[UK] Joshua Bond Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Dec 31, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26721075
Discord name: Joshua Bond
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 months
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Joshua Bond - Foundation, Josh Bond - CI
Civilian name: Jeff Bond
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes, am active on teamspeak
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7, CI
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Nope
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador? I am applying for the Internal Affairs Ambassador role to expand my commitment towards ethics within the Foundation. I also believe there are too many agents who are not so 'ethical' and I believe a competent and experienced person should regularly be monitoring the conduct of the agents as some feel they can get away with whatever these days.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I am mature, experienced and committed to ethics within the foundation. Although I understand the importance of what we do, I also strongly believe in people’s rights and the importance of everyone’s wellbeing. I am someone who can calmy handle a situation and deescalate a situation before it gets out of hand whether it be dealing with GenSec or other personal around the Foundation.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written a couple during my time with the Foundation and that also includes my time with both the Internal Affairs department and Research Department. Personally, the most important thing to make a document good is a decent title. If the title is not relevant to the document than it will be difficult to find or simply ignored.
Within a document id expect clear facts and information rather than unnecessary jargon. It’s important for a document to be specific and provide exactly the information it’s trying to get across to the reader rather than just a bunch of words that mean nothing or provide no value.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: The role of the Ambassador includes the following: To fulfil the role of an Internal Affairs Agent, to provide training and education to new Agents when the director requires the extra help, to monitor existing agents and provide guidance and advice where it is required, to take action when an Agent is being unethical or when an Agent ignores another employee being unethical, to ensure Agents are doing exactly what they should be doing rather than another role and to advice the leadership team including site advisors, site directors, ethics committee and more. In addition to working with the leadership team, on behalf of the council and committee we can perform investigations when requested to do so.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My Internal Affairs Ambassador character would be someone who personally has experience a GenSec employee being unethical towards themselves and another in their past while performing another job for the foundation. This led to my character learning and working their way towards the Internal Affairs Agent/Operative where they took the role of monitoring Ethics very seriously and saw the importance of maintaining Ethics within the foundation. As of lately, my character has been disappointed with the actions of Internal Affairs and as such is looking to make change and improvements within the department to bring them up to the standard expected of them. To ensure all Agents fully understand the importance of enforcing good ethics and correctly punishing those who are unethical and understand the correct processes for doing so.
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Dec 10, 2022
While I believe you show potential promise, I have yet to see you. Other than that:
+Previous CL3 MTF Experience
+Research Documentation Experience (if claims are true)

-IA join date is 01/01/2023
-Lore section isn't very well detailed and is written as an explanation, rather than an in-universe introduction. Feels like a ramble, and not necessarily to the point.
-Grammatical/Spelling mistakes w/ the occasional writing style trip-up.

Overall, I am leaning towards a -SUPPORT, but I have yet to be able to verify certain things. This feels extremely early for someone whom some of our more active ambassadors have yet to see.

Internal Affairs Ambassador Jack "Dragon" Vincentio
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Dec 31, 2022
While I believe you show potential promise, I have yet to see you. Other than that:
+Previous CL3 MTF Experience
+Research Documentation Experience (if claims are true)

-IA join date is 01/01/2023
-Lore section isn't very well detailed and is written as an explanation, rather than an in-universe introduction. Feels like a ramble, and not necessarily to the point.
-Grammatical/Spelling mistakes w/ the occasional writing style trip-up.

Overall, I am leaning towards a -SUPPORT, but I have yet to be able to verify certain things. This feels extremely early for someone whom some of our more active ambassadors have yet to see.

Internal Affairs Ambassador Jack "Dragon" Vincentio
View attachment 5403
Thank you for the honest feedback, I confess the grammar mistakes are simply due to writing the application with speed. I wrote this when I was having a quick 5-10 minute break from work. I do plan to revist the application asap, so I can correct the grammar mistakes within.
With regard to the 'lore section' are you expecting more of a 'Hi, my name is blah blah and I come from blah blah. In my past I have done blah blah. What lead me to the fondation was blah blah. I choose to sign up with Internal Affairs because of blah blah' ?

I also noticed you mentioned about how extremely early this is. You recently signed up to the server yourself, late 2022 around November/December? So I do not see how that is a fair or relevant statement when you have also become an Ambassador in a short period of time.
Dec 10, 2022
Thank you for the honest feedback, I confess the grammar mistakes are simply due to writing the application with speed. I wrote this when I was having a quick 5-10 minute break from work. I do plan to revist the application asap, so I can correct the grammar mistakes within.
With regard to the 'lore section' are you expecting more of a 'Hi, my name is blah blah and I come from blah blah. In my past I have done blah blah. What lead me to the fondation was blah blah. I choose to sign up with Internal Affairs because of blah blah' ?

I also noticed you mentioned about how extremely early this is. You recently signed up to the server yourself, late 2022 around November/December? So I do not see how that is a fair or relevant statement when you have also become an Ambassador in a short period of time.

In terms of honest feedback, generally, the Lore Sections are done from a more IC perspective, though your method can also work! In terms of overarching structure, its better to mention anything necessarily big you may have done - even if it doesn't seem significant. It helps us pinpoint who does what/etc. As for my own jointime, I did actually join towards November, more or less around that time - but I did investigations/etc which really helped my standing.

This is more or less a NEUTRAL because myself, and a few others haven't seen you! Its more or less an activity thing, and as for the speedwriting-

Yeah, I get that! Its generally a concern since Ambassadors do have to write documents/announcements for the rest of IA as required, and we like to keep a high standard to keep the flow of information clear!


- I have not yet seen you in IA myself, which really affects these applications. I would suggest you spend more time in the department and improve your image in the department aswell. Application is decent enough, and you seem to know about the duties very well. No warnings/bans despite the decently big playtime, which is a good sign.
Dec 31, 2022
- I have not yet seen you in IA myself, which really affects these applications. I would suggest you spend more time in the department and improve your image in the department aswell. Application is decent enough, and you seem to know about the duties very well. No warnings/bans despite the decently big playtime, which is a good sign.
Thank you for the feedback. I play IA quite a lot to be fair, I spend half my time on the server as IA. If there were activity logs, this would clearly help and show that I have many hours signed on as IA.
I don't think its fair to point out my grammar mistakes only after reading that someone else has pointed them out, especially when you cannot spell Grammar.
Apologizes as I was on my phone at the time and very tired (basically having one eye open) but please dont keep replying to People on your Application and instead bunch it up in one response as mass replying is counted as Bumping your application.
Dec 31, 2022
I must say as someone who is on internal affairs extremely often, I can't say I have ever met you.

That is why I will be leaving -SUPPORT
Likewise, I am on as IA extremely often too and never see you. Must be on at different times or just not notice eachother.
I also think its very unprofessional to go round commenting -support on other IA Ambassador applications when you have made one yourself recently.
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Likewise, I am on as IA extremely often too and never see you. Must be on at different times or just not notice eachother.
I also think its very unprofessional to go round commenting -support on other IA Ambassador applications when you have made one yourself recently.
That is not unprofessional at all.

We are all entitled to are own opinions on applications.
Dec 31, 2022
That is not unprofessional at all.

We are all entitled to are own opinions on applications.
Everyone is very much entitled to their own opinions but when you have made an application yourself and you go around -support others going for the same role as you are, its clearly unprofessional and simply just wrong. If you are going for the same role as someone, you do not comment on their application but let others do so simply due to eliminating bias opinions.
Everyone is very much entitled to their own opinions but when you have made an application yourself and you go around -support others going for the same role as you are, its clearly unprofessional and simply just wrong. If you are going for the same role as someone, you do not comment on their application but let others do so simply due to eliminating bias opinions.
That is in no way bias mate.

This isnt a race to who gets what. Both applications can be denied or accepted.

Just cause you are also applying for something doesnt mean you are barred off from giving opinions if this person is also good for the job or not.

If we go by your logic then they shouldnt be able to +support -/+ or - anything until there application has been denied or accepted

Application Denied

Good day, Bond

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

You've barely been seen on-site as Internal Affairs by any Director or Ambassador.
We would like to see you as an agent more often, especially when there are other ambassadors and/or a director on site so they can keep an eye on your performance. Please come talk to me or any ambassador and we'll be more than glad to assign you tasks to see how you perform.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the ambassadors. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Mikhail Fergus
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