[UK] Kurt Gunsche's application for the position of ambassadorship #2

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Well-known Member
Jun 26, 2023
Discord Name:yedekkral
For how long have you played on CG SCP:498.622 hours
In what country are you located?:Netherlands
Character name(s):Kurt Gunsche
What server are you applying for?:SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:Yes

- List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 (Held)
MTF E-11 (Held)
Chaos Insurgency (Held)
Internal Affairs Agent/ Operative (Holding)
External Affairs Agent/ Operative (Holding)
Doctor (Holding)
RRT (Holding)

- Have you received any kicks/ bans/ warnings? and why?

- Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

I am applying for the role of IA Ambassador for multiple reasons. Firstly, several names suggested that I go for it. Additionally, I am in need of some experience as a CL4 for the next steps. I wish to give back to IA for the fun and acceptance it has provided me with so far. For me, It is a different joy to be an IA Agent because of the RP opportunities it offers. Unlike other shoot-shoot roles, IA allows me to engage in bureaucracyRP, which I truly enjoy. Enforcing the FLC and writing documents in this Department provides a feeling of catharsis, even though I also have to write for school. Furthermore, the friendly and helpful personnel in IA make it a welcoming environment to be a part of. In all honesty, I am also interested in obtaining a private filing cabinet since someone, definitely not a 'goober', keeps on stealing anything that I place in the public cabinets.
- What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

Honestly, I do not know if I am genuinely the kind of person you can look at from kilometers away and say he is the perfect fit for this. I was job-banned before; I was amnesticated for digging too deep. Some people would definitely call me unprofessional for some of the interactions that didn't end how they hoped for them to end; some would call me the arrest guy or else. However, all these aside, I know the FLC like the palm of my hand. I do work tidy and organized for efficient results; I know how to write documents and follow up on them, but sadly, I am in no position to follow up on my current documents because of the lack of clearance. I wish to change that as well as the complaints about me.
- How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

Lost count of the regulars and arrest reports, After some time, it turned into a factory production style. I filled out three filing cabinets myself. Ended with the short and quick-to-make documents as a result of a friendly suggestion from Dpt. Director John Dear and started filing Investigation Reports.
A good document should be informative enough but also direct and to the point, with proper side notes to tie up any loose ends that might arise. It should be supported with external actions other than the documentation itself. It needs to have multiple different censored and uncensored versions to ensure control over the information delivered with the documentation. I should be layered for different clearance levels, such as if an IR will be conducted and the host ambassador wishes to bring in some agents or operatives, he should have a CL3-censored version of the CL4 document for usage when CL3 is to be informed. The document should have a proper format to ensure uniformity within the department and should be written in an information exchange to take third parties feedback from trusted sides.

- What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

- Training new personnel
- Assigning stations to personnel
- Helping CL3 personnel within DIA
- Providing help to non-combative personnel during C1-3-5
- Leading, conducting investigations
- Acting as a liaison to CL3 personnel within DIA in their investigations
- Keeping tabs on CL3 personnel within DIA to enforce the departmental guidelines
- Issuing punishments if necessary

- Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- from: SCP Foundation Archives (
- to: SCP Foundation Internal Affairs (

- sent: 13/07/████
- subject: (CLASSIFIED for CL3) noreply from Foundation Archives Database on request on "K. Gunsche"

Subject: Archive Report - Personnel Profile: Kurt Gunsche

Document ID: ███████
Date: ███████

Kurt Gunsche's personnel record reveals his affiliation with the SCP Foundation and provides an overview of his background, physical state, education, and professional experience.

Kurt Gunsche's dossier reveals a man of multifaceted origins and exceptional capabilities. He first came under the Foundation's radar when he was discreetly recorded in the SCP Foundation Personnel Database on an undisclosed date. Subsequently, Gunsche was recruited as part of Project Renatus, an exclusive initiative tailored for intelligence officers within NATO, during the 33rd Annual Recruitment Week for the Foundation.

Personal Attributes:
Kurt, aged 36, possesses extraordinary linguistic proficiency, exhibiting fluency in English, Russian, Chinese, and Turkish. His language aptitude makes him a valuable asset, enabling him to discreetly navigate international territories with ease. Hailing from an undisclosed location, Kurt Gunsche comes from a prestigious family with a longstanding legacy in the medical field, spanning generations. This ancestral heritage potentially aids him in maintaining a composed facade while executing his duties. Notably, he holds dual citizenship in both the United States of America and the Republic of Turkey, affording him a diverse range of plausible identities and facilitating inconspicuous movements as required.

Academic and Professional Background:
Kurt's educational pursuits began at TED Ankara College for high school, and he later pursued higher education in the United States at West Point, specializing in law. This academic background equips him with a comprehensive understanding of legal matters. After completing his studies, he was commissioned as an officer. He attended BOLC and MIBOLC, where he specialized in military intelligence. His specialization in military intelligence showcased his exemplary skills in gathering and analyzing sensitive information. At the age of 31, he received a pivotal assignment as an overseer of Mediterranean intelligence gathering while simultaneously providing valuable consultation for humanitarian aid missions and other covert operations. His diverse experiences have honed his ability to seamlessly blend into various environments, further enhancing his efficacy in fulfilling critical tasks.

Involvement with the SCP Foundation:
Kurt Gunsche's association with the SCP Foundation commenced during his tenure as an overseer of Mediterranean intelligence operations for NATO, where he was introduced to the organization through Project Renatus. However, the precise details of his induction remain restricted and accessible only to authorized personnel. Following his introduction, Kurt found his place within the Foundation, serving in the Department of Internal Affairs.

(about the storylines, I believe IA team already knows about them)
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