Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
-For about a year and some change
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
-Arabic Standard time/ Moscow Standard time
Character name(s):
-Oud, Bomba, Muffin, Sparky, Andy Aklov, Lillth Blackfrost
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-UNGOC Major, Omega-1 CSG, Alpha-1 LCPL, CI-D, NU-7 LCPL ,E-11 CPL , ECA, DEA Special Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 Week ban for MRDM when i was new (Friday Sept 22. 2023)
-1 Fail RP warn (MondayOct 30 2023)
-1 RDM warn (Friday Mar 8th 2024)
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
-For about a year and some change
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
-Arabic Standard time/ Moscow Standard time
Character name(s):
-Oud, Bomba, Muffin, Sparky, Andy Aklov, Lillth Blackfrost
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-UNGOC Major, Omega-1 CSG, Alpha-1 LCPL, CI-D, NU-7 LCPL ,E-11 CPL , ECA, DEA Special Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 Week ban for MRDM when i was new (Friday Sept 22. 2023)
-1 Fail RP warn (MondayOct 30 2023)
-1 RDM warn (Friday Mar 8th 2024)
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
After seeing the changes site admin is doing, i would like to be a part of the team to make this site a more enjoyable RP experience for those in it . Especially during my time in O1 and seeing all of site admin working with other members of site staff, i would absolutely enjoy that aspect of RP. Of course the people in Site Admin are doing an amazing job and i would love to help them out where i can
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
Leadership skills:
Through out my time in O-1 and GOC, Ive had my fair share of situations where i had to step in and lead things ranging from small petty arguments that are an effect of rp, or things as large as Tribunals or Treaty negotiations. Through out all of that i had a clear goal in mind and i was helping and being helped by those around me to reach it as a team.
Communication Skills:
Being able to sit down with people and talk to them about situations that are on going or plan things for the future is critical, since miscommunication is one of the most problematic things to happen to anyone.
Having to manage the whole site as a team makes it so everyone there has to have a high level of communication skills since if one person doesn't mention something that could be important (Ie a meeting that took place or an incident that happened) that could result in RP being lost for a large amount of people.
As an O1 Prosecutor i had to learn how to talk to people all over the site ranging from Cadets all the way up to ECMs/O5s, Being able to get the information you want quickly and reliably makes everything go so much smoother.
Coordination and Overseeing:
With my time in the GM team and in O1, I had to learn quickly how to talk with people in order to set up time and dates to create RP, Everything from Events to Kidnappings or Tribunals. Since we all have a real life that we have to commit to, having the ability to coordinate with people to create RP is very important. Once the time has been set up, You must know how to keep track of everything that happened just so that RP situation could be called upon in the future
Document Creation/Policy's:
The Mother of all Treaties (TMOAT)
is a document involving all Current terms that the UNGOC and Site 65 have agreed on, Terms, conditions, Relations, and so on. A document that took me over 2 weeks to draft up and countless more sending back and forth with SA to get it to be perfect (or as close to perfect as we can get).
DMZ Agreement
a surface focused agreement between GOC, CI and Foundation to keep the town of pinewood safe for surface RP to carry on with out anyone going hostile and going guns blazing, a Key part of surface RP that i don't see going away any time soon.
Paralaw codex
6 Articles that the UNGOC follow and get their ally's to follow as well, Article 1 Protection Act, 2 Humanitarian Aid Protection , 3 Anomalous Confect Governance, 4 Use of anomalous Entities , 5 Personal Paralaw , 6 General Paralaw.
Adaptability and on the spot thinking
Operation Black Veil
A DEA Project that was lead a while back, with its whole objective to deep cover in to the chaos bunks, calling out raids before they happen, any scps/hostages they captured and destroying keycards they might of captured.
Sparky's Lab Requests
Omega-1 CSG Sparky has his own little lab under core sector where he works on his gear to help out O1 with it, So far he has created INS!GHT an AI system to help Omega-1 out when they are low on manpower, a 3d printer that can steal objects from around the world and may more things to come
MOAT , Oud Lore , DMZ , Along side countless in game docs.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Interviewing and assigning CoS, Dea DPT Director, DoM, NU-7 and E-11 Commanders.
- Authorizing AA for MTF NCO+ if the breach needs it
- Being the Second point of Contact for GOIs (after DEA)
- Working along side DPT leaders to create Policy's or help them complete their main duty's
- Carry out the will of the O5
- Work on Site tribunals with ISD/Ethics
- Distributing Site staff to required areas
- Locking down parts of site for trainings
- Auditing Departments
- First Point of contact for Site Staff
- Authorizing tests that dont require SC
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
R. Marshall: You know Isaiah, Never in my time with in the foundation have i heard "Time Traveling Committee Member"
Marshall leans back in to his chair letting his head hang a little
Isaiah Cimmerian: Nor have i Marshall, I thought i have seen it all my self but with this world we live in... Everything seems to be flipped every other day.
Marshall pulls out his tablet and connects to Cairo.aic
Hello. I am Cairo.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by The Ethics Committee for archival and communications. How can I help you today?
>Access Level 5 file network.
Accessing requested network…
Welcome Sir. How may i be of assistance?
>Access Dr Saif Al-Qadar's Personnel file
Certainly! Here is Ethics Committee Member Dr. Saif Al-Qadar Although information on this staff member is scarce. Feel free to edit at a later date.
R. Marshall: Here, Take a look at this Isaiah. After Omega-1 got some information out of him he seems to be who he says he is.
Isaiah Cimmerian: Yeah he does, Not to mention his record is filled with some rather nice things.
R. Marshall: It would be a shame to kill him now.
Marshall sighs
R. Marshall: He is a good asset, Tell you what get some AMN-E269 Inject in to Dr Al-Qadar and make sure he doesnt remember anything relating to his time in ethics. Should he prove him self Mnestics might be considered.
Isaiah Cimmerian: Marshall? Do you have anything in mind?
R. Marshall: I hear Site-65 has a new position in Site Administration. Put him in there, Pull strings if you have to. I want to see how he preforms in that hell hole.
Isaiah Cimmerian: That seems to be a good idea, Anything need help with anything else while im out?
R. Marshall: On your way out, Send an assistant here with a cigar. Ive been needing one for a while now.
Isaiah Cimmerian: Lets make it two just to be safe.
Cimmerian Turns on his heel and heads to the door
R. Marshall: Make sure they don't find out about his history, Not him. Not Site Admin. Defiantly not O5.
Cimmerian Looking over his shoulder
Isaiah Cimmerian: Noted, Ill get Law's Left to help me out with this one.
R. Marshall: Good luck.

Both the Email and Phone number are not real,
Email is made up and the phone number is the ECC's phone in his office.
Email is made up and the phone number is the ECC's phone in his office.
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