[UK] Julien White's demotion appeal [#2]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1285
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Deleted member 1285

Name: Julien White
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60476980
Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Game Master
Who demoted you?: Cloak or Ventz
Date of demotion?: 9/9/2022
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
What is the case against you?: I posted a graphic and disturbing gif in #SCP-ART late at night involving a movie-prop baby flailing its arms around and its eyes poking out in a graphic manner. Due to this I was removed off the GM team swiftly as it was an incredibly immature action,
Is this true?: Yes, there was a statement made about me in the gm-chat because people wondered why I was removed.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No, I have had a good reputation as a GM before the incident.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: All of my warnings are old, the most recent punishment was severe toxicity where I called an O-1 retarded and some other things, I have realised my mistake of this ban and have stayed clean of warnings for over 30 days (as required to re-appeal).
What is your side of the story?: Late at night, was messing around with some of my mates and was pretty tired, was in a voice chat with my mates and just having a good time. I thought it would be funny to post the gif because I didn't realise how graphic it was at the time and swiftly after I was removed due to it looking so bad on me and the GM team.
Why should you return / what will you change?: I'd just like to get back to the GM team, they have an event leader that truly cares for the team and is ensuring activity, responsibilities and quality in the team. I've always had a passion for the GM team as well, training a lot of the now GM's (Some Senior GM's) into great event makers and lore makers. I've loved building for the team as well due to them lacking good builders I dedicate my time to create event-dupes for them. I just need another chance, being a 9 month Senior GM meant I had loads of experience which I could transfer onto the TGM's and input on their events ensuring the best quality possible and to have an enjoyable time on the server while waiting for updates.
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Active member
Apr 18, 2022
Julien truly has the best interests of the GM team at heart. He's made stupid mistakes in the past but he's more than learnt from them.


Well-known Member
May 26, 2022
Mistakes were made but the GM team wouldn't be the same without him
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