[UK] Manning's Director of Intelligence Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since Beta (28/11/21)
Total Vtime:5d21h (this month)

In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Jack Manning
Civilian name:
Mike Harper
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF: E-11,Nu-7,O-1 LCpl (Held)
CI: Delta (Holding)
-Intelligence Ambassador (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-1x Metagaming, 3x RDM, 3x FailRP, 1 FearRP
-Kicks/Bans - None Received
Why are you applying for Director of Intelligence?
-I'm applying due to the fact that the recent Director (Dir.Huff) "passed" on, the reason for my application is simple.
I want to lead and improve the Department in a way that is not currently possible.
I also want to implement some ideas in the future for the department once i get the position.

What makes you suitable for Director of Intelligence?:
-I've spent about 4 Months in the Department already and i do believe that i have the necessary qualities to be the Next Director.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Intelligence in RP?:
-Running Covert Operations
-Managment of Ambassadors
-Directing the Department
-Improving the Department
-Organising/Giving Permission on Raiding CI
Please give some lore about your Director of Intelligence character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Footsteps can be heard from a distance, as a man wearing Casual Clothing walks through the Archives.

Receptionist: Hello, how can i help you ?
The Man:Hi, I'm looking for Personnel Files of Clearance Level 4 Staff in Site-65.
Receptionist:Hmm...Alright, Follow me Sir.

The two proceede to move towards their destination, Through an Area which resembles a Maze made out of File Cabinets...big file cabinets.
It didin't resemble it, It was a Maze made out File Cabinets, The Cabinets were soo tall in-fact they resembled walls if not cabinets.

The Collection of all the Information gathered there would make anyone halt for a moment, It was a sight to behold.

Receptionist:Alright, We're here. If you need anything let me know.
The Man:Thanks.

Footsteps can be heard through the Echoes of the Archives, as the Receptionist is making his way back to the post.
The Place was almost empty for it's size it lacked noise.

As the Man was left alone he stood in front of a Vault.
To the left of the vault, there was a Terminal attached to the side of the Vault Entry.

The Man walks over to the Terminal and starts using it..

Salutations. I am Marlnor.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by The Foundation for archival and communications. How can I help you today?
input:Access Vault
Keep in mind that Vault Access is restricted to Clearance Level 5 and RAISA Personnel Authentication is required. Failure to authenticate will result in deployment of MTF-Epsilon 11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox"). Do you wish to continue?
Who is the Lady of the Lake ?
input: A woman bearing gifts.
Aaaalllrriightt...Override Successful. Welcome.

The Vault doors start to open, and the Man walks through them.
As he walks in he sees a long narrow cement path, on each side is a wall filled with cabinets.
These walls are much smaller than the ones outside, Each Section is marked coresponding to each Site.

The Man found what he was looking for.
Personnel File #1510
Department of Intelligence

Name:Jack Manning
Alias:'The Beholder'
Place of Origin:[DATA EXPUNGED]
Date of Birth:20/11/19



Recruited by the Department of External Affairs, Jack Manning was a Private Military Contractor working for a PMC Company.

He was Deployed in Iraq, and worked there with the US Army and the CIA, working with the Green Berets and the CIA's Special Activities Center Operatives during Missions.

During one of the Assignments, He and his Team have encountered an Anomaly in one of the Enemies Hideouts.

The Anomaly killed Most of the Squad, Except █ People. Jack Manning being one of them.

Most people involved in this Accident were Interviewed and Amnesticised by the Department of Intelligence.

People who were directly Involved were Interviewed and Recruited by the Department of External Affairs.


After recruitment, Jack Manning was given a Position within the Security Department. He dealt with On-Site Security for the most part. Later he Joined Riot Control and 5 Years Later he got promoted to Sector Chief.

Later he joined a Mobile Task Force, During a Psychological Session he claimed that his skills were not put to use in the Security Department.

He did a good job there but decided to leave after a while.
He got a Honourable Discharge at the rank of Lance Corporal. (Epsilon-11)

After that he got assigned to the Department of Intelligence, Whilst there he put his skills to the test and did an outstanding job during Field Work where he Infiltrated the Chaos Insurgency and Assisted in Containment of Multiple Anomalies.

Sometime later he got himself Promoted to Ambassador, This time it was more challenging however he did prove he was the right guy for the Job.

Involvement in Operations:
-Operation "Void Walker"
-Operation "Heaven's Fall"
-Operation Fulminis
-Operation "Broken Halo"

-Close Quarters Combat
-Knowledge of Reality Altering
-Advanced Driving & Evasive Manouvers
-Hostage Rescue
-Unconventional Warfare

Documents Written:
-All Operation Reports that have been mentioned above.
-Reality Altering Handbook

and many more not worth mentioning

"He will do just fine." - The Man muttered to himself

Footstepts can be heard as the man walks away. The Vault begins to close.

"I will take a Copy !" - He yelled to the Receptionist far away


Special Thanks to Avery Winters for Allowing me to use this Awesome Header (he's the Nu-7 Commander btw)
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Well-known Member
Feb 9, 2022
+Massive Support
+Key person in Intelligence
+Deserves the role

The list goes on but my man Jack should get this
May 24, 2022
++massive support

+Lots of experience with leading
+Knows exactly how intel operates and has a massive amount of knowledge of intel

Out of everyone in intel Jack is by far the one who deserves the position of director the most
Best of luck


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 27, 2022
Big + Support
Would make a great Intel Director
Good Lore
Very Active

Ben D

Active member
May 11, 2022
Actually fun to hangout around. and equipped with the skills and the experience to be the department director of intel


Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022
+ Massive Support
You show great leadership skills, high competence and are always a very pleasant lad to talk to. I could not think of a single reason why you should not receive the job of Director of Intelligence as you have done me very proud as an Ambassador. The application may feel a bit slim but thats alright, I know you would make a great director.

Deleted member 1291

Application Accepted

Hello @Jack Manning (aka Mug)

Thank you for taking your time to make a role application.
The council has decided to accept your application.

O5-2 "The Umbra"​
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