the map change event,
-1 Warning for RDM for accidentally crossfiring a disguised D-class as a D-class,
-1 FailRP warning for putting a meme on a presentation slide and putting it in Lecture hall.
-1 RDM Warning for Killing a Dclass when they left Electrical Centre after the teslas got disabled for a breaching SCP

Why are you applying for Director of Research?
I am applying for Director of Research because I want to deepen my work in the research department and assist with the tasks, paperwork and management of the Department from a Senior Position after my extensive experience being a part of the Department for an approximate 5 months.
I am applying for Research specifically because i believe it to be a very special department which serves as the backbone for a large quantity of all RP Conducted onsite, In addition to having been very fun throughout all of my time playing as a Researcher, and believe that I can help improve the quality of the RP conducted by the department and of the documentation submitted.
What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
I believe myself to be suitable for the position of Director because I have extensive experience within the department, having been an executive since around April 2022, Being around 5 Months, making me one of the longest standing and active executives within the Department.

My work within the Department has been consistently high quality, especially in terms of documents, as any of the Past Directors i actively worked under, (Hamster,Broda,Nyx,Pennington,Brewer) can attest, I frequently conduct high clearance tests that require site command approval. while also responding to any Emergent Event-Relating situations as I can, attempting to involve as much of the willing research staff as possible to ensure the relating roleplay is not hoarded by a select few people alone.

Ive also been an active member of the Sigma-1 division since its founding when divisions were first made, it being the prototype division, and am its Current Lead, it being a division specialised in responding to Surface SCPs and events that do not fit into the categories of other Divisions, picking up the pieces when no one else does. This has given me limited but still relevant experience with leadership on a smaller, managable scale, and has had me face many of the same issues a proper Director of a Department is face to face with on the regular, such as dealing with demotions, innapropriate behavior, and assignment of tasks, alongside recruitment and activity management.

Ive also been one of the people managing the (In the process of being phased out and currently allowed to exist with permission from Cloak) Divisions Hub, acting as the sort of Non-mandatory hub for Divisional Organisation, alongside Jamesus A. Meisener, who set up the thing originally as the Hub for Sigma-1.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
The Director of Research is less actively involved with the Day-to-Day testing of SCPs, focused much more on delegating and regulating the tasks and conduct within the Department, keeping it running efficiently and to the Specifications of Site-Command.
The Director of Research is responsible for the health of the Department, a large part of this is to ensure that newcomers are Educated in how to produce high quality Research and enabled to create good RP through this. This is done either directly by training people personally or via Lectures, but primarilly via delegating this task to Executives and Seniors.​

The Contents of these training sessions are roughly laid out by the DoR in accordance with current policy.
The Director of Research is one of the main avenues of communication with other departments, From General Security to MTF, IA and Site Administration.

He is able to speak with authority and act on agreements made with the Relevant departments, while also informing the other members.
Another of the Directors Duties is to Provide support to his Department.

Whether that be to give feedback to Researchers documents on how to improve their writing, helping people meet the requirements to perform advanced tests in need of special permissions, such as 008 tests or providing feedback to conduct and behaviors for any Aspirants for the Executive positions.
The Director of Research is responsible for the policies drafted and enforced by the Research Department, and the spreading of this information to Executives and the other Researchers on site to ensure Compliance and proper conduct in the Department.
An Example of this would be
"O5-██ wants termination trials performed on SCP-076." And the DoR would be the one assigning this task to the Relevant Researchers and providing oversight to these Experiments on the O5´s Behalf.
For Example, during peak activity hours, a large amount (5-9) Junior Researchers have just completed their Equipment tests. It is part of the DoR´s Duties to ensure these people are trained, either directly or indirectly by delegating this.
Example. "IA reports that Researchers have been abusing SCP-914 tests by bribing the present MTF Escort with the weapons obtained from testing." The DoR´s Response could be a tightening of Requirements for 914 Object testing, adding a mandatory IA Agent to the Requirements, while also speaking to the MTF COs about their subordinates corruption to work on stopping it.​
Example. "A biohazard researcher wants to conduct a test on SCP-008"
Part of the DoR´s responsibilities would be to help them meet the Criteria for approval, and helping review their test proposal until it can be presented to the Ethics Committee
Example: "After a CoE Revision, SCP-914 tests on organic matter are now permitted, only tests on specifically Human subjects requires permission."
This would mandate amending Research policies to account for this shift in rules and the creation of internal rules for Non-human organic matter testing.
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
    ____                        __                       __           ____   ____      __                        __   ____                     __  _             __  _       
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Greetings, Ambassador Kallas. You have One (1) completed Internal Investigation pending review.
Listing Pending reports...
      1. Investigation : Executive Researcher, Site-65, Priority : 4, Subject: Jeremy Siens, Author : Agent Rousseau
      End of List.
>Open 1
    Fetching Report....
Please Scan ID-Card to verify Identity.

Investigation : Executive Researcher, Site-65, Priority : 4, Subject: Jeremy Siens, Author : Agent Rousseau
Start of Investigation 06/09/████
End of Investigation 14/09/████
Reason for Investigation : The Investigation was Ordered by Ambassador Kallas after an interaction between the target and a known Serpents Hand Connection. This, combined with reports of sympathetic remarks towards their ideals has put Mr.Siens´ loyalty into question, neccessitating an investigation into his Private life, conducted during his paid time off. Authorisation was given by Site-65 Administrative Personell.

Access to Siens´ PTO request was denied on grounds of privacy, however, key details were specified to the Investigator.
Mr. Siens requested a standard transport and dropoff near a diner, located at the edge of Portland, Oregon on the date of his PTO.
Investigation of Mr. Siens´ lockers revealed prepared civilian clothes, a wallet containing 780 Pound Sterling and identification for a fake identity, valid in the United States as "Sloan Rotwood", and proof of affiliation with a fictitious club of thaumaturges. Mr. Siens´ personal affects were subsequently returned to the locker and trackers were added without his knowledge.

As per standard observation protocols, Agent Rousseau was attached to the drop-off security detail on the day-of, keeping visual contact with Siens. His personnel file is attached below.

Name: Jeremy Siens
Date of Birth : 04/04/19██
Nationality : German
Residence : Site-65, granted perpetual work visa via a Foundation shell company in the USA and Canada.
Position : Executive Researcher, Division Lead
Jeremy Siens came into employment with the Foundation when Students at ██████ University conducted first studies into memetic principles by accident, prompting a coverup response and destruction of their research by Foundation Agents.

The Resulting Investigation revealed the presence of several former Prometheus Labs employees, having formed a small successor company, conducting a "Scouting" operation at said university by testing Students aptitude for Anomalous science.
Said Successor company was henceforth acquired by the Foundation, including its new Hires. Jeremy Siens being one of them.

Jeremy still displays a high aptitude for Paratech development, especially in the Area of Reverse-engineering, having expressed a desire to examine GOC hardware whenever possible.
Furthermore, Siens is an outspoken Advocate for the Rights of Anomalous humanoids in containment when these pose little to no risk to neither the veil nor the Foundation, saying "It is a very unfortunate situation these people are in, being locked up their whole lives by the Foundation. I am not saying it´s not neccessary, it very often is, but at the very least we can try and make them not miserable." when pressed on the matter.
There are concerns of Siens´ stepping too close towards the Ideals of The Serpents Hand, especially with his stated dream of "Normalising the Anomalous one day, when we finally understand, so that no one needs to stay locked up and Ignorant."

I exited the drop-off vehicle 5 minutes after the Target, after it had turned a corner to stop visual contact, at that point, Siens had already entered a phone booth next to the diner. I observed him at a distance as he punched in a number several times, without putting in a coin, lifted the speaker, muttered a single word, and put the reciever back down. This repeated 6 times, until when he spoke the word the 7th time, the street lamp illuminating the booth flickered off and the target had dissapeared. The GPS tracker had also entirely lost his signal.

Radio identified this as an undocumented `Way` into the Anomalous City State of Three Portlands. I was directed to interrogate a known local thaumaturge to obtain the Key to open this Way, costing valuable time. The Way has been logged as Way-3Ports-4567 , its Key being to dial the number 143-143-143 Seven times.

The Way led to a small alleyway inside of Three Ports, right next to Prometheus Plaza. After 30 minutes of Searching, I located the target within a Pub located nearby, drinking and celebrating some unspecified achievement, communicating with the occasional Portlandian about mundane topics, claiming to be a "terrble thaumaturge" when pressed on who he was, resulting in the occasional joke, but was generally not questioned further. At no point has he mentioned any information relating to the Foundation during this conversation, nor any other known GoI, the contents of these conversations could only be described as "smalltalk", offering mundane life advice and his perspectives on whatever anomalous matters people speak to him about, still maintaining the facade of an amateur thaumaturge.

A Noticeable pattern however was that at 18:00 Sharp, going off the timezone where he entered the Way, the wristwatch that Siens wore beeped, and he reached into his pockets, retrieving a small green hexagonal pill and swallowing it. Insight into Siens´ medical file and his prescription has, again, been denied because of privacy concerns by a local Ethics Committee representative. This was a reocurring pattern, happening every 4 hours, on the hour during observation and has been noticed during his working hours as well.

After spending 3 hours in said pub Siens left. It is unclear if he became aware of his surveilance or not, as when I attempted to follow, he disappeared into the back alleys for a considerable amount of time, around an entire hour, where locating him was attempted. He resurfaced on his own sitting on a park bench near Prometheus plaza, reading a book. Cross referencing of its cover has resulted in no matches within conventional literature, nor any archived works. There was additionally no trace of this book prior to his short disappearance, implying he had aquired it during this time.

At this time, I had to lessen my surveilance, as the Target became engaged in conversation with several Parahumans, who seemingly recognized him or his fake identity.
The Group was composed of a total of 5 people, 3 among them obvious parahumans, being a cybernetically enhanced man in his mid 30s bearing several anderson robotics products which have replaced one of his eyes and both of his ears, a person whose appearance shifted to a that of a different member of the group every few minutes, including Siens himself, and a man presumed about 20 years old, practicing a minor thaumic working to create fire in his palm.

The increased amount of people near him forced me to increase my distance, leading to me being unable to make out the exact contents of their conversation, the tone however was friendly and amiable, including the occasional laughter from the group, indicating they are aquaintances. At the end of their conversation, he handed off the book to the amateur thaumaturge and headed back into the back alleys before I was able to tail him.

The rest of my week long surveilance went similarly, I would catch sight of him for around an hour at a time, see him perform a mundane activity in this otherwise anomalous location, and then disappear for several hours again. His signal occasionally returned to GPS tracking, located inside of any one of the three Portlands connected to 3Ports before vanishing again, meaning he likely did not leave Three Portlands for any large amount of time for the entire week. His residence during this period was not located, but was likely inside of Three Ports.

When his PTO expired, his signal resurfaced at the location he specified for pickup upon conclusion, and he was brought back to Site-65 without incident. This investigation has shown that Mr Siens has a vested interest in Three Portlands and its people, has questionable affiliations with members outside of the Foundation within the larger anomalous community and has kept a previously unknown way into Three Portlands a personal secret instead of reporting it to the appropriate areas. However, no solid evidence of disloyalty or improper conduct was found.

End of Report.
>Mark investigation as inconclusive
Investigation : Inconclusive
>Schedule followup investigation
Scheduling added, permission from Site Administration requested.
>Access medical file : Jeremy Siens
This file has been marked as private in accordance with the CoE Employee Privacy Act.
Opening file would require Ethics Committee approval, request approval? Y/N
Request Denied.
Response from Site Administration, Site-65, "Permission for followup investigation denied on grounds of privacy concerns after having been deemed unnecessary. Do not ask again."
Scheduling canceled.
Investigation marked as : Concluded
Have a nice day, Agent Kallas.

"Why do I spend every paid day off I get in Three-Ports? Well, it´s the only place I can get a taste of normalcy ever since having the Veil lifted for me. There is no great evil hiding in the dark, because in 3 Ports, no one needs to hide."


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Aug 30, 2022
One of the most competent executives I have ever encountered.
I am yet to have a negative experience with this man.
Extensive well written lore
Active inside of the research department

I genuinely believe that this man is a perfect fit for the role of DoR

Who the fuck is Seremy Jiens?
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Deleted member 2482

I belive you have some DoR potential but I don't belive you are the best DoR canditate at the moment and thus cant give you a +support
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Active member
Jul 25, 2022
Objective: (Very obvious stuff, nobody cares about random executive's input)
+ Comprehensive and detailed application
+ Great lore and understanding of the role

= A long-long time Executive Researcher

Subjective: (comments from a much more newbie executive)
It's always awkward for an executive to comment on another executive. Though, here's some very basic, basic observations. I know many and probably most will wholeheartedly support Siens' bid for DoR due to his rich history in the server. Obviously a newer generation Executive is certainly in no place to comment on this kinda stuff, but from my personal observation ever since Senior Researcher times, Sigma-1 is a kinda inactive division on life support. Don't get me wrong, it was certainly more lively than BIO-2 under Anderson, but it was and still is kinda one of the inactive research divisions.

Regardless, Siens is a
mature person and he is certainly also a good Executive Researcher. Personal expereinces (the handful of them) also reminds me that this dude just won't shut up about SCPs on external comms (Not that its a bad thing lol).

Anyway, good luck Siens!
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
One of the most competent executives I have ever encountered.
I am yet to have a negative experience with this man.
Extensive well written lore
Active inside of the research department

I genuinely believe that this man is a perfect fit for the role of DoR

Who the fuck is Seremy Jiens?

Reasons stated above.
+Support, I can confirm that this man is indeed a certified roleplayer.
+Massive Support

-Questionable German (Joke)
-Femboy (Joke)
About [DATA EXPUNGED] time.... + Diamond Support

I have been asking for Jeremy to apply for DoR since I first ever became a Site Advisor, this is due time, and honestly, it is 100% earned. Jeremy takes the foundation to heart, and will be able to excel research even further than it is already.
+++ Chad Support

This application is incredible and just reflects how competent Jeremy really is. A very long standing member of the Research department and has FINALLY taken the necessary steps in becoming DoR. It is in his blood.
The best of luck Jeremy and I do hope you get a position.

+Loves Researcher (not a joke)

Good Luck Jeremy !!!
Hello, i would first like to thank all the people who have voiced their support, thank you very much, it means a lot.
Now to adress the first few concerns.
I belive you have some DoR potential but I don't belive you are the best DoR canditate at the moment and thus cant give you a +support
I entirely Respect your opinion and agree that millzy would be a very capable Director.

Objective: (Very obvious stuff, nobody cares about random executive's input)
+ Comprehensive and detailed application
+ Great lore and understanding of the role

= A long-long time Executive Researcher

Subjective: (comments from a much more newbie executive)
It's always awkward for an executive to comment on another executive. Though, here's some very basic, basic observations. I know many and probably most will wholeheartedly support Siens' bid for DoR due to his rich history in the server. Obviously a newer generation Executive is certainly in no place to comment on this kinda stuff, but from my personal observation ever since Senior Researcher times, Sigma-1 is a kinda inactive division on life support. Don't get me wrong, it was certainly more lively than BIO-2 under Anderson, but it was and still is kinda one of the inactive research divisions.

Regardless, Siens is a
mature person and he is certainly also a good Executive Researcher. Personal expereinces (the handful of them) also reminds me that this dude just won't shut up about SCPs on external comms (Not that its a bad thing lol).

Anyway, good luck Siens!
While Stevenson does decide to support me,i would like to mention this point of criticism because it is entirely valid. While there are many reasons for Sigma-1´s Status, such being the mass promotion of people who enter it, Seen with Requise, Helinski, The leaving of certain players from the research dpt, for a variety of reasons my members just kept slipping away.

But yes, i recognize that Sigma-1´s lackluster activity is my greatest weak point as an Executive and i do not intend to let it remain as it is. I am actively working on more recruitment and getting the current active project out of the Freezer.

I am very glad you mentioned it, because i did want to address the very obvious concerns with S-1 and i thank you for your well wishes and am glad you support me despite that.
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Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
If I am being perfectly honest: I had given up on this day ever coming.



+ Active.
+ Approachable.
+ Experienced. Jeremy has been with the Executive team for as long as I can remember. He is the most experienced person there is.


+ Nice style/format.
+ Detailed.
+ Very extensive lore.


Jeremy has been a very big part of my time in the Research Department. The department would honestly not feel the same without him. During his tenure as Executive Researcher, he has conducted himself professionally when needed, and made jokes when appropriate, in addition to being a very good researcher overall. I honestly cannot think of someone more suited for this position than Jeremy.

Best of luck.
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