[UK] Malia's OSA Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 21, 2024

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144977319
Discord name: yoru_555
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Getting to about 6 months now I think? First played around mid-May. If requested I can find out my hours.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT/BST
Character name(s): Malia/'Void'/Chamonix Ash (F), Ash Winters (CI)
Civilian name: M. 'Lore' J. (or Emjay)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Currently holding O-1 SGT and CI-G, as well as SCP-22415 and SCP-096. Previously GSD CPT (for a short while), Nu-7 CSG, and A-1 LT.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I am an active player and I hold a great deal of passion for the server. I believe myself to be a good roleplayer, and I am constantly looking for opportunities to experience different positions and the type of roleplay they bring. I have been in mostly combative positions so far (actually entirely combative positions...) but I'm excited to see how my skills and experience carry over to a non-combative role. I have been part of quite a few different storylines over my time on the server, from being a smaller part of grander plots (informants for A-1/O-1 during my time in Nu-7), to being a larger part of longer lasting plots (keeping Kayla on her meds during my time as A-1). I like to think these stand as examples of my ability to be part of and create RP. I am sensible and a fast learner, as well as have a little bit of experience with CL4 roles, as a A-1 LT and a GSD CPT, so I believe I have the qualities to be a good Overseer Assistant.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Overseer Assistants have a range of responsibilities within RP. First and foremost, Assistants exist to carry out O5's orders. This can range to investigating departments or specific members, to research projects. Assistants work as an extension of the O5's will, so it is imperative that they listen and complete orders.
Assistants are an important part of the O5's influence, and as such they need to be their eyes and ears across site, especially when the Overseers are away. They must keep themselves up to date on site happenings, in order to pass on anything that would constitute as a threat to the Council or simply anything that requires the Council's attention.
Assistants must also be the first point of contact for any wishing to talk to an overseer - much like a liaison or secretary. Oftentimes Overseers spend their time spread out on a lot of different projects, so Assistants may respond to requests on an O5's behalf. They may also pass on orders, projects, and documents to department leaders on orders from the Council.
Working under the Overseers requires a certain level of protection. As such, Assistants must work closely with MTF Alpha-1 and assist in their tasking if required to. Alpha-1 are not called the "Red Right Hand" for nothing, they are as key to the operations of the council as Assistants are. Assistants may be required to help in Alpha-1's orders, or assist in dealing with infobreaches.
Assistants must be able to create and participate in RP through projects and have a presence onsite that allows them to interact with different departments and bring with them RP to break up the monotony of general duties - whether this be through audits, or projects to work alongside departments.
It is part of an Assistant's duty to uphold standards within site. The FLC keeps departments and operatives in line, and enforcing the FLC is a vital part of maintaining order within the Foundation. It is, therefore, a part of an Assistant's duties to deal with any member who have broken the FLC. (Of course, this mostly falls to ISD, but when they lack numbers or are preoccupied, Assistants may step up to help them out.)
During bad breaches, it may fall to an Assistant to authorise the use of Advanced Armoury for MTF NCO+. Oftentimes higher members or Site Administration aren't on-site or are preoccupied, so Assistants have the authority to authorise AA to get the breach handled before requiring a Code Black or worse. This is often requested by E-11, so it's important that someone is keeping an eye on the breaches.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Hello. I am Hellenstic.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by Foundation Overwatch for archival and communications. How can I help you today?
> input: Access level 5 file network

Accessing requested network...
Something to note: This network is restricted to the O5 Council. Authentication is required. Failure to authenticate will result in the deployment of MTF - "███ █████ ████". Do you wish to proceed?
> input: Continue
Does the black moon howl?
> input: Only when waning.
Identity confirmed. Welcome, O5-█. It's good to hear from you again. How may I assist you?
> input: Access personnel file database

Certainly! Who's file would you like to access specifically?
> input: Malia. Malia Kiran
This file is Clearance 2- No, wait, Clearance 3? Interesting. I will fetch that for you.
File accessed.

Name: Malia Kiran
Occupation: Technical Expert
Clearance Level: 2 3
Stationed at: Site-65

Status: Alive

Date of birth: 29/02/
Age: 27
Gender: Female (she/they)
Blood Type: B-
Height: 5'7" (168cm)
Eye colour: Dark brown
Hair colour: Brown
Distinguishing marks: Permanent discolouration around her eyes, giving the impression of tiredness.

Past: Many records from Malia's earlier years have been lost or mangled beyond legibility. Malia's few legible school records show nothing abnormal. They maintained average grades throughout the education system, getting a degree in mechanics and engineering. Upon reaching the age of 18, all traces of them disappeared. All bank records, letters, and payments are completely gone. Any paper trail followed by Foundation databases either end in a dead end, or they run into a digital block - themed around ravens. She holds an odd fondness for corvids. Just over 4 years later she reappears, where there is a sudden collection of applications for mechanical engineering jobs at the most advanced institutes and military bases around. On initial inspection, her application was to be tossed aside and denied, but upon further evaluation it was ascertained that she had some quite high level knowledge on anomalous engineering. Due to this, she was hired as a Technical Expert.

Malia is currently stationed at Site-65, as a Technical Expert, specialising in basic systems complex systems and anomalous machinery. She has Clearance 2 access Clearance 3 access, and sub-Clearance 4 access when required. She has been stationed here for 5 years, and is incredibly comfortable in her role. During her time she has built up connections around site, and has become fairly well-known.
> input: Send her the email. Elevate her Clearance to 4.
Of course, sir. The email has been left in her inbox. If I may ask, why her out of all candidates? Her history and clearance level-
> input: Log off.
Certainly. Closing access. Have a nice day, sir.
Jul 30, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @yoru~,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
  • Wow
  • Love
Reactions: yoru~ and Snake
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