[UK] Lily's Inspector App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:238482069

Discord name: vxnt

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Just under 2k hours playtime, but been around for 2-3 years.

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: Scotland

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s):
Foundation: Lily 'Silly' Zephyran
GOC: L. Giggles
Chaos: 'Circe'

Civilian name: Lily.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Technically yes via TTS.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Committee Assistant [HELD]
ISD Investigator [HOLDING]
SCP-096 [

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2 NLR warns in 2022 and one RDM/failrp in 2023.

Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?

I'm applying for Internal Security Inspector because I have a great interest in the ISD. I was previously an IA agent when it was named as such, but took a break from IA for Ethics Assistant. Personally I really enjoy the company of the members of the ISD and I find the balance between active duties and written duties to be quite enjoyable. I do however notice there are several newer Agents and Operatives that attempt to join and struggle in their duties. I'd like to be able to assist them in such situations, as well as take on more responsibilities for myself within the department as a whole.

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:

I'd say I'm a good fit for Inspector due to my high activity, approachability and reliability. I can be quite dedicated to the roles I am given, as I had spent around a year or so as an Ethics Assistant. During that time I learned several skills that I believe would be useful and applicable to this role as well.

Skills such as:

The ability to communicate a point or message clearly to a vast cast of people is an incredibly vital tool for a position such as this. In a situation of an arrest there can be heated feelings and often people are quite unhappy. Clearing their doubts and laying out the facts in a manner that is easily understandable can be crucial to calming down a situation.

Task Management
As an Ethics Assistant I worked on and managed several operations and tasks at once. Learning the skill of managing my time and resources to allowed me to complete these tasks as well as day-to-day duties with ease with plenty of time to spare.

Departmental Relations
As an Assistant I often found myself working with other departments, whether it be MTF regiments or non-combative departments. This allowed me to not only build good relations with high ranking personnel within said departments but also gave me insight to how they work as a whole. This will prove useful in understanding the way in which personnel in such departments may think, helping me to understand their reasoning for their actions.

What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
An ideal Inspector is someone who is not only able to do their job, but be a human at the same time. It is well known that not everything can be done by the book as not all situations are so black and white. They should be both competent at their job as well as dealing with social situations. An Inspector should be serious, as well as being able to work as a mediator with the ability to see all sides of a story fairly.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:

I've written several in the past across different characters, most coming from Ethics Assistant. I'd say the number is somewhere around.. 10? Unsure of specifics..

Anyone can write a document, especially from a template, but to create a good document you must have key core features. These features are:

Cover Page
Good Grammar
Index Page
Information Sources
The Main Body
Summary Page

By using as many of these as you can you create both an excellent looking document as well as an engaging one. This makes it far easier to read, especially if it is longer. You should strive for the best documentation you can achieve, as it is longer-lasting than just typical RP would be.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:

An ISD Inspector's job can be broken down into a few key points.

Setting An Example
It's the job of an Inspector to set an example for the lower ranks within the department. Inspectors are CL4 personnel and as such as expected to represent and lead the ISD within the Foundation.

Dealing with Sr CL4 personnel
An Inspector is authorised to perform arrests on those who rank at Sr CL4 other than SA. They should take these jobs to avoid Agents, Operatives and Investigators from doing so. Additionally they have the authority

Clearance Level 4 Responsibilities
CL4 personnel are tasked with operation of mechanisms such as Blast Doors, Electrical and Facility Announcements. These responsibilities are typically carried out by any department, but protocol should be followed in relation to specific situations.

Creating Roleplay
An Inspector is expected to assist in the continuation and creation of investigations, whether this be on a specific target or a department in general. These are for lower ranked personnel to have a goal to focus on in the time that they are not busy with another task as well as to create roleplay within the server. Other forms of roleplay are expected as well, such as inter-departmental meetings, leading patrols etc.

Inspectors are expected to train new agents and assist in the onboarding process for the ISD. This includes the induction, training and assisting in any way they can during the new Agent's first few days.

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:

I believe that with my previous CL4 experience and familiarity with a position of this authority due to often being an assistant under orders that I am quite familiar with the situations I may encounter, additionally I feel quite comfortable and knowledgeable with the FLC and intricacies of the ISD.

Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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James Dingle

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jul 13, 2024

Slays the day away on a regular basis, fellow style icon around the site and all around great person

Good luck!
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