[UK] Michael "Banana" Banasiewicz - Chief of Security Application #2

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Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I have almost 8 weeks of playtime.



I am 14.

In what country are you located?:


Time zone:

Central European Time / GMT +1

Character name(s):

Foundation - Michael "Banana" Banasiewicz
Chaos Insurgency - Michael "BANANA"

Civilian name:

Michael Banasiewicz

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

I am applying for the United Kingdom server.

Do you have a mic?:

Yes, I do have a microphone.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


E-11 Corporal
Overseer Assistant
Nu-7 Lance Corporal


E-11 Sergeant
CI-Alpha [TEU-PFC]
Senior GenSec Captain, Head of the Managment SubDivision

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

No, I have a clean record.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

The biggest reason I am applying for the role of the Chief of Security is that I wish to help the department improve. Throughout the last five months of being a GSD Captain I have been through thick and thin. There were a lot of challanges I faced along the way and I feel like right now I am capable of giving more to the department. I believe that I can fix some of the issues that have been bothering GSD for quite some time, for example the lack of organisation on the roster, the inactivity of some Captains and the general lack of communication. As the head of the managment I have tried to fix theese issues but was often powerless to deal with some of them. If I become the Chief of GenSec I think that I will be able to make some sort of a notable change.

I also believe that right now I am the most qualified person for this role due to the sheer amount of experience I have with the department. I have been in this department for five consecutive months and throughout my stay have been awarded the "Instructor's Commendation" twice and have also been given the "Veteran's Medal". I have also organised multiple standard trainings and cross-trainings during my service as Captain. I have put a lot of time and effort as a Captain and as the Head of Managment and after all this time I feel like it is time for me to step up my game.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:

•Leadership - As a GSD Captain I have learned a lot about leadership. I have made many friends in the department with my fellow Captains and many other GSD members. I have extensive experience in leading people from my stay as the SubDivision Head, Senior Captain and a MTF SGT. I hosted many trainings and built good relationships with other departments.

•Experience - I possess extensive knowledge as a GSD Captain. I have done a lot of trainings and did many BT's for new Captains. I have already been managing Clearance 4 activity within the department as the leader of the Managment SubDepartment. I have introduced a lot of people to their duties as Captains and helped many within the department, for example: Logging LOA's, Giving Document Access, Helping Sort out the roster, Forwarding resignations.

• Activity - I usually spend multiple hours daily on the server so I am certain that I'd be able to fully commit to the role of CoS. I am also generally responsive on discord so I would both be able to help ingame but on discord too.

Attitude - I think that one of my biggest strenghts is my ability to get along with people. I generally have no problem meeting new people and working with them. Furthermore I know how to act in certain situations, I know when to act professionnal and when I can relax and just vibe.

•Strictness - I heavily value conduct within this department. While I understand that people make mistakes, I believe that keeping a good popular image of the department is of utmost priority.

•Diligence - Throughout the last five months I have worked towards making this department a better place. I have put in a lot of effort into helping others and improving the department. I believe that if I were to become the Chief I could improve GSD even more. I testiment to my hard work would be the two commendations I have received during my stay.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

This position entails a lot of responsibilties, I will list some of them here:

•Recruitment of Captains and scoping out potential candidates. This includes: Conducting Interviews, Doing leadership trainings and generally inducting new members of the Clearance 4 staff.

•Mentoring and teaching new Captains and helping them become better in their duties.

•Managment of the roster and other documents.

•Producing guides, documentation and instructions for the department.

•Managing Clearance 4 activity within the department.

•Punishment of misbehaving personnel.

•Organising departmental meetings.

•Promoting and appointing Captains to SubDepartments.

•Upkeep of the interdepartmental relations.

•Reviewing Captain applications on the forums.

•Creating new departmental policies and making agreements with other departments.

•Maintaining morale within the department.

•Improving and maintaining a good image of the department.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Foundation Internal Dossier



Loading file - | Foundation / Personnel / Security_Department / Michael_Banasiewicz |

Michael Banasiewicz


General Security Captain


Date of birth:

Place of birth:
Lublin, Poland

Recruitment into the Foundation:
Michael was by profession a G.R.O.M. Team leader. He was unexpectedly recruited by the Foundation after a raid on the house of ████ ██████ in █████. During the mission his team was attacked by five instances of SCP-████ , that the Foundation had no prior knowledge of, until the incident. Foundation field agents were alerted after the G.R.O.M. team failed to respond and nearby civilians have reportedly heard gunshots and "banshee like" screaming. All instances of SCP-████ were terminated but at the cost of all of Michael's colleagues that were present during the raid. Michael was found in the house with many non life-threatning injuries, he was rushed to the hospital and treated for his wounds. After much deliberation by Foundation personnel, he was offered with a choice to either be amnesticized and return to his normal life or join the foundation as a Security Officer. He took the Foundations offer and joined the GenSec Department. After almost a year he had been promoted to the rank of Sergeant due to his merit and dedication to the Foundation.

Promotion to the role of Captain:
After a little over a year of being a member of GSD, Sergeant Michael Banasiewicz has been determined to be suitable for the role of Captain by the current GenSec Chief. During his interview he described his experience within the foundation. When asked why his fellow GSD members call him "Banana" , he confessed that when he was just a newbie in GSD, he was mockingly called "Banana" due to the fact that no one was able to pronounce his surname correctly.
After the interview he was presented with a choice to become a GenSec Captain after over a year of work. It is reported that without much thought he simply agreed to his new reassignement offer.

Incident Report: █/█/
On the █th of █, Captain Banasiewicz has been brought into Medical Bay with severe gunshot wounds and on the verge of death after a supposed shootout with the members of the Chaos Insurgency. While in recorvery, it was determined that a Chaos Insurgency raid occured during Captain Michael's cross-training with Nu-7.
After fully getting back to health, the Captain revealed the entire story of what happend. The Captain described how the Insurgents stormed into Floor 2 lobby while the two departments were preparing for a training, he also described how the CI were defeated but at the cost of many training participants.

Addendum 11/09/2023
I believe that Captain Michael Banasiewicz might be a good candidate for the role of the Chief of Security. He has been one of the longest standing members in the department and has been decorated thrice by his Chiefs.
We shall closely monitor how he performs from now on.

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