[UK] Manning's Executive researcher application.

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Alucard Vesper

Well-known Member
Sep 21, 2022
Steam ID: Steam ID: 76561198195509917
Discord name: Leggy
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played for: Just over 1 month.
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: The UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Manning.
Civilian name: Lee Spring.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I am very active and communicate frequently with others, I also use a voice changer when roleplaying as SCP's such as SCP-049.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-I have not been whitelisted for any roles previously, and have not held any CI roles.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I received 1 warning on the 13/09/22 for chat spam.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I am applying for the role of Executive researcher because I thoroughly enjoy the RP that the research role provides, I wish to enhance and make the server more enjoyable for all playing. I was advised to put in an application by an Executive researcher after my 'Understanding SCP-096' document was read. I very much enjoy writing documents and being a senior researcher, I feel that I have enough experience as a member of the research wing to elevate myself to a new challenge that being of the title 'Executive researcher'.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I can bring a calm and professional presence to the research wing, I also enjoy assisting others and training people to become better at documenting or even testing, I am well known amongst the researchers meaning that If this application is successful the research wing will see me as an approachable role model. I am confident speaking in front of many people and taking control of a situation if the need arises and I'm the most senior at the time.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I have written 7 excellent documents, these include: SCP-7722, SCP-049, SCP-096, SCP-939, SCP-035, SCP-106 and SCP-457. All documents can be found on SCPi.net with the preface 'Understanding SCP-XXXX'. These documents have received high praise from Executive researchers and two have been pinned on the board within the director of researches' office, An excellent document follows a clear and appealing format, typically as follows;
- Front page
- Contents
- Aim
- Method
- Description
- Test(s)
- Conclusion
- Personal notes (if any)
Following this template and providing as much detail and information as possible is what makes an excellent document, not to mention, grammar and spelling, in OOC the creative writing aspect is also brought in consideration as a document that is well written and interesting is looked upon more favourably that one with a simple test and outcome.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The responsibilities are to ensure training and understanding goals are met by Jr and standard researchers, this would be done via; presentations or lectures, the role also expands to assessing and grading documents produced by the research team and depending on the quality of the document giving positive feedback or feedback on how to improve the document and documents in future. It would also be my responsibility to authorise SAFE - SAFE and SAFE - EUCLID testing. I will also be accountable for the safe running of experiments and ensuring that the experiments are ethical.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- After achieving a PhD in Biology and Psychology from the University of Oxford Manning began working in a local private hospital, after 12 years of work he was approached by a member of foundation staff that had been monitoring him for 7 months, Manning accepted the employment offer and has been working for the foundation ever since.

After a rather nasty incident with SCP-[REDACTED] Manning had to have emergency surgery to save his life, sadly he had lost both eyes during the attack, fortunately he was given the latest eye implant technology courtesy of the site-65 medical wing. These implants give off a dim red light and have been reported to be making site staff slightly uncomfortable when speaking to Manning, to make himself more approachable Manning now wears a pair of glasses, He isn't sure why this make people more at ease but doesn't really care. Manning's purpose is to understand SCP-049 and to finally get to the bottom of what the 'pestilence' is.

This fascination with SCP-049 was sparked after losing a dear friend and college in a random and unprovoked attack by SCP-049, Manning's goal for the last 2 years has been to understand and neutralize SCP-049, after all this time however, Manning was beginning to lose hope, until SCP-7722 was brought to site-65, After reviewing audio logs and video logs of SCP-7722 a correlation was made between SCP-7722 and SCP-049 the 'Pestilence'

Now begins a new round of testing for Manning, and with it comes hope that SCP-049 can be understood and neutralised once and for all.
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Aug 31, 2022
Hello Manning, today I will be giving you a +Support
-Mature/Very Active/Friendly

-Has outstanding knowledge on writing documents

-Researchers do indeed look up to Manning and he does present himself incredibly well

-Understands the role

Hello Manning, I have seen your outstanding work and I believe you’re suited for the Exec. role based off of everything I listed above.

I wish you the best of luck!
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Alucard Vesper

Well-known Member
Sep 21, 2022
Hello Manning, today I will be giving you a +Support
-Mature/Very Active/Friendly

-Has outstanding knowledge on writing documents

-Researchers do indeed look up to Manning and he does present himself incredibly well

-Understands the role

Hello Manning, I have seen your outstanding work and I believe you’re suited for the Exec. role based off of everything I listed above.

I wish you the best of luck!
Thank you for the support :)


Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022

+ Active
+Understands the role
+Great at making documents

Hello Manning i will be leaving a +Support as you have proven your worth as a Sr Researcher I Wish you the best of luck!

Executive Researcher
MTF-E11 Operative

2929.jpg"I Hope You Have A Good Day, Evening, Night Or Whatever It Is For You"- Bailey M
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Reactions: Alucard Vesper

Alucard Vesper

Well-known Member
Sep 21, 2022

+ Active
+Understands the role
+Great at making documents

Hello Manning i will be leaving a +Support as you have proven your worth as a Sr Researcher I Wish you the best of luck!

Executive Researcher
MTF-E11 Operative

View attachment 3086"I Hope You Have A Good Day, Evening, Night Or Whatever It Is For You"- Bailey M
Thanks Bailey :)


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
Application Accepted
We have decided to accept your application for the following reasons; You have shown a great understanding in the Executive role, you have put in immense dedication towards the Research Department and we are confident that you have the perfect mindset for the Executive role. The community has also shown their support towards you, which is also a must.

Contact myself
Brewer#0879 or Smug#5737 to proceed to the interview stage.
Director of Research: Dr. Alec Bennett
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