[UK] John Talvaski Internal Affairs Ambassidor Application

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Kira Rose

Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56884070
Discord name: GTnKGaming#1158
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 days 2 hours
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT/BST
Character name(s): Agent John Talvaski
Civilian name: I dont currently have a civillian charicter
What server are you applying for? SCP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador? I have been playing as internal affairs for a couple of days and so far it has become my main charicter as i thorougly enjoy the role and find it extremely engaging and fun. I am apply for Internal Affairs Ambassador because i hope to further use my roleplay experiance and skillset in order to assist Internal Affairs in carrying out their duties as well as ensure the team is working well together. I hope through this position i can promote further roleplay and encourage others to invest into their charicters as i do with mine.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: A wide number of things, In these recent days i have gained a lot of experiance observing and interacting with the player base and see the type of RP that can be done and the multitude of avenue's it can take. I am a very adaptive roleplayer with 14 years roleplay experiance. I am a very strong communicator with great teamworking and leadership skills gained from multiple walks of live. I am always calm and collected as well as mature and conduct myself in a manner that is appropriate for the situation.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: So far i have written 2 IA documents that where arrest reports i acknowladge that i need to do more in terms of IA paperwork and aim to remedy this by giving more time to ensure i do paperwork that is required i aim to ensure i have relevent paperwork for every arrest i make. I have also made a number of papers for research in terms of research study that where rated good and learnt how i could improve them. What makes a document good is that it is detailed yet to the point, Easy to navigate and read, Informative and easy to proccess.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: Internal affairs ambassador's are senior agents that work closely with IA leadership to coordinate the team ensuring everyone is on the same page and conducting their duties. Ambassador's also act as individuals can go to if they have any problems or question in order to recieve tutorage and guidence.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: John Talvaski is a middle aged male that has been working in the foundation for a while he is a very respectfull man calling his peers and work colleuges by "Sir" to ensure adiquite respect is delivered. John is very by the book and makes it his goal to ensure the foundations rules and standerds are upholded. John aspires to work his way up the chain of command in the foundation and aims to do this through his dedication to work and portraying a good image. John tends to be a kind man yet stirn. I think the main question with John is how high does he asspire to go......

Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022

Hello John, my current opinion on your application is being placed as a + Support, as of now you happen to be the hardest working IA on the server. One reason I have decided to support your application is because instead of making blatant first second suggestions, you always consult the Code Of Ethics beforehand, fact check everyone including yourself and then proceed with a punishment. Secondly, you are always professional and mature within roleplay and out of roleplay. Lastly, as of your recent enlistment into the Omega-1 Regiment, you have clearly proved your maturity and behavior within the server to higher ranking personnel and so fourth.

As of now my opinion on your application is a + Support.

+ Support
Mar 19, 2022

Application Accepted

Good day, Agent Talvaski

After seeing your hard work through the last weeks and getting positive feedback from the most active ambassadors, we've come to the conclusion that you're more than capable of performing ambassadorial duties. Welcome to the team. Find me In Character and I will get your whitelist assigned by an admin and guide you into your first steps as an ambassador.

Kindest Regards and congratulations,
Director Katona.
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