[UK] Luft's Ethics Committee Member Application [1]

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Jun 6, 2022


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

A couple months, but around a month in actual playtime.


In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character Name(s):

F: [REDACTED] 'Luft'

CI: 'Loft'

Civilian name:

Dimitry 'Luft'

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF O-1 Captain [Holding]

Security Captain [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Only one warning for FailRP back in June, some backstory to this is I was a GENSEC & hopped into CDC (D-Block area).

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am currently applying for the role of "Ethics Member", the reasoning for this is due to me wanting to be able to do more within RP. I've been Omega-1 for a couple months at this point, and it's been an amazing ride. The entire time of me being on this server has been within direct influence/connection of Ethics, whether this being Assistants or Members.​
With all that being said, the main reasoning for me wanting to join Ethics is due to the direct connection I've had to Omega-1 / Ethics as a whole. It's something that I know a decent bit about throughout my time in being Omega-1, and is something I believe would / could be both fun & roleplay-filled.​
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

I'd say I would be an extremely good candidate for the Ethics Committee due to my previous, and or even current experiences from being involved with Omega-1 for quite a bit now. I believe I'd be fully able to take the experiences I've had from Omega-1 & generally interacting with Ethics and use them for the Ethics Committee. All of this factors in with becoming a good, or exceptional Ethics Member.​
Whilst I haven't exactly been whitelisted, or involved in any other departments such as the Medical Department, Research Department, or even general Site Administration I believe the time in Omega-1 would solely out-weigh said fact.​
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP would be the running of the Facility, or making sure that the Facility is ran smoothly alongside the O5 Council. Specifically, an Ethics Committee Member would normally be available to deal with any Ethical situations that need handling and or documents that need approving. I've also put a neat little list below of exactly what the ECM can do in terms of RP.
* Upholding / Ensuring the Foundation / Facility is ran properly alongside the Overseer Council.
* Upholding / Enforcement of the Code Of Ethics, meaning the Ethics Committee both made & update the Code Of Ethics.
* Overview of multiple Foundation Departments / Mobile Task Forces.
* Authorizations of numerous tests if needed, such as CL4 testing.
* Usage of / authorization of Advanced Armory, Mass Termination of D-Class, Mass Amnestication, Code Blacks, and or in some cases activation of the Alpha Warhead.
* General upholding of the Code of Ethics in roleplay situations.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
General Explanation:​
Outside of roleplay the Ethics Committee review, meaning they either accept or deny applications for certain Clearence 4 positions, these positions being;​
(In no particular order)​
* Ethics Committee Assistant
* Ethics Committee Member
* Director of Medicine
* (I believe Director of Internal Affairs as well, but not too sure if they do that alongside O5.)
Alongside the choosing/appointing of certain CL4 Personnel, the Ethics Committee also make sure to uphold the Code of Ethics.​
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Welcome, "User"...



Foundation Introduction
Spencer, otherwise referred to as 'Luft was an average Citizen of Society. One day, 'Luft' had gotten some sort of inspiration, an itch. This itch led to 'Luft' becoming apart of the Military, 'Luft' had enough of the usual, normal boring Civilian Life. Once 'Luft' had been properly introduced to the Military, and the general lifestyle of the military as a whole he had progressed quite quickly. 'Luft' had, throughout his extensive time within the Military had learned extreme discipline, proper "conduction" alongside proper general training throughout his time in the Military.

After relentless, tiring hard work 'Luft' had been sort of.. Invited into a sort of "Special Group", the hard, relentless work that 'Luft' had shown had gotten him a bigger ticket. This being formally called the "Foundation".

Once 'Luft' had been more accommodated within the General Security aspects of things, more known as GENSEC. He had rised through the ranks quite quickly, eager to show his admiration, hell... Dedication to the Foundation, he had decided enough was enough. He wished to join a Mobile Task Force, this Mobile Task Force being NU-7 "Hammer Down".

After being properly inducted, properly trained within NU-7 after only a couple weeks, hell it might've even been a couple days, time flies fast within the Foundation he had been invited into a [███████████]

Welcome, "Unknown User"...
Internal Security Taskforce "Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand"
MTF Nu-7 SPC Spencer 'Luft' had been cuffed, dragged into an unknown room. This was his first introduction to the Omega-1 Task Force, otherwise known as an Internal Security Taskforce..
Spencer 'Luft', after only having been introduced to the Foundation for a fairly short period of time was introduced to what he was told was an extremely exclusive Task Force.. 'Luft' was asked a plethora of unnoted, extremely classified questions. Questions which have not been included in this document regarding the document, after having answered all the questions to the satisfaction of the recruiter. Codename: "███████".

After the initial questioning, alongside answering & practical work. 'Luft', after short deliberation from the MTF O-1 "███" "█████" had been granted entry into the Internal Security Taskforce Omega-1, alongside the fellow foundation personnel; Designation "Cosmic".

With the official induction/introduction into Omega-1, 'Luft' was properly trained & continued training & abiding by orders / normal Internal Security & Omega-1 duties.

'Luft' had managed to work his way up the ranks, starting as a measly Private within the regiment, working his way up to the current holding position of O-1 "CPT".



Unknown Ethics Member: > *Radios in: 'Luft' to the Ethics Committee Room at once!*

MTF O-1 CPT 'Luft' > *Copy that, on the way now.*

(Interviewee = 'Luft')
(Interviewer = 'Unknown')

Interviewee (Luft) : > Yes, Ethics Member '████', what can I do for you at this time? <

Interviewer: *Looks down at an extensive notepad, with the front-page stating 'Luft'*.

Interviewer: > I had a couple questions for you here, Luft. If you don't mind answering said questions that is....

Interviewee (Luft) : > Of course, I'll answer any questions you have sir... <

Interviewer: > Lovely, let's get right to it. Starting off, you're not in any trouble. I'm here to discuss your time here within Omega-1, we've seen your dedication to the Task Force and wanted to know if you were interested in anything... More..

Interviewee (Luft) : > Like what exactly?. <
Interviewer > A certain overviewal position within the Ethics Committee, which specific position is a need to know basis, all I need is a simple answer... <

Interviewee (Luft) : > Well.. I have an answer.... <

Interviewer > The following information has been fully redacted, and striked off of this log on order of the ████████ of Ethics. <
- End of Log
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Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
+Mega Support

Great O-1 CO
Very Friendly
Impossible not to like this man
Great RP Skills

Amazing document skills since he has written most of the documents for O-1

Best of Luck Luft
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Reactions: Luft


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 18, 2022
+Good guy, nice interactions
+Nice detailed app
=could have longer lore
good luck!
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Reactions: Luft

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
+Ultra support
You are an amazing leader in O1 and is very mature. You are a great guy to be around with lots of high ranking experience
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Reactions: Luft
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