UK | Jimmy Wrecking | Ethics Committee Member Application.

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Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Total playtime: 5W 5D 16H
Time in Community: 5-6 Months~

22 (23 on the 11th)
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
UK Time
Character name(s):
Jimmy Wrecking/’Lays’ (Foundation)
David Blame (
Wimmy Jecking (
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Ethics Committee Assistant
Executive Researcher

Site Director
Site Advisor
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings, and why?:
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the position of Ethics Committee Member due to the fact that I would be a great addition to the current roster, and I would be able to live up to the reputation that comes alongside it. With this position, I would be able to create and assist in Roleplay to benefit the server and community as a whole, evenmore so from what I currently am able to do..

If I do get this position, I would hope to oversee either Nu7, Research or Gensec. However, I would not mind what I am assigned.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee:

I believe that due to my previous endeavours on the site, I will be a great addition to the current Committee. Below I have gone into specifics about my experience. I believe that due to my previous endeavours on the site, I will be a great addition to the current Committee. Below I have gone into specifics about my experience.

Research Department

During my time within the research department, I have done many different activities, from assisting Junior Researchers in learning the ropes, to leading the Research Division, Sigma-1, as an executive.

Being an executive, I was taught the best ways to communicate what I wanted to say, down in documents which enabled me to produce many excellent rated documents. While executive, I also gave out many lectures and 1 to 1 training sessions and with that, increased the ability of the researchers below me.
Site Administration

When I was within Site Admin as both Advisor and Director, I gained experience in communicating with different department leads, especially Intelligence due to the Special Procedures we had to undertake on Intelligence. With this, I am able to confidently communicate with other department heads, and get my ideas across to them easily.

Also, from my previous time as a Site Director, I learnt how to communicate with my own team, and get tasks done efficiently as due to the previous Site Director’s computer corrupted and thus, we lost a lot of documents and they needed to be rewritten.
Ethics Committee Assistant

My time as an Ethics Committee, while short, has allowed me to learn the ins and outs of how Ethics, as a department, operates, with this, I will be able to get right to work if I do get accepted into the Ethics Committee.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

Within roleplay, the responsibilities of an Ethics Committee Member are to ensure that high clearance personnel are following ethics, work alongside the O5 Council to ensure the site is running smoothly & create policies and keep the Code of Ethics up to date.
Members of the Ethics Committee are also responsible for performing monthly-ish departmental reviews to ensure they are performing at maximum efficiency.
They are also expected to maintain a high level of professionalism within the site to act as a role model for others.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee outside of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Outside of roleplay, Ethics Committee Members are expected to pick new Directors of Medicine, discuss alongside the O5 Council new Department Leaders for Internal Affairs, and maintain a high level of professionalism outside of the site (discord, Teamspeak, forums).

PleaSe give soMe lore ab0ut yoúr EthiC5 Committee char@<4er aNd whAT 50Try1iN3s 7h3.. # ERROR #

"Oh, for goodness sake. What is wrong with the damn thing. I try to load up one document, and it all messes up... I guess I will have to find the paper copies I keep laying around while I wait for a tech expert to be dragged up here"

Broda Kagen talks on his radio.

"Please send for a tech expert to my office, I will be needing him promptly."

Broda stands up and swiftly walks towards a group of filing cabinets. Opening it up, he starts to search through them.

"Jack.... James..... Jimmy Wrecking, ah there we go, his old personnel file. Doesn't seem to contain his Assistant records, but this will suffice."

Jimmy Wrecking Personnel Documentation

"Ah, this document, right... we had that made to hide his background. Now I have to udate this and get a tech expert in... speaking of when is that tech expe-"

A knock is heard at the door.

"Ah, finally."

Broda opens the door, outside are 2 Omega-1 operatives with a tech expert gagged and blindfolded between them.

"Bring him in, I need to get these computers up quickly."

The tech expert, now free, makes his way over to the computer and studies it. Like a flash, the tech expert bangs at the top of the computer. The 2 Omega-1 operatives point their guns towards the expert. With his hands in the air, the tech expert walks back from the computer and nods.

"Seems like hes done gents, take him back, and don't for get about the you know."

Broda takes a seat at his desk, and begins typing onto the computer.

>> Enter Access Responce for
>> The Foundation rules the world.

>> Awatiing Responce.

>> The Foundation serves the world.

>> Welcome Ethics Committee Member.
>> Please type in your unique phrase to access locked content.

>> We protect the foundation from itself.

>> Welcome Ethics Committee Director, Broda Kagen.
>> What would you like to do?

>> View all files on "Jimmy Wrecking"

>> Displaying results for "Jimmy Wrecking"
| JimmysTribunal.txt
| JimmysSiteDirectorApplication.txt
| JimmysSiteAdvisorApplication.txt
| JimmysMonolog.vid
| JimmysECAFiles
| JimmysRickroll.vid

>> Previous (1/14) Next

>> Watch JimmysMonolog.vid

>> Loading Video (34%)
>> Loading Video (47%)
>> Loading Video (49%)
>> Video Corrupted (#ERROR#)

>> Video corrupted. Found transcript of video on file.
>> Would you like to view? (Y/N)

>> Damit. piece of junk
>> Command not reconised.

>> Video corrupted. Found transcript of video on file.
>> Would you like to view? (Y/N)

>> Y

>> Opening "JimmyMonologTranscript.txt"

Jimmy Monolog
Date Recorded: 01/11/XXXX

A figure sat alone at a table, in front of him was a computer, humming a low pitch. An old radio microphone was placed neatly in front, its cable wrapped around the base then led directly into the computer. Around the room filing cabinets replaced the walls, from floor to ceiling. Boxes spread randomly around the floor, papers spilling out from the lids.

“I used to be a Site Director, you know…” The figure exclaimed into the microphone. “I was on the top, well kind of the top anyway… I HAD SOME INFLUENCE WITHIN THIS DAMN SITE.”

A glass bottle is heard hitting the filing cabinet across the room, smashing into hundreds of pieces. As the shards of glass fell onto the floor, a deep sigh is heard on the recording. The figure takes a look at the computer.

“Damn, this is already recording? I didn’t turn this on, I hate technology, it's damn useful, but it never does anything right. I am going to have to edit all this out of the recording… Better get started.”

The figure takes a long deep breath, sits up straight, takes another look at the computer, takes another deep breath, and starts to talk.

“Hello, the date is [DATA EXPUNGED], My name is Jimmy Wrecking, currently my position at the foundation is of an Ethics Committee Assistant,however, I used to be a Site Director. I know that much at least, they didn’t wipe that part.” Jimmy explained, “Ah, I should probably explain, at the end of my time as a Site Director, they should have wiped my memory using Class F Amnestics, given me a false identity and backstory, and finally, a new job within the foundation. I had chosen an Ethics Committee Assistant for that position. But anyway, when they wiped my memories, they must have picked up the wrong amnestics, as it seemed I had been given class A instead. Someone is going to get fired for that.”

Jimmy leans back in his chair, wobbles a bit as he almost falls over and recomposes himself.

“Ahem, So yes, I don’t have much time before they realise and figure it out, they are not dumb, they have checks for everything. Any moment Alpha-1 could bust in here and… well nevermind. The fact of the matter is that I deserved that position. I climbed my way up from Janitor t. Well, if you are listening to this, I doubt you wouldn't know about how I really became a member of this site. ”

Jimmy rests his crossed arms onto the table in front of him, unknowingly pushing a button on his radio.

“They told me when I became a Site Director. I still don’t believe it myself honestly, but regardless. Apparently, they had discovered me after doing a raid on a casino, there I was, throwing some rigged dice I found, you see every so often those dice would pick a number, and just stick on it. If it picks a 7, I was in for a good day, sometimes it even landed on 12, I never lost. Eventually, the foundation became suspicious, raided a casino while I was in the zone, and questioned me.”

“Of course I feigned innocence, and they believed me after taking the dice. However, they missed a whole part of my trick. I had a little wooden box. Whenever I closed it, the dice appeared back. I could just go to a new town, and keep on gambling. I slipped up eventually however, they found me in a hotel room and took the box alongside the dice. At that point, I did whatever I could do. I still had the money I won so it was a simple task. Pay someone to follow them, and it worked. I found Site-65. The same one I work for now.”

“I managed to get in, don’t know how, they wouldn’t tell me, guess it's that much of an embarrassment for them. But regardless, I got in, stole some poor junior researchers clothes, and just blended in. Apparently I did a good blend in… until I discovered I had no ID or keycard. Some of the same operatives who raided my room noticed me, identified me and I eventually got brought into some office. I confessed and they amnesticated me. Guess they liked my researcher act so much, as they brought me in as a Junior Researcher. And well, my career just took off from then. I wonder what happened to those dice, I think I need to lo-”

The sound of heavy banging comes from the door, it fires open and clangs against the far wall, narrowly missing Jimmy sitting in his chair. Jimmy jumps in surprise.

“What the fu-” Jimmy responded.

“GET ON THE GROUND”. The MTF operative commanded.

Jimmy dove to the floor, with hands behind his head. Terrified. Heels clicked on the floor, and a soft voice replied.

“Sorry, Jimmy, I’m sure you’re aware how we need to be kept safe here. Please, raise your head,”

Jimmy raised his head, looking at the person standing in front of him. It was a recognisable face, one of the Ethics Committee Members.

“Apologies, Didn’t recognise you, I was expecting Alpha-1, not yourself.” Jimmy explained

The figure looked at Jimmy confused.

“Why? You pushed your emergency button on your radio, why would Alpha-1 come to your rescue? But anyway, thanks for letting us know your location. I was meaning to speak to you about something anyway… Please, come with us.”

The figure and Jimmy both leave the room, followed by Omega-1.

"This situation... Well I suppose he recorded it, so now its with us forever. But silly Jimmy, I ensured that it was only Class A's," Broda thought to himself, "But SCP-7137, those Dice he was talking about, that was an intresting story"

>> Open 'SCP-7137.scp'

>> Opening SCP-7137. View.

"Man, I still remember giving the OK to those raids, he sure got us good for a few times. Now, how did his interiview go, I'm sure [REDACTED] was in charge of that, lets look at the CCTV footage."

>> Connect to Camera-43.

>> Connecting...

The office contained 2 chairs, both standard blue office chairs. Alongside the bare walls was a single filing cabinet, overflowing with papers so the draw bulged. On the ceiling contained just a single striplight, illuminating the central table leaving the rest of the room in darkness.

The door flung open, through it stepped Jimmy & a figure in heels behind him. The figure gestured with their hands for Jimmy to take a seat in the chair furthest away from the door. As Jimmy sat down, the chair let out a quiet squeak. He wondered whether or not this old chair could support him. As the figure sat down, Jimmy started talking first.

“This room doesn’t get used much huh? The seat's a bit creaky…” Jimmy mentioned.

“No, that's just your weight, however we can fix that in due time.” The figure replied, “But moving on to what I wanted to speak to you about, you are aware of what the Ethics Committee represents within the foundation, correct?”

“Yes, the Ethics Committee serves to ensure that nothing unethical happens within the foundation.” Jimmy quickly answered.

“On the surface, yes, we are here to ensure that nothing unethical happens.” The figure explained, “However, that is not always done so… easily, you could say. ”

The figure pauses for a moment, collecting their thoughts.

“We… ensure the darkness doesn't fall too far into the void.” The figure finally said. “While during research, things may happen that could be seen as going too far, we turn a blind eye. Do you know why, Jimmy?”

“Because research needs to enter taboo subjects, to achieve satisfactory results?” Jimmy returned.

“Exactly,” the figure said while taking a small pause to drink some water, “We exist to figure out what's taboo, and what's not. Do you realise our importance within the foundation?”

“I’m getting it, I believe. So in essence, we are trying to protect the foundation from itself?” Jimmy questioned.

“Perfect, I can see why he mentioned you for this interview.” The figure beamed.


“You’ll come to know them very shortly.” The figure takes a glance up at the lone security camera. “I think he may have eyes on us right now in fact.”

“Anyway, you probably know about the O5 Council right? Men in black suits, look like they just came out of a Men In Black audition.” The figure said.

“Yes. I do know of them” Jimmy retorted. “They are the ones who failed to check to see if I got amnesticated properly after my retirement from Site Director.”

“So you have decided to come clean to us about that,” The figure smirked, “Worry not, we won’t be fixing that now. Mostly because we only fix mistakes. We knew about that, we had our Omega-1 operatives swap out the jars. Good work on playing that part though, they had no idea you only received class A’s. ”

“Wait… All that was intentional, and I did that big monolog just in cas…” Jimmy was interrupted by the figure. “Yes. I believe we even have a copy of that on our system… Perhaps we can watch it some time.”

“No no, that won’t be needed… I don’t need to rewatch that drunken spill. ”

“Moving on. We kept your memories intact so that you could perform your Assistant role to its maximum capabilities, and that you did. Wonderful work by the way.” The figure mentioned in passing. “We have seen what you can do, and are here to offer you a promotion, Mr Wrecking. I do hope you already know what that means.”

“Me? Become a member? Even with my past acts?” Jimmy sputtered out.

“Yes, you will be surprised what a member of the Ethics Committee can do, all that, gone, wiped away. You will still exist of course, as we are the friendly Ethics Committee. You will just be Mr Wrecking. So, what do you say?”

R. Slicker

Well-known Member
Aug 30, 2022
Well written in depth lore
Has experience in other CL4 positions ( SD)
Very Professional ECA

'Delta-7' LadBaby2006

Active member
Nov 3, 2022


From my early days on the server I have always looked up to this man. Compitent, professional, skillful and dedicated. Wrecking is a man worthy of this position.
-Johnny 'Delta-7' Livingstone


Active member
Apr 18, 2022
It's Jimmy Wrecking, what more needs to be said?
Untitled (3) (5).png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Jimmy's application for a position on The Ethics Committee.

Thank you for showing your interest as a member of the Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be on The Ethics Committee. However, you will be put on a trial period for the position. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you're ready for your interview.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved
Broda Kagen

Director of the Ethics Committee​
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