[UK] Kurt Gunsche (yedekkral) Ambassador Application.

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Well-known Member
Jun 26, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143522965
Discord name: yedekkral#1626
For how long have you played on CG SCP: till level 85
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT +1
Character name(s): Kurt Gunsche
Civilian name: yedekkral
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu-7
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Banned for Toxicity by Renolk in June 9 2022
- Warned for MRDM in June 12 2022
- Banned for NITRP and FailRP in June 14 2022
- Warned for RDM June 21 2023 for a stuck Class-D removal operation from the collection lines.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Honestly to get a private filing cabinet.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I am a proper archivist, also interested in going deeper with Bureaucracy-RP.
I will also be a stepping stone for more to come.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
Almost 65 without the ones that are not filed.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Enforcing the IA guidelines, Ensuring that personnel has duties and POIs at all times.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Kurt Gunsche was a 16-year veteran of NSA. He was an excellent analyst and strategist, but he was unyielding. His work was moral and ethical. After his retirement from the NSA, the SCP Foundation invited Gunsche to join their ranks. To ensure its work was ethical and humanitarian, the Foundation sought qualified and principled individuals. Gunsche resisted membership in the Foundation. After learning of the Foundation's shadowy and clandestine nature, he was apprehensive about its ethics. After careful consideration, he concluded that he could not abdicate the Foundation's mission. He desired to help the Foundation execute its crucial mission in accordance with his values. Gunsche joined the Department of Internal Affairs and rose to prominence almost immediately. He staunchly defended the Foundation's goals and opposed unethical conduct. He negotiated numerous important Foundation anomaly agreements. Gunsche has been involved in several notable incidents. He contributed to the first Foundation anomaly treaty and Site-19 Incident settlement. He was a vociferous opponent of the Foundation's amnestics and contributed to the development of alternative methods for addressing cognitohazard. Kurt Gunsche may appear in narratives such as deep cover investigations within departments.
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- Support

- had some interactions with you, not all good though.
- have a few active warns, including a job ban
- poorly made application
- you are unsure of what the responsibilities are as an IA Ambassador
- the reason you want to be an IA Ambassador is unprofessional.

To be an IA Ambassador, you must be the ideal agent for this opportunity, however in recent events, you have shown to not follow chain of command.

For now i don't think you have what it takes to be an IA Ambassador.

Kind Regards, Ambassador Tim "Nova" Drake


Well-known Member
Jun 26, 2023
+Great fella, good work on IA
-Slandered A-1 and DEA in some of his documents, not a fan of that
woaw, holding sides when you should be holding sides with ethical choices and conducts. my new work will be on you. mucks.
[and gimme back my documents]
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-I appreciate our conversations and enjoy talking with you.
-The application could benefit from more details to provide a more detailed application.
-It seems that some of the documents I've come across lack details, and there are instances where they may not even be worth an Incident Report.
-It's worth noting that there have been a significant number of warnings and bans associated with your account.

James Overscott

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 10, 2021
Seen a lot on IA.
Very poor application.
Unprofessional behaviour.

Hi Kurt. I've seen you a lot on IA, and in my eyes you've done a fairly decent job. However, your application is so heavily lacking in detail I cannot +support it. Most of the answers you've given are one sentence long, and you haven't properly answered the questions asked in the application. Also, saying stuff like this doesn't paint you in a good light either.
woaw, holding sides when you should be holding sides with ethical choices and conducts. my new work will be on you. mucks.
[and gimme back my documents]

I recommend you work more on your application and write some good answers to the questions asked.

James Overscott

John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021

Application Denied

Good day, Agent Kurt Gunsche

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

You have received 4 warnings and 1 suspension from Internal Affairs in the past 2 weeks. You are very active and show dedication to the department but you have been caught too often violating department protocols. You show too little respect to fellow Agents and Operatives. You behave like you own the office cabinets and are outraged when things are not your way.

You do not obey the chain of command and demand to speak Ethics or Site Administration to much for minor infractions by lower clearance level personnel. Even when a Director of Ambassador say they will handled it you still proceed to go forward with your own agenda.

Your application lacks a lot of detail. One sentence per question is not going to cut it.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the ambassadors. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs John Dear
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