[UK] Massimo Marchetti's Ethics Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022
Steam ID:
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For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Started when the server was created but lacking activity. Started playing seriously since Jan 2022


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
[REDACTED] 'Fortuna' (Massimo Marchetti)

Civilian name:
Massimo M.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF O-1 PVT (Hold)
MTF E-11 PVT (Held)
MTF Nu-7 SPC (Held)
CI-G (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 1 RDM Warn, we were joking arond in CI Base like always, a CI was downed and I finished him off, usually it would be a verbal warning due first offence but I have been issued a formal warn
I also have 1 Failrp|RDM Warning because I found a gun as a tech expert and used it with a valid reason but I was warned anyways
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I have multiple reasons why I am currently the best candidate for Ethics Assistant:
Most people would say "Why would he apply for Ethics Assistant when he is just an O-1 PVT?" but let's go a little bit back in the time. When I got involved into the Ethics and law enforcement related departement (Internal Affairs) I have learnt everything and when I say everything I mean everything about the Code Of Ethics, Conduct and the legal codex. In Internal Affairs I learnt how to organize myself and other operatives within the departement, I learnt how to communicate and the most important one:
I learnt how to be patient. You see most people I saw in IA were not patient at all and got angry at every single mistake someone did just to ruin their day. On the other side I learnt how to be patient with both operatives and people that were going to be arrested without getting mad for every single thing they did, Im saying this because I believe this position requires a lot of patience while gathering informations for the Committee and making sure the Code of Ethics is being followed. An impatient member would not be fit for EC Assistant due to the fact that they would mess up and not think twice of what they are doing.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
Like the name of the role, Ethics Assistants will assist Ethics Committees by carrying out their orders such as holding meetings, making sure Code of Ethics is being followed or even gathering informations for the Committee.
Assistants are also able to give O-1 reasonable tasks while Ethics Committee Members are not on site.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Massimo Marchetti, born in Milan in 1983, is the son of a farmer and a housekeeper: Enrico Marchetti and Annalisa Priore. His family was not rich at all, they lived in Milan outskirts in a small apartement. His father came always home late and brought a very little money that were not necessary to buy enough food for the month. At the age of 14 Marchetti had enough of the life his family was having so he decided to steal in stores with his friend Dario. Everything was going uphill for Marchetti's family until his 18th birthday when he decided to go celebrate in the woods. After partying with his friend Dario, Marchetti found a supply box full of food and they screamed: "This is a miracle|". But something was not right: There was an orange suit close to the stash that his friend Dario decided to pick up and wear. After messing around Dario screamed jokingly: "AHH I'M A PRISONER I'M HERE TO KILL YOU" and approached Marchetti and something shocking happened.
A bullet came from the woods and hit Dario in the head, Marchetti was desperated, he cried, screamed for help until a black figure appeared in the woods: It had a big hammer logo on his shoulder and he was carrying a submachine gun. Marchetti approached the unknown operative and screamed at him "WHY DID YOU SHOOT HIM?" the operative answered: "Stop screaming! he was going to kill you if it was not for me" and the operative injected a tranquilizer in Massimo. After 38 hours Massimo Marchetti woke up in an Office where he found a woman, she was beautiful, she had blonde and long hair with blue eyes. Her appearance tricked Marchetti, in fact she sat down on a chair and explained who were they and Massimo discovered about the SCP Foundation and she made him learn about his only two options he had: Be on trial period as a Cadet or be executed for stealing Nu-7's food stashes. Obviously the man chose the first option. After a couple years of Service within the security departement Massimo applied for Internal Affairs where he was accepted. Some people may ask why did a man who used to steal apply for a law enforcement job? Well Marchetti used to steal for his family and he realized how many lives he ruined so he remembered what his father said.
Enrico: "Massimino? Why did you steal that child's toy?"
Massimo: "Uh.. Dad I really like that toy and you cannot afford to buy me one.."
Enrico: "That is unacceptable son, give it back to him now."
Massimo: "But dad it's too late he is crying already he probably hates me now."
Enrico: "No son, remember it is never too late to do the right thing."
After years of service within the Internal Affairs Departement an Internal Security member approached Massimo and kidnapped him. At first Massimo tried to scream for help but when he reached the designated destination he calmed down. Three members of Internal Security explained to him who were they and Massimo learnt about Omega-1 and their duties. After passing the tryout Massimo served in the Omega-1 for multiple years showing loyalty to the Committee and the Foundation he decided to apply for Ethics Committee Assistant role which was accepted by the Director "Marco" and Marchetti spent years within Committee.
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Vinnie Cassius

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 25, 2022
+ Support

-Large Application
-Well formatted
-Very active
-Experience in lots of whitelisted roles
-Good lore
-Basically no warnings


New Member
Jun 5, 2022
+Truly a gamer
+Has helped people like me a lot before in the past
+Long and good application (nice backstory btw)
+Can handle a situation well
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Massimo's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee agrees that you are not best suited to be an assistant.

Your application Is very good and convincing. However, the committee has not seen much of your commitments or enforcement of the code of ethics. A lack of recognition and experience. You have not withheld whitelist positions for a good amount of time in order to demonstrate your commitments to a cause.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application. You may re-apply in one week.

Signed and Approved

Ethics Committee Member​
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