[UK] John Paul's Site Advisor Application

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John Paul.

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 5, 2022

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:527259207

Discord name: Xyz2#5236

For how long have you played on CG SCP: since January 19th

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: Ireland

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s):


John "Irish" Paul

[Chaos Insurgency]

John Paul the 2nd

Civilian name:

John Paul the 1st

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP-UK

Do you have a mic?:

- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:



Holding, Overseer Assistant

Holding, Intelligence Ambassador

Held, MTF Epsilon 11 Lieutenant

Held, MTF Epsilon 11 Sgt

Held, MTF Alpha 1 Cpl

Held, MTF Alpha Lcpl

Holding, SCP-096

[Chaos Insurgency]

Held, Delta Commander

Holding, Delta

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


I have a total of 7 warnings for the following.

1. ARDM.

2. Fearrp.

3. Failrp.

4. Combat cuffing.

5. Failrp.

6. Body Blocking.

7. Combat cuffing.

Last warning was in march

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

- I am applying for Site Advisor because i would like to experience the RP side of the server more, Since i joined this server ive always been on the Combative side of the server being in E-11 and playing CI, Ive been playing Overseer Assistant for a while now and i would like to join the higher ranks of the foundation, I believe i have the experience for this postion as im already a Overseer Assistant and A intelligence Ambassador and Have Administrative experience

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

- I believe I am sutible for this postion in the Foundation is my experience in the Foundation i have seen many differents fields and how departments and MTF regiments work I do my duties as a Overseer Assistant, I would be ready to do my work as a Site Advisor when ever i am need to do it, A main part is my activity recently i have been very active on the server playing for nearly 4-6 hours a day so i would always be on Site so If some one needs Site Admin i would be there to help them out. I also show professionalism in all my current jobs and don't mess around.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:


Direct personnel on site

Oversee the site and its activity

Give orders during Codes

Monitor situations outside of the facility

Monitor departments and MTF regiments within the facility to make sure they are doing there jobs correctly and smoothly

Getting Assigned to a Department/Regiment and reviewng said department/MTF regiment​

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

John Paul was born in 3/9/1995 in a small town in the west of Ireland, hes family was really poor and He had a rough childhood he lost hes 2 younger brothers due to deseaes when they were young after hes brothers died john was really never the same person he lost all intrest in all hes hobbies he stopped hanging around with hes friends, He stayed inside hes house for days at a time he started to fail all hes classes, when he turned 18 he had made the decision he wanted to join the army,After being in the army for 4 years he had been promoted to Irish Air force captain because of hes brillant work in the field on missions, soon after hes promotion he joined the Irish spec ops division he was a outstanding soilder. Soon foundation agents in the Divsion started to see Johns talent and recruited him, He started out as a Gensec cadet and a few months later was promoted to officer a year later he was promoted to sergeant, After a couple of months John joined the Intelligence department, as a agent John had started out as any new agent would,By infiltrating the Chaos insurgency base twice and stealing 2 cl4 documents from them and keycards.After a few years as a agent and writting many documents and completeing many missions with his fellow agents John was called to the director offiice, at first John was nervous thinking he was in trouble but he wasn't the Director had explained how Talented John was at hes job and how he was a hardworking agent and offered him a postion has a intelligence Ambassador. John Accpeted

After working as a Ambassador for a few years and doing training many intel agents and conducting many operations and doing his ambassador duties 1 day he was called to floor 3 by O5-[Redacted] he came up and was told to follow the MTf opertives, he was taken into a room full of men in black suits [Overseers] they explained to John how he was a hard working Ambassador and done his duties well and had impressed his superiors ,So they offerd him a postion in the Foundation, The job of Overseer Assistant, John Accepted and was given his interview.

After Becoming a Overseer Assistant John did his duties that were assigned to him and he did them well, After a year of working with A-1 and doing his tasks John wanted to become more within the foundaiton John decided he wanted to become a Site Advisor so he waited another 5 months of doing the best he could at his job then he decided the time was right he wrote his application spending the whole night and day writing it. He sent the Application in and waited.

If you have any questions about this application feel free to DM me at
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Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2021
-/+ Neutral
Honestly, I believe that your positions as IA Ambassador and OCA show that you have experience with CL4 positions, but quite frankly I haven't interacted with you much in game.
7 warnings is quite excessive, but they are from a very long time ago so I don't think that means anything anymore.
The only thing that I believe would make this a +Support would be to see you interact more openly in game with people/myself and to potentially prove that you have the documentation and paperwork abilities that are needed for SA.​
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Reactions: John Paul.


Active member
Apr 18, 2022
+support lads been on the server in high positions for long enough, knows his stuff


Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022


Unfortunately @John Paul., your application has been denied.
You may contact any Overseer for feedback.

You may re-apply in two weeks.
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