{UK} Kaiko's Moderator App

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Well-known Member
May 28, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): welshlewis2

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 6 days and 30 minutes as of now over about 3 weeks

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: UK / Wales

Time zone: GMT/BST depending on time of year - Currently BST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Kaiko -- E-11 CPL (MTF) + Security Sergeant (Gensec)

Chaos name (include your rank): CI-A Demarcus

Civilian name: Bob Phigglebottom the 3rd

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85208067

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: - Yes

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - I have received one warning for FearRP at the start of my time in the server, at this time I was coming back into touch with game and having being a SWRP player for the majority of my playtime I was largely unfamiliar with this ruleset, I am now fully aware of this rule along with many others that I was initially unaware/unfamiliar with.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- Throughout the year of 2020, especially during lockdown periods. I spent much of my time playing GMOD specifically SWRP, during my time there I held the role of Game Master which greatly developed my knowledge of the ULX system along with several other GMOD commands, This vital role enabled me to communicate with players effectively often assisting other Game Masters helping them build confidence in their event/storytelling skills along with guiding them on the technical side of things. In the position of Game Master there would come times in which the actual server admins would become distant leaving me to deal with minor staff issues amongst the server (Staff Arrests, Temporary Jails and Alerting Admins). Dealing with toxic players and enforcing general quality of life rules gave me a love for the role of Admin/Moderator. This love convinced me to later apply for the position along with growing bored of the limited event material as a GM. I continued to volunteer for this server for a further couple of months but instead as an Admin rather than a GM, throughout my time as Admin I have dealt with a plethora of different situations and have possessed the ability to adapt to staff reports even when the situation is blown out of proportion and would usually be out of my, or another's comfort zone. As a result of my experience being on a largely USA server, when helping during UK hours I would often find myself as the sole member of staff watching over the players enforcing me to think independently about an appropriate course of action based on the situation at hand. All in all, I served as staff for a total of 6-8 months if all is recalled correctly.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
-I have extensive experience with serious roleplay across many different servers and platforms whether that be in a medical, military command, leadership or civilian format. I understand the importance of solid roleplay for a server like such and have the ability to conduct it. Stated previously by myself I mentioned I was a Game Master, this role itself requires me to have strong RP skills and capabilities to both come up with events and to decently act/RP as characters within them, whether the event is entirely passive and serious or combat orientated in nature. Now, whilst I do not maintain any high ranking roles on the server as of current, I have the ability to act maturely when the time calls for it. People may have the impression that I just run around and shout but this is not true. I have spent several hours both guiding E-11 when senior members are off site and leading the inexperienced cadets in the D-Block under the role of Security Sergeant. Although no "respectable" positions are held as of yet, I do believe I have the skillset to bring me into one when the time calls. It is also worth mentioning that I often RP under my civilian alias, stemming interesting and creative RP scenarios with whichever lucky intelligence member discovers me lurking about.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- As with most people my playtime is entirely dependant on what is happening in my day to day life. Whether this be examinations, short trips, schooling etc. On an average day it is common for me to be on for upwards of 4 hours per day, this could be much higher though depending on what I am doing throughout the day itself, as I'm sure it is with everybody on the staff team.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
-I wish to become a moderator on this server to firstly further my presence in the community, I believe it is essential for a member of staff to be known and respected by not all but some of the community to set a baseline. Due to this server being potentially the most popular SCP RP server in Garry's Mod it is obvious that there is a daily influx of brand new players to the game and/or the genre. I strongly argue that it is necessary that these very players get guided in by helpers like myself, with us of course being a safety net for minges and trolls who wish to spread Racism, Homophobia along with just other general and harmful toxicity to other more friendly players. The moderation team are the inner workings of the machine, without them nothing would quite work, therefore I would be honoured to bring my prior discussed knowledge to the table. Assisting Admins and main Moderators with issues and taking up some complaints myself that are suited to my level.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

-I feel that I bring a large degree of flexibility to the table when it comes to not only my experience but also the times in which activity can be maintained. A perfect example of this would be the events that transpired a couple of nights back. At around 2am many D-Class had almost free reign of the facility but only one staff member was online to watch over them and maintain the rules, this being Igorski. Unfortunately people cannot be active 24/7 then leaving a void at such times, I strongly believe that I would have the ability to fill this void and keep the server running to a relatively good standard even at these twilight hours. I also believe I am may have more experience than other players although I may be a bit rusty with command knowledge etc etc.

Really sorry if this application is too long, I just wrote what I thought!
Hello Kaiko, I'll be giving you a +Support.

I'll be giving you a +Support for namely your maturity. I remember when I accidently got you banned for MRDM you were very friendly and understanding even in that unfair situation. You're very active both IG and on TS. Your application looks great, and within RP you're very well integrated into the server.

Good luck!


Active member
Mar 14, 2022
+Good Application (parfait)
+Good Maturity
+Good Detail
+Good Activity

You got my vote on this one


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
Neutral Support

-/+ Unsure on your TS and IG activity
-/+ Limited RP interactions
-/+ Unsure about your rule knowledge

+ From what I heard you are very mature.
+ Amazing detailed application.

Good luck!


Well-known Member
May 28, 2022

Just to add, I'm going on a short trip for today and a portion of tomorrow, so don't let that change your views on my activity :)

But thanks for all the support!


Well-known Member
Dec 14, 2021
Currently +Support

+Active in all Locations (Gmod, TS, Forums)
+Had Good Interactions with you (E-11, Site Staff)
+Appliaction Well written, bordering to Excellent. (Note: maybe change the colour to something better to read)
+Reaslistic estimates of the time that fit someone's timetable

I am in support for your currently because interactions with you were always very kind and interesting. The playtime is good and I believe that since I was a Game Master before becoming a Moderator, one can be trained if they are willing to become a worker in a different field.

Thank you for reading,

Deleted member 55

Application Accepted

Hi @Kaiko,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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