[UK] Lawliet Security Captain

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Sep 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201926984
Discord name: Grandpa Cray
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 28 days 18 hours
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Jack O'Neil
Civilian name: Carter Able
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes indeed i do have a working mic.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Have held CI BCOM 1 Year ago and MTF 0-1 and ex Gensec Captain 2.5 years ago
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes i have recieved warnings last one was in june for NLR there was a gensec murder spree and i tried to contain it but in doing so i was reported for NLR. Canot go into much more detail as is was such a long time ago.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I am applying for Security Captain because I see a bright future for myself and others by being a Security Captain and want to learn more as a Captain. I also believe that I am ready to come back for more responsibilities as a captain and that I could achieve great things as a captain.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- Since I have spent almost every minute of my life as a GENSEC, I am pretty familiar with how D-Block operates, and what a typical day looks like, with all the problems that accompany it. I know how to deal with cadets who break the rules or researchers who try to conduct tests in violation of the Code 2. The guards are rotated out so they don't get bored and wander around the facility whenever I don't play RRT. I also make sure all functions of D-Block are in-line and maintained whenever I am not playing RRT. I am Also Kind and Mature
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Airlock and Research Line are assigned with Sergeants, Officers and Cadets
In D-block, ensure that the CoC and CoE are applied as this is how we make sure that d-class stay with in d block and are taken care of as if they are not ethically taken care of making sure that GENSEC are properly punihed for their acts. And if necicery if the D-Class wants they have the right to as to speank toana IA to report the unethical behavior from GENSEC at anytime. As a captain Organizing RRT and Heavy Weapon License tryouts are also important as RRT is a big help in GENSEC With the riots, checkpoints and in helping defending HCZ When SCP are released also to deploy them on Patrols.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jack O’Neil Born 20 October 1952 lived in Minnesota USA when he was aged 18 he had joined the USAG where he spent 10 Years of his life and worked hard up to the rank of Major so at the age of 28 he left the USAF to start a family of his own and got a new job as a police officer, 2 years later he met Beth a wonderful women who made him happy and this became true love 3 years later Beth and Jack got married on a boat with all his friends and family members after the wedding he found out Beth was pregnant, this made Jack overwhelmed with joy he danced and celebrated all night with his friends and family 1 year later Beth gives birth to twins Andrew and Mat they were the most exquisite thing he had ever seen and cherished them with all his heart, 5 years later when on the job as a police officer there was a call for a Disturbance at a house the address matched Jacks address this made him panic he drove as fast as he could to his house to find his entire family dead he mourned, but he noticed a figure In the tree line behind his house it was SCP-966 suddenly it just disappears like into fin air he spent the next 7 years trying to find this creature and this was when the SCP Foundation noticed his work and all the information that he has been putting online asking for help he was kidnapped by the foundation asked questions of why and what he was looking for he told them then took him to SCP-966 containment chamber for closure this is when he was asked to join the SCP Foundation to help contain other dangerous SCP so that they do not cause harm to others out there.

Jonathan J. O'Neill​

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You've been back for less than a week; you need to return to the server for longer to understand what has changed and prove that you're still worthy of a CL4 position. As soon as I hopped on the server earlier - I had observed you abusing PAC3 by playing loud and unrealistic music in D-Block which is not a good sight for new players who may be spawning in as D-Class.
Sep 9, 2022
You've been back for less than a week; you need to return to the server for longer to understand what has changed and prove that you're still worthy of a CL4 position. As soon as I hopped on the server earlier - I had observed you abusing PAC3 by playing loud and unrealistic music in D-Block which is not a good sight for new players who may be spawning in as D-Class.
said noice was from an approved pack made my Johnson Marauder from when i played before


Well-known Member
May 11, 2024
Dear @CI Lawliet Marauder

I regret to inform you that, after careful consideration of your application, and your qualifications, we are unable to accept your application for the role of Security Captain at this time.

We appreciate your interest in wanting to become a Security Captain and join our team. While this might throw you off, or discourage you, we do not want to see that from you, and we instead want you to continue pursuing your goals, and achieving significant progress to demonstrate that you would be of great interest for this position, and that you would be a great Security Captain, if you were to be given a chance again. With this, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


- Vetkoek

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