[UK] Marc Brekker's GM Application

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Marc Brekker

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 17, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Zunter

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: About 6-7 months

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: EST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): O-1 Commander [REDACTED] 'Mirage' Brekker
Chaos name (include your rank): Kaz Brekker

Civilian name: Kazz Brekker

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197206746

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for?: UK

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- First application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have two warnings, one of them being a warning against combat jumping when I was new to the server, the other one was FearRP after I ran away from CI (About a month ago)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- No but I am willing to learn

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- This is my first serious RP server

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- About 3 hours or more if nothing comes up

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- Not only do I enjoy interacting with Site personal, I also found out that I enjoyed creating the rp situation after Julien helped me with a simple event for O-1. But most importantly I want to try and break the cycle of mundane patrols around the facility and regiments sitting idly waiting for a raid or a SCP Breach to happen.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
- I could definitely help with MTF events especially with O1 and A1

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

A Mysterious Briefcase - A mysterious briefcase will appear on site either in the open or hidden somewhere, the briefcase will contain some high value information about the site, i.e name of important figures, information of scp and sometimes a hit list will be in the briefcase and once it is read a hitman will spawn and kill its target. Depending on who discovers the briefcase the outcome will be random and of course there will be more contents in the briefcase as time goes on.

UN Visit: Due to the large scale of the SCP Foundation it naturally costs a-lot to run everything and so every five years three United Nations representatives visit a site to make sure that their funds are being well used. For this visit Site-65 has been chosen and so three UN representatives will tour the site meeting with Departments chiefs as well as seeing some SCPs.

The Mysterious Man: A man with telekinetic powers pays a visit to the foundation after a failed capture attempt, angry but willing to talk, the man just wants some sort of closure. The answer will determine the fate of the site.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

An Unlikely Savior: My fellow citizen. If you are hearing this tape, then the world as we knew it has finished. These are the words or humanity's last hope before the speaker system gets destroyed by those things. The sky has broken… The world has ended.. The site is no longer secured.. Blobs of human flesh and skin bang on the door calling for their loved ones to come join them out in the sun.. The O5 Council calls for a total site lockdown, in the event that the doors are breached.. Well there is no backup.. Site personnel have taken this lockdown to the extreme, many are broken and are simply throwing themselves in SCP chambers in order to avoid their fates. In the chaos an unlikely savior rises… SCP 106. He ‘rescues’ people who are willing to hurt themselves. The circumstances on who and why he ‘rescues’ people is unknown but the only thing that is known is that his place is much safer than being in Site-65.

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: Site Investigation - 65: The Ethics Committee has received a disturbing report from a Senior Researcher but before they could receive the whole report, a gun shot can be heard on the other end, the call then cuts out. O-1 is to investigate what happened to the researcher as well as investigate who shot the researcher.

A-1: Rouge Site Advisor: Recently a Site Director has been removed from his position at Site-65 due to misconduct with staff. Surprisingly the Site Director did not go down without a fight, the Site Director is holding his assistant hostage and is currently trying to escape the facility. A-1 is to be deployed and eliminate the Site Director without hurting the hostage and before the Site Director escapes.

Nu-7: MC&D Warehouse: Nu-7 has received a report and a request from the Intel Department about a MC&D Warehouse on surface. The warehouse could contain SCPS, trinkets, documents on SCPS/buyers. With these highly valuable items these warehouses often attract the attention of other GOIs and of course this warehouse is highly guarded by MC&D and a simple mistake could cause a full on attack on the site by MC&D.

E-11: The Tainted Forest: On the last test on SCP-860 and researcher has reported that SCP-860-1 (Forest) has turned red after seeing the head cam footage from a D class that went in, shortly after entering the D class in 860 fell unconscious and broke his head camera. The Site Advisor has contacted E-11 to enter SCP-860 to find out what happened to it, they are also tasked with keeping corridor to SCP 860 free from anyone without a biohazard suit.

CI: Operation "Join Them": The masterful minds of the Deep Cover Division have managed to successfully replace the O5 council with their own members, none of the original O5 are alive. The "O5" council are now tasked with destroying everything that the foundation has built over the years, sabotaging MTFs and containment chambers are a huge priority, perhaps Alpha-1 is up to the task?

Foundation Staff: Intel: The Buyer: After the recent raid on the MC&D Warehouse information about a person named "The Buyer" was brought to the attention to the Intel Department, perhaps this person is the owner of MC&D? Or perhaps a frequent buyer of MC&D Products? It is up to the Intel Department to figure out who this person is and either work with them to take down MC&D or eliminate them to cripple MC&D.

Man of Culture

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022

OG PLAYER ( been around longer than me)
Decently active

100% fit for GM

Simon "Kitton" A.

Active member
Apr 16, 2022
Good day Marc

Sadly, I will be rating your application with Neutral Support
You seem like a good choice when it comes to choosing you for the role of a Game master but unfortunately, I cannot choose positive support due to your activity lately, Yes you do hold a senior position but you have been on LOA for a very long time.

Either way good luck.

Deleted member 1285

Here is why I will be giving you a Huge + + Support @Marc Brekker,

You have shown major interest and ambition towards becoming a game master, the event ideas are plentiful and full of content which shows a good promise towards being part of the event team. You have held a senior position for a very long time and with that your maturity is also one thing which stands out as I have never seen you act in a bad manner.

I wish you the best of luck marc and I hope to see you in the event team.

Signed - Julien White

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
+really good ideas
+creative even when not doing events


Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2022
-/+ Neutral leaning towards +Support

Hello Marc.

I have seen from my colleagues that you are someone who would make a great fit for the gamemaster role and
privilege. You also have great ideas for events, and hold position of COM. Ordinarily, this would mean a +Support, however, I have barely ever seen you, if ever. I understand you on LOA, everyone needs a break sometimes, but I cannot leave a +Support knowing you just came back from one, which was incredibly long.

I wish you good luck either way.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
Application Accepted

Hi @Marc Brekker ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Game Master Application.

Congratulations on your new position as Trial Gamemaster, make sure to contact me on TeamSpeak whenever you're available so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.

Kind Regards,
Team Lead Coolfrae​
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