[UK] Jinkins Jr Exec Res Application

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Jinkins Jr

Well-known Member
Apr 15, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

D A V E Y#9563

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

6-7 months

In what country are you located?: Eastern Europe (Will tell if needed)
Time zone:


Character name(s):
-Sophie Wattson
-Bailey Powers
-Robert Wheeler / Houston Armstrong
-Andrew Thompson ('Guardian')
-Boris Oleski
-Jinkins Jr
-Henry Baker

Civilian name:

-David "Thatcher" Rodgers
-Sean Mctavish

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- yes, although im known for cutting out or sounding echoey
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-NU-7 PVT (Had)
-Sec CPT (Had)

-Intelligence Ambassador (have)
-GOC 1SGT (Have)
-RRT (Have)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
1 warning: Failrp (entering the facility as a civ)
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I've spent a lot in this dept, (since when Siens where an executive), and in general enjoyed planning/writing experiments,
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I believe I have a lot of experience as a senior researcher, making both unique, and interesting experiments that may further assist roleplay with differing depts, but also be able to successfully do cross-test or in general more grand experiments, (having successfully done an SCP-096 termination, and so on)

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-In general, I have two Excellent docs (one being removed before the map change), one being a psych analysis on the effects of SCP-099 (my first experiment as a jr before the map change), and SCP-409 Blood analysis and infection delay (had to upload it twice due to minor misspelling).
Generally, good consistency and a good narrative story make a document interesting, since most experiments are viewed as creative writing.
and having minor details noted, such as grammar, punctuation, etc.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

-The responsibilities of an Executive Res consist of overviewing the Research Dept, this either being training new researchers to this dept or overviewing any experiments if deemed necessary, they're required to analyze and make sure that experiments are both ethical and follow the guidelines (COE / COC, etc).
they may suggest, changes to an experiment if deemed necessary, thinking of every possible outcome, both positive and negative to risk the possibilities of a containment breach.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

**Opening Case file. . .**
**Please insert Account Information**
**Name:** *****
**Password:** *****

***Acess granted, please stand by***

**Name:** Bailey Powers

**Current Rank:** Senior Biohazard Reasercher (BIO-2 M)

**Biographical Information**:
after multiple differing experiments, it was suggested to promote researcher powers to a senior rank due to overall good performance within the dept, having worked for a period of 10 months within foundation custody, psychological scanning showed that they were deemed fit for promotion.
*On the date of 01/13/2022, Medical Consultant informed both Site Command/ Research Directors of unforeseen growths located onto the subject Liver, both benign and malignant).*

**Close File?**

**Open file 05/10/2021. . .**
**Name**: Bailey Powers
**Current Rank:** Junior Researcher
**Biographical Information**:
On the date of O5/10/2021, Doctor Bailey Powers was selected for a 4 Year contract by the Department of External Affairs (DOEA), due to relations to Prometheus Labs.

Deleted member 3942

Application Denied

Greetings @Jinkins Jr . Thank you for taking your time to write an executive application. Unfortunately we have come to the consensus that you are not yet suited for the position of executive researcher and are ,therefore, to be denied. The reasons for your denial may be elaborated upon if you wish to contact us regarding this matter.

Yours sincerely,
Dpt. Director Dr Engallagher Carmine Ludenberg
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