[UK] John Strive's Overseer Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023

<<LOGIN Attempt 1>>

3 Attempts remaining>>

Clearance Level 5 Override>>


Displaying File #60195>>

Steam ID:
<< STEAM_0:1:598932529 >>

Discord name:
<< BigMaxMer >>

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
<< 8 months+ >>
<< 500 hours of vtime >>

<< 15 >>

In what country are you located?:
<< Germany >>

Time zone:
<< GMT + 1 >>

Character name(s):
<< SCPF Arnold Askon John Strive >>
<< U.N.G.O.C SGT John Lastimosa >>

Civilian name:
<< Mac Donald >>

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
<< UK >>

Do you have a mic?:
<< Yes >>
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

DEA Agent
E-11 CPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Screenshot 2024-04-27 165523.png

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I believe to be the best candidate for the position of OSA because, I have a huge amount of experience coming with an ability to adapt which under my believes fits the role of an OSA quite well, aswell as the ability to endure high stress situations that comes with my prior mentioned experience in this server, i have seen the aspects of all roles in the server, as i played a majority of my time as a member of the research department and Mobile Task Forces found in Site-65, aswell as UNGOC. I Believe myself to be a great fit for my loyalty and experience on this server.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Orders given by the O5 Council are ABSOLUTE and are required to be followed by all members of site Administration and below, this includes the OSA, which is the right hand man of the O5, assisting to fulfill ALL orders given by them with upmost faith and loyalty.

The Top Most priority of a OSA is to represent and assist the council, stepping in for the council members in absence of them and commanding A-1 if no O5 are available, Representing the values and orders of the council is an important duty, OSAs may also attend meetings as a representative or otherwise risky areas of interest and report back to the O5 if it could endanger the council themselves to attend.

Duties of the OSA are also to manage the site and its personnel, as well as giving orders to lower ranked personnel in the case of emergencies like a code 5, OSAs should authorize AA and man AA doors, if multiple SCPs are breached and taking the site into a lockdown if needed, aswell as commanding combatives to assist and non-combatives to evacuate to safe areas, OSAs may also be needed for authorization of MASS TERMINATIONS in the case of a uncontrolled D-Class Jailbreak, this should only be done as a last case scenario in a breach or MAJOR raid, and should not be done if there is no higher ranking that is currently IN-SITE agreeing with it, as example an O5, if the OSA is the highest ranking member of SA+ on-site they are permitted to authorize it, discretion is advised.

OSA should oversee the site if no immediate orders are to be carried out, reporting back to an O5 member in case of suspicious behavior or other dangerous activity regarding site safety, OSA should also assist in smooth operations around the facility as their duty of overseeing it, opening important doors, including but not limited to blast doors to HCZ or EZ and opening 008 doors for a sweep, although this should be rather done by a MTF CO or other more " disposable" or specialised units rather than a OSA in case of infection, OSAs also have the authority to order MTF and GENSEC to deal with life-endangering personnel, this includes but isn't limited to: treason or failing to abide by the ROE, especially under the same team.

OSA should deal with information regarding CL4+ knowledge and hinder any info breaches as well as giving access to relevant personnel if needed, giving access should only occur with the permission of O5 or other SA+ in relevant cases. OSA are also expected to assist the O5 in documenting and creating new documents and information.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<<Access Attempt 1>>

<<Clearance 5 biometrics required>>

<<Brute Force software detected>>

<<Unauthorized Access attempt logged>>

<<A-1 "Enforcers" Dispatched>>

<<Dispatch Cancelled>>

<<Access Granted, Welcome ₵ⱧłɆ₣ ØVɆⱤ₴ɆɆⱤ "██████">>


CL5 File 0002# CL5
"Anomalous Contact"

On the 21th of October █ a "Type-Black" Demi-god had breached containment from a secure containment underground structure in the Saskatchewan area in possession from the U.N.G.O.C , the anomaly was destructed in Destruction site-43 from a U.N.G.O.C "Strike Team" approximately 15.5 km from the location of OSA John Strive, following abnormal events were recovered from a log in the terminal of SCP-2000 and other anomalous records, Death of all non-anomalous human beings in a radius of 14.3 KM and transferal of approximately 682 human beings to alternate dimensions, shift of hume readings across the observable universe for approximately 3.5 seconds, permanent hume decrease of OSA john strive, Disappearance of SCP-█ , creation of a Parallel "Shadow Dimension" and appearance of a "red spot" on the planet Jupiter. OSA John strive has a semi-immunity to reality bending, if the wielder is a novice in reality bending. this effect also applies to Site Advisor █ .M . No other living human beings show this effect.

CL4 File 0003# CL4
On the 01/10/20█ OSA John Strive was captured from the U.N.G.O.C in an experimental "HRHS" a high area hume scan experiment, revealing low humes across his vicinity, after a raid from the SCP foundation on U.N.G.O.C destruction area-43 John Strive was recovered, interrogated and employed at the foundation, under the influence of several amnestics and brainwashing procedures. most of these amnestics were all neutralized upon the promotion to OSA.

CL4 File 0000# CL4
"Personal Document"
"JOHN STRIVE" Personal Document
Last edited:

(Calvin Lucien)

SCP-RP Staff
Apr 5, 2023
- No Jr CL4 experience
- Not well known (UNGOC)

- Good application
- Warns are inactive

I’m guessing you play UNGOC so maybe that’s why I don’t know who you are but I feel you are not qualified for this position due to the lack of CL4 experience so I suggest getting one first

Best of luck
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: 'Kaz'


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Dec 20, 2023
+ Support
- Epic App
- Is on DEA

also, @(Calvin Lucien) OSA is a Jr CL4 position, no prior CL4 experience is required for the position
While that might technically be true, osa is the Jr cl4 with the highest position on the coc higher than that of lts and cpts, considering this guy has never played a cl4 role ever it seems unlikely he'd a be a good fit. 99% of the time OSA have prior cl4 experience


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
I have seen the replies and do appreciate all the feedback, i do understand the concerns about having no prior CL4 experience, my reasoning to chose the position of OSA was to be actually able to get CL4 experience in the first place, i do have access to a CL4 job in UNGOC now as a SGT but in the foundation this would be my first, i don't feel specifically drawn to any department specific CL4's and searched for something more neutral, being a sub-ordinate of another high ranking seemed to be my best option, applying to a site advisor position would have been too many responsobilities at once, advising the whole facility. On the other hand OSA are more of a right hand for a CL5, i dont have the direct responsiblies but more of a smoother start, i do know OSA do have their responsibilities and it won't be easy, but this just looks like the best option to me, as i feel like this is my safest bet, and OSA's dont need to carry as much weight, being very well under the authority level of actual SA if unordered, I do hope these questions resolve themselves if im lucky enough to get invited into an interview! Thank you very much.


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
I apologize for the inconvieninces caused, stayed up later than i should have, couldnt think straight and did a mistake, wont happen again, i'll reapply when i'll get more mature and manage my sleep schedule better. Thanks for watching out for the community and giving me a -support, ill remember this in my future behavior on the server.
Mar 20, 2022
A lot of you commenting here do not understand how OSA should work. You can go straight from CL3 to any Junior CL4 position and lack of CL4 experience should never be factored into this. OSA is an excellent way to learn from the highest positioned players on the server and the current O5 should be aware of this. Quite shocking some of you don't view it that way.

I will be giving you a +Support. Your application is excellent and the way you maturely deal with these replies shows your willingness to improve. Best of luck going forward.
Jan 16, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @BigMaxMer,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
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