[UK] Luna's Captain Application [UK]

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Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2+ Years
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
GMT +3
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Units:

E-11 SGT [CL3]
A-1 LCPL [CL4]
Nu-7 PVT [CL3]

O-1 (More than 2 years [Very OLD]) [CL4]
Chaos Insurgency:

CI-Gamma (SSGT) [CL3]
SCP-096 Whitelist [N/A]
Senior Agent Whitelist [CL3]
General: ( OLD 1-2 Years Before )

Internal Affairs Ambassador [CL4]
Executive Researcher [CL4]
Assistant [CL4]
GSD Captain x2 [CL4]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
For all of my SCP-RP career ( 2+Years )

2x RDM
2x FailRP
1x FearRP
1x Silver Rule
I got my last warning at "April 2023"
Why are you applying for Security Captain?

I took a break from my GMOD career for a long time and I decided to start again a while ago. My first steps after starting was to apply to Alpha-1 Regiment and it was Accepted. After promoting the LCPL rank, I headed to the DEA Agent department for a while. I became a Senior Agent there and parted ways with A-1. After looking for a CL4 position for myself for a while, I decided to apply GSD Captain for third time, which is the department where I can deal with business in the most general sense. In my opinion, compared to other departments, the GENSEC department has received a really nice Rework and its responsibilities have increased throughout the Foundation. The D-Class work program really caught my attention and I had the chance to experience it for a long time. As you know from the old times, we worked with Henry for a long time in the "Direwolves" squadron estabilished under the title GENSEC.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

What makes me suitable for this position is that I have spent a very long time on this server and know the rules and protocols. I had the opportunity to work in this department before, and considering that it was fun even in the past, its current state is really interesting. I have taken all the exams for Licenses many times and I know the stages of all of them by heart. Since I have held many CL4 positions before, I know very well my responsibilities, what I can and cannot do, and what is prohibited. I know exactly when to activate any code. I have the potential to teach a really good lesson to GENSEC who abuse their jobs. I really like doing paperwork. If I am accepted into this department, you will find me mostly dealing with D-Class work program. I handle all kinds of paperwork with pleasure. I've written documents that have rated 10/10 before. Im active in the game for at least 4 hours on weekdays and more than 6 hours on weekends.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

To deal with both D-Class and Chaos Insurgency/Global Occult Coalition dangers within the entire foundation, not only D-Block, by dividing all GENSEC security forces into positions. 2 different kits were determinated for this situation. Station kit is for D-Block defense, Patrol kit is for defense from external forces ( CI/GOC ) and also GENSEC have Containment Units for defending site (mostly D-Block) from SCP's

★ Tryouts should be organized occasionally for people who wants to get a License (Heavy Weapons License or Security Response Unit/RRT)

★ If Code-2 is active or multiple D-Class are armed, sweeps should be organized and the D-Classes' weapons should be stripped.

Captain should control the PW-BD, close or open when necessary. Must assist other security forces when no other CL4 is available.​
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Date of Birth [REDACTED]
Age [28]

She was born in the [REDACTED] province of Canada, she was unemployed until she was 28 years old. One day she came home and found a tiny piece of paper stuck in her door handle. When she opened it, she found a phone number 01837-0238-0273743-82. She had no idea what it was, Since she was bored, she called that number to have some fun.

*Telephone Sound*

*Communication Established*

"Luna" --Hello ?, Hello anyone there ?

[REDACTED]--Hello, thank you for reaching us, please tell us briefly about yourself. [ Deep sound from back ]

"Luna" --Oh yes, my name is Luna, I am 28 years old and I am good with guns

*A door bang is heard from behind and the phone line is disconnected.
According to the camera records, Luna was kidnapped by unidentified people 2 days ago

*This camera records is restricted for CL4+ personnel*

Luna --Where am I ?

You have been sellected for SCP Foundation, Do you want to continue ?

Luna --Sure...

This is an SCP Foundation, we will introduce you all around later, the main reason we chose you is that your basic abilities fit the GENSEC section. I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if you leak any information...

Luna --Of course

And from this day onwards, Luna became an employee for the GENSEC department. She continued this job for a long time.
After a while...,

[Foundation Announcement System]
Sergeant Luna please report to Captain Office*

Luna --Hello ?

Hi luna, we wanted you to report to the Captain Office for important Promotion. Weh have been watching you for a long time, your behavior and management style were truly incredible. Congrats, You are a new Captaion for GENSEC Department!

[Foundation Announcement System]

[Control] Attention, security malfunction detected, multiple containment mechanisms have been identified... Location unknown. Security and MTF teams please respond urgently.

*** Lights Cut Off***


Well-known Member
Jul 22, 2023
  1. Has experience as a CL4.
  2. Has good description
  3. Love the lore
  4. Seen a couple of time on GENSEC

Oct 13, 2023
1-) Good Application +
2-) Active +
3-) CL4 Experience +
4-) Helped to create squadron "Direwolves" +
5-) Friendly +
GSD logo.png

Application Accepted

Hello @'Luna' ,
Thank you for showing interest in expanding your duties within the General Security Department.
After careful consideration, I have come to a verdict regarding your request.
I am pleased to say that you have been Accepted.

Please contact me on Discord - cross0351 ,to arrange a time for your interview and training.

Kind Regards,
Department Chief Michael "Banana".​
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