[UK] John Nuts GM App

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John Nuts

Active member
Jan 12, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Random
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: I have been playing SCP RP since 28th August 2022
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Turkey
Time zone: GMT +3
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF E-11 LT John Nuts
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Josh Nuts
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:559842659
Do you have a mic?: No
What server are you applying for?: UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application I made

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have 9 warnings and 2 bans. However they were when I was immature and I have improved. I haven't received a single warning for the past 3 months
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: I dont have previous GM experience
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I had 3 weeks of serious Star Wars RP experience
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I cant be active daily however I can be active for 6-8 hours every friday, saturday, sunday; 1-2 hours every wednesday
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I want to become a GM because I want to bring rich and unique RP experience to the server
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I believe that Im special over the other applicants for the following reasons

1) Originality: My events are completly unique from the others, constantly having custom thought out SCP and storys that gives involved sides a rich RP experience.

2) Events including multiple sides: My events includes multiple sides to interact with instead of limiting it to 1 side.

3) Lore: My events have lore that has been thought out weeks before executing, reviewed multiple times to ensure a storyline that makes sense and make it mysterious and exciting for the involved groups

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1) Battle over SCP-████: An emergency call comes from Site 46 informing about SCP-████ which has escaped their site. The caller tells that he has been detected near Pinewood and sends them a document about the SCP itself and how to contain it. However due to deepcovers in the site CI also has the information about SCP-████ and want to use it to their advantage. On the other hand GOC after hearing about this SCP multiple times by the citizens decides to investigate it and after SCP attacking them GOC has set a goal to capture an destroy the SCP at all costs. Nu-7, B-1 and E-11 must work together to contain the SCP while CI attempts to capture it to use it to their advantage.

OOC: The SCP can be sampled for a random rare item including freedom, L5 card and chemicals. The SCP will attack any person with military uniform with random weapons, changing his weapon every kill. SCP has 20k HP and it cant be terminated. GOC is neutral to both CI and foundation. The SCP looks like an extremely thin human with his skin randomly changing lights.

Groups Involved: CI, Nu-7, B-1, E-11, GOC

2) Recovery of Executive Researcher ████: Due to a containtment breach at Site 75 SCP-███ had to be transferred to Site 65. Once interacted the SCP will teleport people that are 200m away from him to a giant mansion. Mansion contains multiple entitys that are hostile. During a test executive researcher
████ who was an extremly valuabe member of the foundation got teleported inside the mansion. O5 and Ethics has sent isd and any avaible MTF unit to recover the researcher.

OOC: A citizen named Site 75 Director Sam will type <Site 75-Site 65> Open secure comms Y/N? After that a SA+ will say Y and Sam will explain that due to a breach on site 75 the SCP will be transferred to their site inside crosstest.
After a researcher who is a person helping with the event comes with a d class when d class interacts with the scp I will teleport both of them to the mansion. After e11 that was supervising it saws what happened to executive researched he will call it on com which will lead SC to send ISD and E-11 to get h back. The entity's contained there will be 2 helpers spawning in the mansion every time the die. They will be modeled as a humanoid figure with sharp teeth's and a black skincolor. They will have 939 swep to attack. Foundation needs to climb to the highest floor found the reseaecher and escort him back to safety.

Groups Involved: O-1, E-11, A-1

3) The Fate Man: During a night at pinewood an advertisement played on all communication devices about a fortune teller who calls himself "Fate Man". After hearing multiple reports of Fate Man guessing peoples future foundation sends interest agents to investigate the Fate Man. After intelligence agents witnessing Fate Man guessing future right multiple times foundation sends Nu-7 to capture the anomaly and put it at crosstest for research.

OOC: A broadcast on open comms will be displayed writing "Want to know what will happen to you? Want to know what is your future? If so come to Pinewood to learn you future for free!"
After that 2 people that are helping with the event will come get their fate told and the fate will happen. After that they will call "The weird fortune teller at pi ewopd guessed my future correct". Which then SA/SC/Intel ambassador+ will order 2 intel to check on this SCP. After going to him and get their fate told and happen they will request assistance from nu 7 to get this fate man to the foundation. After nu 7 having conversation with fatean he will agree to come which then he will be placed at crosstest waiting for researchers to test on him.

Groups Involved: Nu-7, Intel, B-1, Research Staff, E-11, Citizens

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server) During a crosstest of newly retrieved scps at foundation the test goes wrong and teleports everyone at pinewood to a new dimension. Civilians are panicked and started forming groups to survive the place while foundation looks for an exit to this dimension while CI attempts to survive the place on their own and attempting to hunt high level foundation personnel.
The dimension contains multiple hostile entity's with different abilities

OOC: A person helping with the event will be modeled as executive researcher testing on 2 blue shiny orbs. During a test the 2 orbs will cause a blue explotion effect which will lead for the events to happen. The dimension will consist of abandoned broke buildings, a light blue skybox and some shining blue entity's. Blue entity's will be ppl helping with the event. There will be a orb that they must find. After finding the orb and interacting with it it will return everyone to pinewood.

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: A member inside the foundation is a suspect for breaking foundation loyalty and working for a GOI. O-1 are tasked with investigating it.
A-1: A helicopter crashes inside a forest with documents containing classified stuff about O5 and the foundation. A-1s goal is to find those document before someone else gets it.
Nu-7: A GOI known as Dr. Wondertaintments is inside pinewood selling anomalous toys to the citizens. Nu-7 must stop them before everyone at pinewood knows about SCPs and have possesion of them.
E-11: An unknown hostile SCP is spotted at the foundation. It seems to be invulnerable to bullets. E-11 must try to find a way to contain the SCP
CI: CI gets a knowledge of an SCP that would benefit CI a lot. Only problem is that its inside the foundation. CI must raid the foundation to get their hand on the SCP.
Foundation Staff: Foundation Staff Depends on the Department:

Medical Department: A L4 personel with an unknown disease is inside medbay. Medical Department must find a cure before its too late.

Research Department: An unknown SCP is captured at crosstest. They must study the anomaly to uncover secrets about it.

Deleted member 1285

= Neutral
- Decent? application, could always include more depth to the last 5 questions, very basic answers as well for the last 5.
- Dedicating custom lore towards each event seems like a ridiculous task, I am not being harsh but good lore takes long to write and due to this I imagine this criteria will be hard to be met with.
- A lot of combative events, unsure about building quality either?
+ Cool guy ingame, good interactions with.

I wish you the best of luck with this application, try and add more depth to the last 5 and make them less combative ideas.
- Julien White

Alex Bones

Active member
Apr 18, 2022
Application denied

Hello @John Nuts ,

Thank you for taking the time to make a Game master application!

Unfortunately, I am going to deny this due to you not having access to a microphone, which is one of the essential requirements for this position. Additionally, one of the reasons we are unable to approve your application at this time is because some of the events you have written about lack depth and detail.

You may apply again within 2 weeks.

Kind regards,
- Event team Lead Alex Bones
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