[UK] Julien White's GM resignation appeal

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Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
Name: Julien White

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60476980

Previous Rank: Unsure, it was around a year or so but I think it was GM or TGM? - Was a senior gm before my other reimbursement into the team if that matters?

Date of resignation?: I think 26/03/23

Why did you resign?: Burnout, had exams and such at the time.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I was demoted as a SGM by cloak but that's been resolved.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: All of my warns / bans are from 2022, I have not gained any since.

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I can have other present GM's vouch for me like houston and jeremy, I am a superb builder and I owned the role of senior gm prior to this for a very long time (6 or 7 months I think?). Additionally, I did other work like event announcement picture editing and different support roles for the GM team to ensure quality for all members. Lastly, I don't think anyone / many people remember me due to my absence being for an extensive amount of time but the ones that do knew I was a somewhat capable GM even if at times I minged a lot.
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Marc Brekker

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 17, 2022

Julien did excellent work and events back during my time as O1 com. He has helped me with many o1 props and even trained me back when I was trial gm. With Julian’s help the servers events will be better.
Gamemaster Resignation Appeal - Denied

Hello Julien White,

Unfortunately having discussed your appeal and history with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit to return to the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.​
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