[UK] Melon's Gamemaster Application

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Oct 1, 2023

Melon's Gamemaster Application

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
- haxorbacca
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
- 3 Months (I joined CN at end of September 2023) then took a break.
- 22
In what country are you located?:
- South Africa
Time zone:
- GMT +2:00
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
- IA Agent 'Melon'
Chaos name (include your rank):
- N/A
Civilian name:
- Jean Silverston
Steam ID:
- STEAM_1:0:77890700
Discord ID (name#0000):
- a_wildwatermelon
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
What server are you applying for?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- #1 Staff Application
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- N/A
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- Yes I have been a Senior Event Planner of a Star Wars RP community where our duty was to manage the Main Story events which happened once a month. So I would have to create cutscenes of major story events such as the 2nd battle of Geonosis.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes the various Star Wars communities I was apart of as well as Civil Networks where I was O5, Exec Researcher and both Site Command Assistant.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- 2-3 Hours
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- The reason I'd like to become a Gamemaster for CN is because I'm very passionate about creating stories and making unique experiences for the player base. Back when I used to play on Star Wars, it was fun having these unique events made for people to enjoy, and it was something I was very fond of doing. I would like to do that again for a larger community that I have enjoyed for a long time, and I would like to be a part of that on CN. Currently, I'm not holding any major roles that can create RP scenarios, and I feel like I can do more as a Gamemaster and make creative events for the community to enjoy.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I believe that every Gamemaster has their own unique and creative way of creating events, and I would like to contribute with more out-of-the-box ideas. Through my time in various communities, I have developed new event ideas that can enrich the quality of storylines and events for the player base.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Cartographer Troubles
The stationed Cartographer of Site-65, Rango Stone, decided it was time to catch up on the findings of other Cartographers. While doing so, he came across a site on the dark web, a message board.
ANONYMOUS - I have new findings of a dimension that has been undiscovered. I've only proven it by theory but I do not have equipment to test it
RANGO - Send your findings and Instructions and I will update you on the findings.

The site explained that by recalculating the bridge and making a crack in the crystal, it would open up a new dimension. When the cartographer opened this dimension, hot air gushed out and flames appeared. He tried to remove the crystal but died as soon as he touched it.

(A portal will be created that will give the Foundation access to teleport into Hell and kill the demons that reside there. One of the demons is keeping the portal open, and the Foundation needs to find out who. The medical team will be able to investigate why certain members of the Foundation are going mad as well as study the demonic bodies. The research team will investigate why the portal is not closing. All the combative forces can go in and kill the demons.)

OOC: Will set up a dimensional bridge in the research wing using a cartographer's body. The portal will take you to the event area, which will be a large open space transformed into a hellish environment. Event characters will be modeled as demonic beings, with one character standing out from the rest. This character will focus on the RP aspect and keep the portal open. A Scipnet file will also be transcribed to show the cartographer's findings. If the findings are not discovered, research will still be set up to investigate the new dimension at a later time.

Note: Event is scalable
Involvement - Entire Foundation
The Church
The Civil Protectors of pinewood ran to every known GOI in the area and exclaims that there is large smoke clouds coming from the lake house. But what the GOI's do not know is that a Church appeared. But who are these people and what do they want?

(The Church of the Broken God has established a church at Lakehouse to spread its gospel and demand the return of the 'Heart of God,' an artifact composed of multiple parts that the church is still seeking. Whoever manages to assemble it will attain godhood.)

OOC: A church dupe will be spawned at Lakehouse with a large bonfire. A massive metallic gear figure will be placed against the wall inside the church, while the event characters will be modeled as cultists. The cultists will try to spread their gospel to others but ultimately will encourage players to find parts of the 'Heart of God.'

Involvement - All GOI's but The Church is hostile towards Foundation members and considers them Heretics.
The Man in White

A man has strangely appeared and disappeared in and around the GOC Outpost. This anomalous man is presumed to be a ghost but is in actual a dimensional being that can only be contacted by entering the correct dimension. The GOC will have to investigate how to contact this man and understand what his intentions are.

OOC: We will use the existing dimension, but the GOC will investigate documents left behind by the Man in White across the area. These documents will explain that the calculations are left on a site. We will create a fake website that looks like a message board, containing the calculations needed to recalibrate the bridge to access the Man in White's dimension.

Involvement - GOC

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

Calamity's Return
The former O5-3 'The Calamity' has been spotted in Norway and GOC have came across information that O5-3 was in fact SCP-Y-004. This SCP needs to be found before it gets into the wrong hands. It still has valuable information regarding the foundation and if the GOC or CI find it first it will mean a catastrophic loss to the Foundation. He has been seen in a very densely populated area which means that every individual will need to be disguised as to not look suspicious when looking for SCP-Y-004.

- Unaware that O5-3 is a SCP
- Site Command have a meeting with Investors within the City to discuss allocation of funds.
- A-1 and O-1 will be tasked to setup a Perimeter around the Hotel to make sure no unauthorized access.
- Research, Medical IA will setup Checkpoints in the city for blood tests and it will be under guise to find anomalous blood through the use of blood banks.
- E-11 and NU-7 will be hunting down SCP-Y-004 will be disguised as military units from a nearby base.
- DEA will be disguised as civilians to investigate and make sure everything is running smoothly as their will be potential contact with GOC and CI. (Will Update NU-7 and ISD as much as possible to make sure nothing goes wrong if they need backup)

- Has the information that 05-3 'The Calamity' is a SCP known as SCP-Y-004.
- Disguised as civilians.
- Does not where the Meeting is taking place.
- Grab the O5-3 for Information and eliminate

- Has information that one of the O5 is a SCP.
- Disguised as civilians.
- Knows where the Meeting is taking place.
- Capture the correct O5 for valuable foundation information and potentially using the SCP to gain more information.

OOC: Players will be permanently modeled as civilians of various kinds, except for O5, ECM, and ISD. The rest will be modeled according to their roles in this large event. For example, Research, Medical, and IA personnel will look like civilians working for a blood drive. NU-7 and E-11 will be modeled as military units, and the rest will be civilians. Players not part of GOC, CI, or MTF (NU-7) will be given the opportunity to temporarily join one of these groups for the event. Key players (Site Command, GOC Command, and CI Command) will be briefed on what they will know and what they won't know, and everything mentioned above will be explained to them. A detailed document will be presented weeks beforehand to prepare for the map switch.

(Notes: There is an area which can be set up as a spawn area for everyone who does not want to be involved which is away from the roleplay.)

List an example mission for each of the following:

The Illusion Crisis
Multiple Foundation staff members have threatened the lives of the Ethics Committee. These threats have been made publicly across Site-65, but as soon as the individuals are caught, they completely forget that they ever made the threats. What's going on? Who is the real culprit? Are these people being injected with unknown chemicals, and is there truly a threat to the Ethics Committee? That is what O-1 will have to find out.

OOC: Gamemaster will be the actual individual that will try to kill the Ethics Committee. Others will be event characters that will lose their memory at random intervals which will closely be communicated with the event characters

Maniacal Laughter
Site Command has tasked the A-1 team to investigate Site-12. It has been reported that the site director has stopped sending status reports. RAISA has already been sent out to investigate, but no reports have come in. As soon as the A-1 team arrives at the blast door entrance of Site-12, they can hear staff bashing and scratching at the doors to escape. Has an SCP breached?

OOC: A dupe of Site-12 will be made for A-1's Mission. Enemies will be event characters as well as RP leaders. No SCP will be present for the event.

A robotic attack dog has escaped from an Anderson Robotics factory nearby, and NU-7 has been tasked with capturing and neutralizing this breach. Anderson Robotics contacted Site Command and offered to upgrade all of our hardware at Site-65 if we dispose of the dog. It was last seen heading towards Parawatch Camp. Dispose of it before it gets into the wrong hands.

OOC: A PAC3 of a robotic dog will be available that will attack players when they get close by. (Note: I am aware that PAC3 has a view distance which is why I will use the model of 939 and color it into a gray color for people who have PAC3 Disabled.

Where'd they go?
It's a normal day in the Heavy Containment Area of Site-65. E-11 notices various researchers entering containment cells of the SCPs but never leaving. Where did they go? E-11 needs to investigate why researchers and D-Class are disappearing. What E-11 does not know is something is creating dimensional portals which then teleport the researchers and D-Class across the site. Has SCP-106 somehow become stronger or is something else at play?

OOC: Items will be placed down and if the players enter the zone it will teleport Researchers and D-block to other items on the site, the items that are not HCZ will not teleport players. A Dupe will also be made for one last special area E-11 will be teleported to of a SCP that will not be named as of yet.

The Hunter
MC&D have paid for a myth to finally become reality. A man in a snow ghillie suit has been seen running around hunting civilians, particularly CI members, in the area. He's not affiliated with any of the GOIs. He doesn't kill the CI members but merely tranquilizes and kidnaps them. CI needs to find out where he has taken them and what he does with the kidnapped CI members.

OOC: Gamemaster will be modeled into a White Ghillie suit with a tranquilizer gun and will restrain the CI players and kidnap them to Lakehouse. Lakehouse will have a portal in place for a basement area that CI will be able to enter.

The ragged Researcher
A researcher came running towards the GOC Outpost. Frantic, exhausted, and dehydrated, this researcher was kidnapped by the CI from the Foundation years ago and was forced to work in the Research Department. They found out that the CI has set up a dimensional research center where the SCPs are kept away from the Foundation's prying eyes. But the researcher is terrified of what they had seen and has asked the GOC to eliminate the SCPs for humanity's sake because if they ever escaped, many lives would be lost.

OOC: GOC will assume that the CI that are involved are the ones that are in the CI Outpost nearby it will not be the case at all. It will be a separate group and only way to get there will be through a dimension (dupe)

Foundation Staff:
Doctor's In
Site Command has informed the site that a very well-known doctor will be entering the site. He will be conducting research on the various SCPs of the site and will also be performing medical tests. What the site does not know is that Site Command has hired an MC&D doctor who is fully aware of Site-65. The only people who are aware are ISD and Site Command. This 'doctor' will be investigating all the departments and reporting his findings to Site Command.

OOC: Gamemaster will play as the Doctor, Site command and ISD will be aware of the event. Will not interfere and will report the findings and RP with foundation staff in certain small scenarios that will be created and will be adaptable.


Edits: Spaced out CI and UNGOC missions - 07/06/24 | 00:08 GMT +2:00
Edits: OOC part of the event has been created as per requested in the comments - 07/06/24 | 16:33 GMT +2:00
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Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Jul 25, 2022


Hey @Melon , its really nice to see you come back and start being active, just fyi, I really like you but unfortunately I will have to give you a - for the following reasons:

- You just came back like 2 weeks ago
- Haven't seen much activity from you

- Good application / event idea's

Overall I think you'd be a great Game master, but you need more time to adapt to the server as it has changed a lot since you left. Try to interact more with the community.

Kind regards, Blue

  • Largely agree with negative points stated above - In addition, while the events listed are very nice, quite well laid-out (albeit could use a little more description here and there), there is no mention as to how you would tackle them OOC, from a GM perspective. How would you go about prepping these events? What would you do in terms of potential PAC3/Dupe creation/usage to facilitate your event ideas? Would you need additional GMs to help out with your events? If so, what would you want them to be doing, what roles would you have them play? What is the general baseline for how you want your events to go? You need to take all of this into account and more if you want to ensure you are creating and running good events (Good events, over events that ran as expected, as a GM needs improvisation skills to handle events that are straying a bit away from how they were intended to be ran - Therefore the focus should be on making events fun for players, rather than trying to strictly follow a story; I will say that I think you are perfectly capable of this).

  • Has held staff positions in the past (I believe they were an HMOD?).

  • Have had only good interactions with this player, albeit they have only recently returned to the community.
With improvement to the application to demonstrate more of what was raised in the first point, I believe they may be suitable for the position; That being said, I'm not certain if it's wise to go headfirst into this right after coming back - Especially since there are a ton of new things since you left (22415 for example), which change the overall landscape of the roleplay environment, as well as a few landscape changes behind the scenes (changes in various staff & GM leadership positions, changes to methodologies, etc.) that may make coming back to this side of the curtain a little dizzying. While your enthusiasm is great, I would advise slowing down and getting your bearings first.
EDIT (07/06/2024 16:59):

  • After the edits to the OP - I still think some events should have a bit more than the brief synopsis they have, however the addition of OOC parts to each event showing their thinking of how they will approach implementing each event idea as a GM demonstrates that they have the necessary mindset to do good in a GM position.

  • After actually checking, turns out they used to be a member of SL; I believe that's important to note in terms of things like trustability, how well they know the rules, etc.

  • Have had only good interactions with this player, albeit they have only recently returned to the community.

  • Suited for the position
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Hello @Melon, today I decided to give you a +Support for following reasons.

+ Support
Is a former o5 and o1 CO. Id say this pretty much means that HE KNOWS how to roleplay, and speak.
Event ideas are good.
Former SL. Id say this pretty much means he is trustworthy.

-/+ Support
Recently returned, although. I believe he will be not leaving soon. Thats why this was putted into Neutral instead of -Support.

- Support

Good Luck! -Harlow


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Jun 6, 2022
Application Denied

Hi Melon,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your gamemaster application.

Your ideas are amazing, the plans you have are great. But you have just returned and we need to see more activity from you and community engagement before we can accept this. When you do re-apply feel free to re-use this application (as a new post) and we will review your activity and community engagement.

You may re-apply in 1 week.​
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