Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):Enelk1
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 14 months
In what country are you located?:Norway
Time zone: GMT+2
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): John "Bergen" Wells [Changed Nickname to Bergen from Ion]
Chaos name (include your rank): CS Jonny Wells
Civilian name: Alex Peter
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:454345970
Discord ID (name#0000): qdqd001
Do you have a mic?: yes
What server are you applying for?: UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
JUN 27 [Kick] AFK prevention- Used some console commands to stop going afk- Did this because I needed to take a shower and didn't want to lose my disguise as an d class.
AUG 16 Spawn camping- Spawn killed ERT as 323- Thought it wasn't as you spawned inside the helicopter, not the ground where you landed.
SEP 1 Failrp-Dont remember it- Most likely unattended
Sep 30 Ardm-Shoot a ranger in a vehicle outside- I believe I was a bit more happy-trigger that day, my finger just locked down on that trigger.
-------------------------------New year 2023-------------------------------
Left the server
Note: Hoped back on for like a dag, or to. \/
Mar 9 ERP-Said a made up link in OOC- May have gotten a bit far but not too far either, it was a non working joke link.
Joined back
JUN 11 Failrp-Spawned a vehicle as D class- Forgot a bit after joining back
JUN 11 LTARP-Crashed under CI interrogation- a bit confused that after i joined back i was warned for LTARP when i tryed to go back to CI Like i can have had this removed, and rp the interrogation
Year after year, beast after beast, he fought everything, and he became older and older. One night he woke up, and went outside, the night was cold, filled with fresh air, and the smell of salt. As he was walking back inside, an blast came, and then an fire spreading into the sky, he was that the fire coming from the prison , as he heard the shrieks of the beasts from the fire, they ran out of the fires, and onto the bridge as the keeper watched, in shock of what he is seeing. He ran back inside, grabbed his armor and his sword, and rushed back outside, ready for the battle of his life, as the beast rushed at him he cut,and cut, ripped and teared, he killed the beasts as more and more came, he fought the beasts until he saw him.
A red knight coming from the flames untouched,and unharmed, the Knight wasn't like the other beasts. This one was the one who unleashed this chaos, he was their king, his bright burning sword was sharp and long ready to kill and tear anyone who tried to stop him. For the first time he felt fear, he ran inside into the wine cellar, and poured the Magical liquid onto the floor" as he thought that this may be the last battle of his life, and the last night of the town. He ran back up,and ran outside and killed and killed the monsters in an instant, as the knight walked closer and closer, he was ready to fight the battle of his life, as the knight came close, he swung at the knight, but missed, the knight came in an full attack and swung his sword low, and cut the keepers stomach, he fell onto the floor, bleeding heavily but he stood up, and ran into his house on the bridge, he looked back, and saw all of the beasts running to the end of the bridge,some making it over.
He ran in, and into the wine cellar bleeding all over the place, He then lit a match, holding it in his right arm, he waited and became more and more pal but still stood. The knight enters holding his sword ready to behead him. As the knight is about to swing, he drops the match onto the wet floor, the entire room bursts into flames,and the liquid explodes, the entire bridge is blasted to ruins,and the fire lasted a full 3 days on the bridge. That day the keeper defended the town from the red knight, and the monsters will had destroyed the town. The keeper sacrificed himself to defend the town, the bodies of the red knight and the keeper were never found. After the days to come monster attacks become a problem in the town, as some monsters, and beasts escaped over to the other island. However the boy who the keeper talked to many years ago was now a man, and started his own army to defend the town from monsters and beast forever.
In this event it will start by some bats, humanoids and rat creatures being found near pinewood and some report of them on site. They will then find the Gatekeeper in coma and the medical DEPT has the goal to get him out of coma. Then rifts will start to slowly open, and the creatures start attacking in solo groups. After some time these rifts will become bigger, and bigger until they stop and close. After they close two really big rifts will spawn, one in HCZ reactor, or the 939 area, and Lake house, or the no man's land near pinewood. These rifts will be the gate to the another universe and e-11, and nu-7 have to go in and destroy these rifts, as the gatekeeper is up and is working with the foundation, the research dept has to make special reality anchors and reality blockers to close the gateway forever. Once nu-7 and e-11 have both the anchors, and blockers they will go in and fight some small monsters and beasts,then the boss fights.
They have to face a fast, big, and strong giant with a red skull on his head. He has the same powers of type blue,9000,049, and 049-2. As well many dpt/GOIs can make rp decisions on how to handle the event like gensec can start helping to defend LCZ from monsters or GOC or CI can capture or help the foundation to close the rifts. (If this was an event that would have been, I would have added more detail,and more info. But because this event's intro and info of the event is so long i will end it here)
Note: Some people say that this event is really hard to do because it has scp-001, or the fact no NL or SL will approve it. However this event does not have scp-001 himself in it, but an image of scp-001 being in the event. because in reality having scp-001 the scarlet king in an event is like a bunker of plot armor to work, because the fact is that scp-001 can just snap his fingers and the universe gets destroyed.
An ethics was found dead in ethics offices, the ethics chairman has tasked to O-1 to find and bright justice to the murder, and make sure that no one knows of it until justice has be brought.
A-1: The Prankster
Someone or something inside the foundation, is planting dummy c4s,dressing as ci , and giving false callouts, as an possible way to confusion us, find who is behind this, stop them, and find their plan.
Nu-7: Tall Grass
An new GOI that is nearly invisible on surface is attacking the compound, they like to use alot of camo, likes to do ambushing, and hunt down mtf, and goc, they need to be neutralize,and captured for questioning.
E-11: Dr. bright
Dr. bright is in an tough situation, "again". He was experimenting with 049-2, the book of disease,and 914, and is trapped inside 914 with an large highly contiguous zombie spider, and the doors are webbed stuck, as well the queen spider is starting to hatch small spiders.
CI: Tax payers funds
CI are low on their funds, luckily foundation has an visitor. CI most capture a POI(alive) and his briefcase containing 100 million in encrypted crypto. They need to one interrogate him for it, or attempt to hack it open which is an cl6 hack. The target is located inside ez in the bunker.
(for this event we will give 50k for the 50% kidnapper and hacker/interrogator, and the other 50% to the one who lead the mission)
UNGOC: Cleaning job
GOC has in some way, or other uploaded an highly sensitive document on to an media named "duckchat" they need to go inside the media's HQ building, locate the right server hosting it , and delete the chat logs, and the post of this file.
Foundation Staff: inside programing
An spy from an GOI is hacking, and uploading viruses to computers, as well stealing documents, and overhearing people of CL5 information and CL4. Tech experts , it technicians, and IA have to fix the computers, look for clues, and find the SPY.
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 14 months
In what country are you located?:Norway
Time zone: GMT+2
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): John "Bergen" Wells [Changed Nickname to Bergen from Ion]
Chaos name (include your rank): CS Jonny Wells
Civilian name: Alex Peter
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:454345970
Discord ID (name#0000): qdqd001
Do you have a mic?: yes
What server are you applying for?: UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
[UK] John "ion" Wells Special Agent Application [Reapproval]
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:454345970 Discord name: qdqd001 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 10-11 months Age: 15 In what country are you located?: Norway Time zone: UTC +1 Character name(s): John "ion" Wells Civilian name: Alex peter What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...

[UK] John "ion" Wells Special Agent Application
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:454345970 Discord name: qdqd001 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 10-11 months Age: 15 In what country are you located?: Norway Time zone: UTC +1 Character name(s): John "ion" Wells Civilian name: Alex peter What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...

[UK] John Well's 096 Application
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:454345970 Discord name: qdqd#6051 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Round 10 months with Age: 15 In what country are you located?: Norway Time zone: UTC +1 Character name(s): John "Ion" Wells Civilian name: Alex peter What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or...

Made a new one, because marco wanted it loged again in the system.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
MAY 26 Metagaming- Make someone flagg on as 076-2 for breaching in OOC- Didn't know it was metagaming at the time, because you can flagg on for research as an scp without punishment.JUN 27 [Kick] AFK prevention- Used some console commands to stop going afk- Did this because I needed to take a shower and didn't want to lose my disguise as an d class.
AUG 16 Spawn camping- Spawn killed ERT as 323- Thought it wasn't as you spawned inside the helicopter, not the ground where you landed.
SEP 1 Failrp-Dont remember it- Most likely unattended
Sep 30 Ardm-Shoot a ranger in a vehicle outside- I believe I was a bit more happy-trigger that day, my finger just locked down on that trigger.
-------------------------------New year 2023-------------------------------
Left the server
Note: Hoped back on for like a dag, or to. \/
Mar 9 ERP-Said a made up link in OOC- May have gotten a bit far but not too far either, it was a non working joke link.
Joined back
JUN 11 Failrp-Spawned a vehicle as D class- Forgot a bit after joining back
JUN 11 LTARP-Crashed under CI interrogation- a bit confused that after i joined back i was warned for LTARP when i tryed to go back to CI Like i can have had this removed, and rp the interrogation
Warnings: 8 (5 old and 3 new)
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
No, but have had interest in event roles on other scprp servers before.Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, i was in another server named gaminglight scprp server, and was an CI first class, and generally did good rp there.How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Depends of course, but mainly 5 to 2 on an normal day, it can as well be lower of Real Life things like tests and studying.Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
Because for an long time before Civil SCPRP, i was in an SCPRP server that is now gone, but had many things like scps, GOIs, and fun rp, i was on the server for 3-4 months, and it was fun rp, one of the main dream role there was the event team, because of the possibilities, and the general fun you and others, can have with some well made events, that you created.What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I have experience with pac3, like dropbox, animation, particles and more. I like to put time into things like roaster making, documents, chemcial making and generally into all places i can, events is likely one of those things as well i will likely be put my time into. I can as well edit videos, and make trailers for large events or small, as well make imagines like promotion posters,and more.Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
The Canadian Outfit
Surface Event PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE RPReggie: How has it been my brother?
Norbert: Good have been with my family, and my friend Erwin down in Ottawa.
Reggie: How was the operation down there.
Norbert: Good there are many dealers there, and smugglers able to work with us. It is only about the produce we need to work on now.
Reggie: That's great to hear, any heat in Ottawa.
Norbert: No, the dealers, and smugglers are suffering to get their hands on produces after their local gang was shut down 18 months ago.
Reggie: I see, when can we make another operation then.
Norbert: We are ready to open a new one. Any ideas where we can open it?
Reggie: When I think about it, Erwin talked to me of an remote place with low police force, and most likely accepting bribes as well.
Norbert: But won't it be hard to get the supplies there, because it is remote?
Reggie: Not really, it has some dirt roads connected to an motorway not far away.
Norbert: Good, what product do you want to make?
Reggie: Crystal has been cheap lately, same with grass,and flour, i think magic pills can work out.
Norbert: Good then i will spread the word, who will be the Head of our operation then?
Reggie: I need someone I can trust, and you fitt just that. I need you to get some chemist, and get the lab on the run.
Norbert: Alright, where is the place.
Reggie: It is in an place named pinewood, a bit up north, any questions.
Norbert: Yes will we get the supplies we need or do we need to get them?
Reggie: Make a list for me, and I will get them for you.
Norbert: Great then, see you later.
The event is called "The Canadian Outfit" and is based around an criminal organization, or "outfit" setting up an MDMA lab in pinewood.
And at the same time, making sure none of the rangers knows about it. But what if the outfit found out of the site or CI? What will happen then?
The Event will be targeted for surface roles, like (Rangers, GOC, CI, and the Mayor) and will be possibly made in series, like one event there is an drug transport, one where it is passive RP like making and selling the drugs in pinewood, and maybe an raid on the site if they find out of the goods inside.
Norbert: Good have been with my family, and my friend Erwin down in Ottawa.
Reggie: How was the operation down there.
Norbert: Good there are many dealers there, and smugglers able to work with us. It is only about the produce we need to work on now.
Reggie: That's great to hear, any heat in Ottawa.
Norbert: No, the dealers, and smugglers are suffering to get their hands on produces after their local gang was shut down 18 months ago.
Reggie: I see, when can we make another operation then.
Norbert: We are ready to open a new one. Any ideas where we can open it?
Reggie: When I think about it, Erwin talked to me of an remote place with low police force, and most likely accepting bribes as well.
Norbert: But won't it be hard to get the supplies there, because it is remote?
Reggie: Not really, it has some dirt roads connected to an motorway not far away.
Norbert: Good, what product do you want to make?
Reggie: Crystal has been cheap lately, same with grass,and flour, i think magic pills can work out.
Norbert: Good then i will spread the word, who will be the Head of our operation then?
Reggie: I need someone I can trust, and you fitt just that. I need you to get some chemist, and get the lab on the run.
Norbert: Alright, where is the place.
Reggie: It is in an place named pinewood, a bit up north, any questions.
Norbert: Yes will we get the supplies we need or do we need to get them?
Reggie: Make a list for me, and I will get them for you.
Norbert: Great then, see you later.
The event is called "The Canadian Outfit" and is based around an criminal organization, or "outfit" setting up an MDMA lab in pinewood.
And at the same time, making sure none of the rangers knows about it. But what if the outfit found out of the site or CI? What will happen then?
The Event will be targeted for surface roles, like (Rangers, GOC, CI, and the Mayor) and will be possibly made in series, like one event there is an drug transport, one where it is passive RP like making and selling the drugs in pinewood, and maybe an raid on the site if they find out of the goods inside.
"Something that's nothing"
Server wide event PASSIVE RPHow came I be? How came the void be?
I guess the void is the void
I have been floating here forever
Falling and falling
Just blackness and my mind who's has somehow not crazy by now
I guess I will do this forever and forever until my mind overloads and destroys itself
Or something happens like......
I have no clue what will happen when I think about
I have never see anything
And how can I talk?
So many questions
No answers
Maybe I can escape from here, but how?
I have it!
I can try and force my mind to go out of the void
but how?....
Lets try something
I want to go out
Yes I want to leave
#H#TS H#PPEN#IN#...........
In this event there will be an entity that is free from the void, and is now curious about what the world has to offer. He will be passive,talk,and walk around. He may as well talk with scps like 999 or 682. And is loving of all things
He will generally teleport around, and see what's happening and talk to them. It will be as well an fun event for research and other staff within the site to talk with him.
he will not be in the site only as well he will talk with CI GOC all interact with everyone.
I guess the void is the void
I have been floating here forever
Falling and falling
Just blackness and my mind who's has somehow not crazy by now
I guess I will do this forever and forever until my mind overloads and destroys itself
Or something happens like......
I have no clue what will happen when I think about
I have never see anything
And how can I talk?
So many questions
No answers
Maybe I can escape from here, but how?
I have it!
I can try and force my mind to go out of the void
but how?....
Lets try something
I want to go out
Yes I want to leave
#H#TS H#PPEN#IN#...........
In this event there will be an entity that is free from the void, and is now curious about what the world has to offer. He will be passive,talk,and walk around. He may as well talk with scps like 999 or 682. And is loving of all things
He will generally teleport around, and see what's happening and talk to them. It will be as well an fun event for research and other staff within the site to talk with him.
he will not be in the site only as well he will talk with CI GOC all interact with everyone.
"Ms Ethics"
Site event PASSIVE RP$Fileopen Ethics_Office_BlackBox_##/##/##
Opening Audio File......
*An door can be heard opened,Fast*
Broda: Ms Ethics! I didn't expect you here
*She looks at him, staring into his brown eyes*
Ms Ethics:Good day Broda
Broda: So uhh, why are you here?
Ms Ethics: I need to do some cleaning and changes here
Broda: Wh....uh
*Broda looks at her, worried*
Ms Ethics: I need you to neutralize these scps and make sure that this Sr Researcher is promoted to Executive
*Hands over an picture of scp-6534 and 135, and a picture of jeremy*
Broda: Oh i thought you meant..... nevermind, i will authorize the neutralize trials and promote the researcher
Ms Ethics: That's great as well make sure the researcher is save i don't want to change the Curve plan again
Broda: Wait did we change it, again?
Ms Ethics: Yea, the Administrator didn't like my idea, so we made a new one.
Broda: Wait so what are the chances of an K-class in the future
Ms Ethics: We don't know but we are moving away from Event-X1
Broda: Well that's a positive, any more new things i need to know about?
Ms Ethics: No that's all
Broda: Alright, then
Ms Ethics: As well, can you let the O1 PVT inside here
Broda: Sure..
*Broda tells the o-1 to come in and he entres*
Ms Ethics: What's your name
O1 Pvt Fireworks: My code name is PVT "Fireworks"
*Ms Ethics pulls out an paper and sees Fireworks below the title Death*
Ms Ethics: That's all i need
*Ms Ethics pulls out an magnum with depleted uranium rounds and, fires the o-1 in the head, making it explode*
Broda: JESUS
Ms Ethics: He was needed dead, for us
*Broda can't Find his word*
Broda: I KNow just warn me BEfore You DO
Ms Ethics: Maybe, see you later
*Ms Ethics walks out the door*
.......................End of Audio File
Ms Ethics is the codename of the person above ethics chairman, and Works with The Administrator. Both of their lore tasks(In this event) is to edit the timeline into their agenda no matter what as long it does not pass their limit. The Administrator limit is that “they can do it” and Ms ethics limit is that “humanity must survive”.
The event itself will be a passive event, and mainly for CL4+. And she will basically create special rp and fun rp, which can be like special work perms for d class or more.
She as well have anomalous powers like "grant pass" Makes all people she
Uses them on, to become Loyal to her or a group of people, and the other is "Fog Cleaner" which she can see into the future. As well all of these powers are to make more rp and cant be used in combat.
Opening Audio File......
Note: If you have found this file, Congrats you are so close to finding the Truth. -The Administrator -Ms Ethics
* Broda signing the ethics information intro music**An door can be heard opened,Fast*
Broda: Ms Ethics! I didn't expect you here
*She looks at him, staring into his brown eyes*
Ms Ethics:Good day Broda
Broda: So uhh, why are you here?
Ms Ethics: I need to do some cleaning and changes here
Broda: Wh....uh
*Broda looks at her, worried*
Ms Ethics: I need you to neutralize these scps and make sure that this Sr Researcher is promoted to Executive
*Hands over an picture of scp-6534 and 135, and a picture of jeremy*
Broda: Oh i thought you meant..... nevermind, i will authorize the neutralize trials and promote the researcher
Ms Ethics: That's great as well make sure the researcher is save i don't want to change the Curve plan again
Broda: Wait did we change it, again?
Ms Ethics: Yea, the Administrator didn't like my idea, so we made a new one.
Broda: Wait so what are the chances of an K-class in the future
Ms Ethics: We don't know but we are moving away from Event-X1
Broda: Well that's a positive, any more new things i need to know about?
Ms Ethics: No that's all
Broda: Alright, then
Ms Ethics: As well, can you let the O1 PVT inside here
Broda: Sure..
*Broda tells the o-1 to come in and he entres*
Ms Ethics: What's your name
O1 Pvt Fireworks: My code name is PVT "Fireworks"
*Ms Ethics pulls out an paper and sees Fireworks below the title Death*
Ms Ethics: That's all i need
*Ms Ethics pulls out an magnum with depleted uranium rounds and, fires the o-1 in the head, making it explode*
Broda: JESUS
Ms Ethics: He was needed dead, for us
*Broda can't Find his word*
Broda: I KNow just warn me BEfore You DO
Ms Ethics: Maybe, see you later
*Ms Ethics walks out the door*
.......................End of Audio File
Ms Ethics is the codename of the person above ethics chairman, and Works with The Administrator. Both of their lore tasks(In this event) is to edit the timeline into their agenda no matter what as long it does not pass their limit. The Administrator limit is that “they can do it” and Ms ethics limit is that “humanity must survive”.
The event itself will be a passive event, and mainly for CL4+. And she will basically create special rp and fun rp, which can be like special work perms for d class or more.
She as well have anomalous powers like "grant pass" Makes all people she
Uses them on, to become Loyal to her or a group of people, and the other is "Fog Cleaner" which she can see into the future. As well all of these powers are to make more rp and cant be used in combat.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"The two island bridge"
(This intro is long, but you don't need to read all of it,)
Once upon a time, there was a bridge connected to two islands in the middle of the ocean. On one island there was a prison full of creatures and beasts, and on another there was a town with all types of people. On the bridge was a keeper, an person who made sure none of the escaped beasts and creatures went on the other island, and he was loved by the people, he was given coins and coins for his bravery, and service. One day a salesman comes to the bridge, and offers a magic liquid named "HnT" the salesman says "one man can kill a lot of people, But never alot of monsters", the keeper buys it and stores it in his wine cellar in his house on the bridge. One night a kid walks on the bridge alone, the keeper comes to him, and the boy says "one day will become one of the people who keeps the monsters inside of the prison" the keeper says "You are a boy, grow stronger, and your dream may come".Year after year, beast after beast, he fought everything, and he became older and older. One night he woke up, and went outside, the night was cold, filled with fresh air, and the smell of salt. As he was walking back inside, an blast came, and then an fire spreading into the sky, he was that the fire coming from the prison , as he heard the shrieks of the beasts from the fire, they ran out of the fires, and onto the bridge as the keeper watched, in shock of what he is seeing. He ran back inside, grabbed his armor and his sword, and rushed back outside, ready for the battle of his life, as the beast rushed at him he cut,and cut, ripped and teared, he killed the beasts as more and more came, he fought the beasts until he saw him.
A red knight coming from the flames untouched,and unharmed, the Knight wasn't like the other beasts. This one was the one who unleashed this chaos, he was their king, his bright burning sword was sharp and long ready to kill and tear anyone who tried to stop him. For the first time he felt fear, he ran inside into the wine cellar, and poured the Magical liquid onto the floor" as he thought that this may be the last battle of his life, and the last night of the town. He ran back up,and ran outside and killed and killed the monsters in an instant, as the knight walked closer and closer, he was ready to fight the battle of his life, as the knight came close, he swung at the knight, but missed, the knight came in an full attack and swung his sword low, and cut the keepers stomach, he fell onto the floor, bleeding heavily but he stood up, and ran into his house on the bridge, he looked back, and saw all of the beasts running to the end of the bridge,some making it over.
He ran in, and into the wine cellar bleeding all over the place, He then lit a match, holding it in his right arm, he waited and became more and more pal but still stood. The knight enters holding his sword ready to behead him. As the knight is about to swing, he drops the match onto the wet floor, the entire room bursts into flames,and the liquid explodes, the entire bridge is blasted to ruins,and the fire lasted a full 3 days on the bridge. That day the keeper defended the town from the red knight, and the monsters will had destroyed the town. The keeper sacrificed himself to defend the town, the bodies of the red knight and the keeper were never found. After the days to come monster attacks become a problem in the town, as some monsters, and beasts escaped over to the other island. However the boy who the keeper talked to many years ago was now a man, and started his own army to defend the town from monsters and beast forever.
The Event
This map change event will be based on a history of two universes being connected by an gateway, in this gateway an person named the keeper protects the gateway like no creatures, or beasts escape into the another. One universe is a prison of chaos where all of the bad things get sent to from the other universe, in the other universe we have us. Some time ago this gateway got under attack from the prison universe where an entity known as the scarlet king who was(in this event lore) was the creation of the pure chaos there and formed an hivemind(basic the scarlet king is one person but as well an mind controller of scps)and form an rebellion against the other universe. When the keeper was heavily damaged he destroyed the gateway, and he went into a coma. However some of the creatures, and beasts managed to escape into the other universe,and the foundation was born. After some time the creatures,and the hivemind started repairing the gateway and to get revenge on the people there.In this event it will start by some bats, humanoids and rat creatures being found near pinewood and some report of them on site. They will then find the Gatekeeper in coma and the medical DEPT has the goal to get him out of coma. Then rifts will start to slowly open, and the creatures start attacking in solo groups. After some time these rifts will become bigger, and bigger until they stop and close. After they close two really big rifts will spawn, one in HCZ reactor, or the 939 area, and Lake house, or the no man's land near pinewood. These rifts will be the gate to the another universe and e-11, and nu-7 have to go in and destroy these rifts, as the gatekeeper is up and is working with the foundation, the research dept has to make special reality anchors and reality blockers to close the gateway forever. Once nu-7 and e-11 have both the anchors, and blockers they will go in and fight some small monsters and beasts,then the boss fights.
They have to face a fast, big, and strong giant with a red skull on his head. He has the same powers of type blue,9000,049, and 049-2. As well many dpt/GOIs can make rp decisions on how to handle the event like gensec can start helping to defend LCZ from monsters or GOC or CI can capture or help the foundation to close the rifts. (If this was an event that would have been, I would have added more detail,and more info. But because this event's intro and info of the event is so long i will end it here)
Note: Some people say that this event is really hard to do because it has scp-001, or the fact no NL or SL will approve it. However this event does not have scp-001 himself in it, but an image of scp-001 being in the event. because in reality having scp-001 the scarlet king in an event is like a bunker of plot armor to work, because the fact is that scp-001 can just snap his fingers and the universe gets destroyed.
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: Calling JusticeAn ethics was found dead in ethics offices, the ethics chairman has tasked to O-1 to find and bright justice to the murder, and make sure that no one knows of it until justice has be brought.
A-1: The Prankster
Someone or something inside the foundation, is planting dummy c4s,dressing as ci , and giving false callouts, as an possible way to confusion us, find who is behind this, stop them, and find their plan.
Nu-7: Tall Grass
An new GOI that is nearly invisible on surface is attacking the compound, they like to use alot of camo, likes to do ambushing, and hunt down mtf, and goc, they need to be neutralize,and captured for questioning.
E-11: Dr. bright
Dr. bright is in an tough situation, "again". He was experimenting with 049-2, the book of disease,and 914, and is trapped inside 914 with an large highly contiguous zombie spider, and the doors are webbed stuck, as well the queen spider is starting to hatch small spiders.
CI: Tax payers funds
CI are low on their funds, luckily foundation has an visitor. CI most capture a POI(alive) and his briefcase containing 100 million in encrypted crypto. They need to one interrogate him for it, or attempt to hack it open which is an cl6 hack. The target is located inside ez in the bunker.
(for this event we will give 50k for the 50% kidnapper and hacker/interrogator, and the other 50% to the one who lead the mission)
UNGOC: Cleaning job
GOC has in some way, or other uploaded an highly sensitive document on to an media named "duckchat" they need to go inside the media's HQ building, locate the right server hosting it , and delete the chat logs, and the post of this file.
Foundation Staff: inside programing
An spy from an GOI is hacking, and uploading viruses to computers, as well stealing documents, and overhearing people of CL5 information and CL4. Tech experts , it technicians, and IA have to fix the computers, look for clues, and find the SPY.
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