[UK] Jon 'Kwill' Hegart's Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
1,400+ hours

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: BST

Character name(s):
Jon 'Kwill' Hegart

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for?: UK

Do you have a mic?:

- Yes, Blue Yeti

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Nu-7 COM (1,200+ hours)
Overseer Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Jons kicked me once for [Reason] (I told him to cope in admin chat)

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

- After many hours of Nu-7, and as their COM, I realized my potential in leading and being a frontier for both ideas and application for them. I feel as though I can do the same within the Site Advisor position. I was also recommended into taking this role several times, and think it is definitely worth a shot.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

- If any of you remember what Nu-7 was like before me, you will know why I would be suitable. For those that don't, Nu-7 was the joke of site. I changed that with my peers, being the frontier for almost every change within the regiment since the time I reached LT.
To better list my feats, I will list those I can remember;
- Lead the [LDR] path
- Lead the entire CO team (as CPT)
- Wrote 15 documents, totaling nearly 200 pages
- Created 5 Squadrons, made their roster and documents.
- Fleshed out the Sub Dpt's of Nu-7
- Lead the first successful raid against CI in more than half a year
- Got activity from 5-7 a day to 16-20 a day
- Changed all the duties of Nu-7
- Reformed several bad characters
- Created [Aa], the first joint squadron
I will not list more to save you reading space

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

- Giving Advise in site, whenever needed.
- Responding to any requests or questions asked of you
- Delegating tasks and orders to Dpt's
- Keeping up to date on said Dpt's (Reviews, pop ins, e.t.c)
- Delegating orders during Code's
- Leading Personnel into the PW Bunker during crisis
- Negotiation Deals/Diplomacy
- Serve the council

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Starting point of lore; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d14D6arK8-673bDrTQ6XI8QWd_Vbv-RCPNTjhD8i9S8

After 'Kwill' Had gotten brutally embarrassed, he set out to train even harder. Through his training, Kwill had become impatient, unsettled and strived for more. So he worked even harder, surpassing the likes of anyone set out before him, but nothing felt real anymore.. It was all petty illusion to distract him from his own near death and failures.

This did not make him happy, and so he sought to find himself via searching elsewhere, that was when the O5 Council appeared in front of him...

O5- █ : Hello 'Kwill', still letting your defeats bother you?
'Kwill' : Ofcourse, I was once hailed as the best, just to be saved by some guy who seemingly was doing a normal day job...
O5- █ : Well, we have a new role in store for you, if you want to take it.
'Kwill' : Name it and give me a price, I am a loyal man
O5- █ : Site Advisor, with 3 times your current salary since you love money so much.
'Kwill' : That is a lot of money... I'm in.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 27, 2022
Nawwwww I remember asking him if he wanted to be an advisor when I was director and he pure slated the role.

+big support though
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  • Haha
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'Delta-7' LadBaby2006

Active member
Nov 3, 2022
From what I have seen, Kwill has been a great asset to the Foundation in many ways. From Nu-7 Commander to Tech Expert, he has been the hero we needed. I am confident that he will do amazing in a Site Advisor position as in the past Kwill has shown immense dedication and passion to this community. However there is only one downside, his application. Although Kwill has went over all of the key points to the Site Advisor role, his application lacks 'effort'. Overall, I will be supporting Kwill for Site Advisor.
-Johnny 'Delta-7' Livingstone
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Well-known Member
Aug 27, 2021
  • Hes funny
  • Admin man
  • Chill dude
  • istfg if u go afk when i need a document pinned ill f***** **** ******** ********** ********* ********* ***********.
  • Wow
Reactions: Kw1ll
Jun 19, 2022
  • Well experienced as a leader
  • Been a major asset to the server for a long time
  • Decent Application for a Tech Expert
I remember you mentioning a long time ago about becoming Site Admin at some point so I'm glad you've finally made an application for it! You're well known in both Site-65 and Site-56 for your incredible work, leadership, and dedication in both UK Nu-7 and as staff; so you've already proven that you're more than capable of the position. Aside from that you're also well liked and respected between both sites.

Expanding on your leadership skills; Even before you became Commander, you brought up UK Nu-7 from the "joke regiment" that it was to one of the most respected and player-friendly regiments on the server. Even after your assassination resignation from Nu-7- the effects of your changes are still felt and followed almost to a T. On top of that is your achievements as a staff member on the server. As someone that you mentored, I can personally attest to your skills as both a teacher and a leader in that regard.
This is all stuff that will, of course, translate really well to a leadership role such as Site Advisor.

You'd be undeniably incredible in the position of Site Advisor and I look forward to (inevitably) working with you on-site again.
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+Support leading to Support
-Seems like an active person
-He has some cl4 experience

Kwill revived an entire regiment by bringing in new mechanics, squads, subdivisions and making docs that are 10/10. He's taught a lot of people who are in high positions right now, his leadership skills are> apart from being a funny and nice person to talk to, definitely a person worthy of having a role like Site Advisor.

GL with the application man.

O-1 LT Anthony “Pilot”.
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Deleted member 2482


+Great Nu7 Maj and Commander
+Has Experience with paperwork
+And always ready to help people

Kwill has been a wonderful major through Commander in my time in Nu7, he has made reforms to Nu7 that made it the most active regiment by far ( at least during my time in nu7 ) and had introduced many baselines and ways of Nu7 that make it a distinct regiment. He is also one of the more active admins and is always ready to help. During my time being an admin Kwill has helped me a lot and always done it very fast, and I really believe this puts him above the rest. He also has quite a lot of documents made witch would be usefull considering that SA is very paperwork heavy
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Reactions: Kw1ll
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