[UK] Jimmy Swan's Exec. Researcher application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:600344032

Discord name: breadpool_

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since january 2023

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: The Netherlands

Time zone: BST+1

Character name(s): F: Jimmy Swan/Jessica Swan/Immy Wong | GOC: Scott ‘Maid’ Swan/Pyotr Ivanov | CI: Jim Swan

Civilian name: Timmy Swan

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Held: CI-G [PLP], MTF E-11 CPL, MTF Nu-7 CPL, UNGOC PVT, GSD CPT x2, DEA Sr agent, E-11 SPC, CI-A
Holding: UNGOC 1SGT


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: no active warnings


Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
The first reason why I'm applying for the role of Executive Researcher is because I noticed the research department currently isn't in its best state and I believe for it to prosper like it used to it definitely needs more qualified Executive Researchers, I believe I can fit that title.
I also have been a Sr. Researcher for way too long (research level 38 AAAH) and I finally think I want to move on in the department, as I feel getting to the rank of Executive Researcher will dissolve some restrictions on roleplay and generally helping people within the department. Along with the loooooong time I spent in the department I believe I have developed the skills required for the rank of executive researcher, besides this I also love helping lower ranking research staff with conducting their tests, writing their documents and helping them understand the research policy better, while I can do this as a Sr Researcher I believe as an Exec people will come to me for help regarding their tests more often than as a Senior. I believe the research department could be what it once was soon, and I would like to be a part of this process.


What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I have been in the research department for a long time and I have seen and interacted with almost all executives and directors that came after january last year, thus I believe I have learnt a LOT about all the SCPs, all the aspects of roleplay that come with the research department and all the knowledge to write excellent documents. Alongside that, I have previously held the CL4 position of general security captain(twice), while I know that rank isn’t as heavily RP based as executive, I believe I have some pretty decent experience teaching and introducing new players to the server and its policies, rules and mechanics, as well as generally knowing how to act in a CL4 position. The RP responsibilities and capabilities of an executive researcher are quite extensive, I believe I do fairly well at creating, leading and participating in roleplay scenarios of any kind really. Besides I also have experience writing excellent documents so I believe grading documents should not be a problem for me.


How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
As of writing this I have written 3 total excellent documents (SCP-008 x SCP-500 Crosstest, A study on Type Green and Hume Distortion Fields and SCP-682 Termination Proposal, tear gas & explosives) There are several things that make a document excellent grade, those are:
Proper formatting:

A front page for a presentation.

An index page including page numbers.
An aims page describing in great detail what the goal of the study is.
A methods page describing exactly how the test will be conducted.
A hypothesis page explaining what you expect to happen.

An equipment page listing all the resources and equipment required for the test, this may include images.
Safety precautions listing all precautions in place to prevent death during the test.
A contingencies page listing all possible events that could end in disaster, and how to prevent them.
A results page explaining how the test went and whether it was successful.
A conclusion page explaining what was learned/gathered from the test.
Good grammar.
Good grammar is very important to ensure all people who read it fully understand all the contents of the document and don't misunderstand anything.

Detailed and extensive writing on each page.
While more text is not almost better, it is always important to include every detail to ensure your test is organized and clear to everyone involved.
Extra features
Using vcomputers features such as lines, images, different text sizes and more can be used to make a document better as they can add more context and detail to normal writing.


What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
An Executive Researcher has many Responsibilities, these include:
  • Reading and critiquing research studies written by researchers and looking for any points of improvement.
    Introducing new members of the research department to all the important policies and procedures.
  • Overseeing tests done by researchers and making sure the Foundation Legal Codex and the Research Department policy are always followed during testing and punishing those who break the FLC and/or RsD Policies.
  • Grading Research Studies submitted by researchers from clearance level 1-3.
  • Grading and approving Research studies if they meet the right criteria, Aims, Methods, Hypothesis etc.
  • Escorting authorised lower clearance researchers to clearance 4 SCPs.
  • Helping researchers by answering inquiries and assisting lower clearance research personnel with research studies.
  • Hosting lectures regularly regarding topics about the research department or about specific SCPs and projects.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jimmy Swan Dossier
May 25, 2023
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Jimmy Swan


Active member
Jul 10, 2024
-Negative support
The only reason I gave you a negative is that I would love it if you’d play a bit more senior before jumping on Executive. A lot has changed, and I think it would be better if you knew everything that's new.
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