[UK] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt's Director of External Affairs Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2 Years
In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom
Time zone:
Character name(s):
[F] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt
[CI] Marcus "Sparta" Wolfgang

Civilian name:
Michael Schmidt
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Foundation Staff Positions:
Department Manager of External Affairs [Current]

O5-1 "The Sycophant" [Former]
O5-4 "The Apostle" [Former]
Ethics Committee Member [Former]
Ethics Committee Assistant [Former]
Site Director [Former]
Site Advisor [Former]
Director Of External Affairs [Former]
Director Of Intelligence x2 [Former]
Intelligence Ambassador [Former]
Special Agent [Former]
Executive Researcher [Former]
Overseer Assistant [Former]

MTF Positions:
MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") Command Sergeant [Former] x2
MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") Command Sergeant [Former]
MTF E-11 ("Nine Tailed Fox") Specialist [Former]

Groups of Interest Positions:
UNGOC Corporal [Former]
CI-D Delta x2 [Former]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Job Abuse
RDM x2

The majority of my warnings are from quite some time ago and due to my lack of knowledge surround the specific rule at the time, I have since learnt from said warnings.
Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs?

I have had many encounters with this department, from acting as the Director of Intelligence through its transition to External Affairs to overseeing the department from the position of O5-1. It's clear now that I have a true love for this department and a desire to improve it and push it to new levels. I have a true sense of how this department functions and the roleplay in which both myself and Ron can push from our positions. During my time within Site Command, on both sides, I created various RP scenarios and created spaces that were utilised to expand RP. I thoroughly believe I would be able to replicate this within the Department of External Affairs. I've already begunw that I'll be able to push this direction and increase the level of control that I'd be available to perform such tasks. pushing for new and creative methods in which I can channel what seems to be a department without direction. For some time now the department has had no clear direction to it, which is a key source of motivation for everyone within it. I know that I'll be able to push this direction and increase the level of control that I'd be available to perform such tasks. At the moment I have been working with Ron on multiple different areas in which we can explore that will help with the activity of the department.

Currently within the department, I'm pushing into two key areas that I would love to involve the department as well as other GOIs with:

Foundation DMZ Building

Recently I have launched a new operation looking at counterintelligence within DEA and Nu-7; this is what I'm looking to push in regards to current SOP RP and DEA RP. As O5-1 I made it clear to both UNGOC and SA that we would be looking for an increase in surface RP; with this being said, I looked for all factions to have their own spaces within the new DMZ; for the Foundation this was a recruitment centre, which I am now planning to be a "Communication Tower." A place within Pinewood in the document below, I want to push this with UNGOC so that we can finish something that I planned for months ago... for DEA to push RP. From covering up local parawatch leaks to interrogating civilians within the building regarding information leaks, this would work as a new staging ground and a new aspect for the department to explore. This would heavily involve UNGOC but also CI investigating what takes place within the building and possibly even raiding it. As shown in the document below, I want to push this with UNGOC so that we can finish something that I planned for months ago...

DMZ OOC Agreement

CI Cell Destruction

With CI constantly raiding the base I'm unsure why this has never been questioned before. I understand there's limitations with the map, however there could be an entire storyline in regards to SOP actually dismantling and destroying the CI cell and their bunker. With this being said it would require heavy planning with both CI and GM's but it would make for a great storyline and could involve many different scenarios that could develop. For example, the CI Cell relocating to a different area on surface whilst the "Rebuild" their damaged bunker. There's many different areas this could be explored within.

What makes you suitable for Director of External Affairs?:

There are many aspects in which I see myself as the most suitable for this position. My lengthy tenure within the site and my experience within O5 have allowed me to gain insight into different aspects of RP around the site, as well as the RP in which I have dove into within this position and prior ones, which have allowed me to create an expansive knowledge of the many different situations and scenarios. My occupation as an O5-1 gave me possibly the most control over different RP situations in which I was able to create and develop; as well, the position created a further understanding of the different documentation that takes place at the site command and site administration levels. One of my more recent experiences within site administration has been one of projection and challenge within the site. This by far has given me the most knowledge and experience within my time on the site and has allowed me to both face hardships and success with managing site administration and the site as a whole. Through delegation and project management, I have created and developed RP within the site as a whole, with both thorough communication with Site Command and my team. With this being said, my appointment as an ECM has allowed me to further expand my knowledge of the inner workings within the site, as well as the several different aspects of RP that an ECM can provide.

From my experiences as O5-1 and directing different departments as well as managing RP as a whole during my time within O5, EC and SA, With the overall volume of different roleplay scenarios, I strongly believe I'm more than suitable for this position


From Site Director to Ethics Member and O5, I've had my fair share of leadership throughout the site. Leading is something I've always loved doing, as it allows me to create and manage RP scenarios. From leading and managing the site through an extensive team, I've experienced a variety of aspects that are available, and I believe that allowed me to create a further understanding of the duties and responsibilities that roleplay leaders have on the site. Creating and developing RP with both Site Administration and Site Command has been something with which I have become familiar through a multitude of relationships and projects. I've really enjoyed creating new spaces within the facility for new and more creative RP to occur, working alongside both SL and the GM team to further increase the server's player experience as well.


I have expanded a large number of different positions within the site, from being the site director to leading different departments as well as leading as an O5 Council member and ethics member. Many different experiences have arisen due to my various positions throughout the site that have allowed me to gain further knowledge of the different roles that site command has within the site that differ from other positions. Of course, the most obvious position in which I learnt and gained the most experience was ECM and O5. I spent 2–3 months in this position, constantly creating and nurturing RP within and out of the facility itself; this would heavily alleviate any concerns in regard to my ability to create RP.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in RP?:

The Director has a variety of responsibilities when it comes to both the department and GOI's.

Departmental Leadership
External Affairs at this time is quite fragile due to it's small group running the leadership team, it's key that a director looks to expand and develop all within this team. Mentoring and neutering new or old members of the department to further better themselves so that we're able to progress the department to new heights. The director holds responsibility over the selection of special agents as well as managers who will be directed by said director.

GOI Relations
The Director of External Affairs hold all power when it comes to GOI relations, tasked with developing relations with GOI's in the Foundations best interests, the director holds huge power as they can be the key turning point between war and peace. It's the directors responsibility to ensure relations are handled well and that we look to further improve the benefits that we receive from said relations through treaties and agreements.

Departmental Health and Operations
Operations are key when it comes to DEA, directing your interests and providing distinctive direction for RP within the department is key to a more active and reactive department. As the director overseeing the entire department when it comes to inter departmental relations and relations with other departments is extremely important as it can drive activity. Monitoring the departments performance and coordinating with Site Administration to develop the department as a whole.

Please give some lore about your Director of External Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:


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When the hound of hell has three heads.

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Oct 31, 2022
I just want to state by no means is this bias or anything i really think he would make another fantastic run as DoEA, he's been consistent as a manager and with all the past experiences he will without hesitation do a wonderful job this time too.

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Falcon, when I worked with you as a Department Manager, I was initially skeptical around your application acceptance. I decided to go forward with it as I saw you had the competence and dedication in the field to actually do really grey work for the department.

As soon as you became an SPA you understood the full responsibilities of your job and was able to lead negotiations and others in the field perfectly. If possible, I’d like to see some of your most recent role play and changes to the department.

Other than that, good luck on your application and I hope you can do great work if you do pass.

(wrote this on mobile, probs full of spelling errors)

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