[UK] Jon 'Kwill' Hegart's Overseer Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81832601
Discord name: Kw1ll#0583
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 900+ hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Jon 'Kwill' Hegart, Ben 'Kwill' Hogart
Civilian name: Kwillium
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, my lovely blue yeti which totally did not cost me £110

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Nu-7 COM
- CI-A/B

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Jons kicked me once because I told him to "Cope".

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- I have leadership qualities that not many others possess, and I am not scared to throw my weight around if need be. I also have heard many stories about how O5 are getting burned out, there's a lot of work and other things that make me upset. I wish to take a step into this position not only to help out but to better understand the council that I already closely work with.

During my time as Nu-7, ever since I became LT, I have pushed and pushed for better regiment standards and understanding between us and other Dpt's. I'm sure others can tell you about the work I have done, but I shall state some of the things I have achieved with or without help of others.

I have reformed Nu-7 from when they used to be the biggest joke on site, to a regiment that people can call their "favorite" and respect.
I have created friendly relations with every other MTF, other DPT, and even CI.
I have completely changed the way Nu-7 view and do things, all whilst teaching others to do the same.
I have decreased CI raid success chance by more than 50% since I have joined
I have created more than 7 documents, they look pretty good imo (fr)
I'm sure others can vouch for the other things I have done.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

- Assisting O5 members with any tasks/petty tasks they need doing
- Patrolling site to see if anyone needs any help
- Forwarding messages/requests from Dpt's towards the O5 council
- Making sure site is functioning normally
- Overseeing MTF members, making sure they are doing their job.
- Creating documents for O5, noting things for them

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Jon Hegart was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the 5/06/1995. Originally raised to be a farm boy, Jon Hegart would plough the fields of wheat and potatoes day after day. His young soul wished and yearned for more in life, was this all his purpose? Jon decided to run away and join the military, assisting in WW3, where he earned the nickname "Kwill", and quickly rose the ranks to MAJ.

One day, out in the field of combat he saw... something. Jon froze, unable to comprehend what he saw. Before he could muster the courage to do anything, Jon heard the whirring of helicopter blades overhead, which broke him out of him temporary coma. Jon quickly ran behind some rubble to watch the oncoming carnage, the huge monster that Jon couldn't even begin to stand up against, was getting felled so easily by a small squad of unknown soldiers.

Once the monster was felled, Jon had a revelation. He knew that this was his purpose, and that this is where his life had led up to. He ran up to the soldiers.

Jon 'Kwill' Hegart; "What.. Who... What are you?!"
???-?; "Are you MAJ Kwill?"
Jon 'Kwill' Hegart; "I.. Yes? Who are you? How do you know my name?!"
???-?; "Look into this camera please sir."

Jon Hegart stared for a millisecond, and blacked out. When he woke up, he found himself in a strange, whitewashed room. He had a bucket of MREs next to him, designated to the "SCP Foundation". Jon was confused, he had never heard of such a place, nor seen such a monster nor seen such quality of troops. Once Jon began to sit up, the lights started beaming harder, covering his eyes to avoid the pain he did not see as an unknown figure walked into the room and sat down.

???; "Subject, 612FA, Class... Above Average."
Jon 'Kwill' Hegart; "Who you calling Above Average you donkey faced uterus?"
??? Snickers to himself, Jon smirks in response.
???; "I've heard quite a few things about you, but I guess they forgot to mention how bold you are."
Jon 'Kwill' Hegart; "Skip the useless introductions, what do you want?"
???; "It's quite simple really... Join us."

The rest, is simply history...

Deleted member 2482


I have been around kwill thought my whole time on the server, mostly thorough Nu7. He is a pleasant guy to be around great leadership skills and is more than fair, I feel like he is more then capable of being a OA. He without a doubt is the main reason why Nu7 is a great regiment. The only downside is that he is raising the bar for OA :C
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Mar 15, 2022

I rarely make support comments. Unless there is something substantial to comment on.


There was a time when a majority of Nu-7 functions required for COs to exist. Leading to simply COs transferring out or straight up resigning. Which was overall unhealthy for the regiment. But during this time, he distinguished himself above all others. I've seen his struggle, alongside many others.

I've also seen him grown as a person. Admittely he has made a few mistakes but atleast he can learn from them which makes him a great candiate for the long term.

He is also a great judge of character. Since he was put directly in charge with assigning [LDR] NCOs with little oversight and quite frankly the results speak for themselves.

Nu-7 was in a desperate need for reform. In all directions. Ranging from..

  • Giving people a sense they had a future somwhere. Giving people an incentive to do their job right.
  • Structures and Departments to allow for a rapid expansion. (Because, how else are you gonna support a 65 player regiment)
  • Distinguishing ourselves from other regiments. By offering what other regiments don't have.

He had played a part in all of the points listed above.

He had vision, he was given his own department with Nu-7 because i knew he would do great things. Because he had more time than i had. He shared in the philosophy i had which was "If we can't attract talent, we bulid talent".

And when the time came, I knew who i could entrust the future of the regiment to.


So, how will this make him a great assistant?

He was simply given a direction when he was a Nu-7 CO and carved a great path for the regiment. He can do the same for the Council.
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Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2022

Has the mindset and attitude for more of the Overseer/O5 side rather than ethics imo, so he'd be a perfect match
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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 18, 2022
+All the reasons stated above
Happy to see you applying for OA, good time for us to work together
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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
HUGE +Support
All the reasons above, leads Nu-7 incredibly well and would be an amazing assistant,
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