[UK] Mike Nolan's Application for Overseer Assistant

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Jan 24, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179982687

Discord name: ns_ciro/siroofington5675

For how long have you played on CG SCP: i have nearly 200 hours and started playing initally 2 years ago but didnt play for long until my return this year

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): John "Reaper" McKenna, Mike "Hawk" Nolan, Adam "The Sage" Rowe

Civilian name: John Decker

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chaos Insurgency - Alpha & TEU

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i do have some warnings and one ban

FearRP x2(Appealed, Pending)
RDM x1(Appealed,Overturned & Removed:
FailRP x1

NITRP - Transient(Appealed, Pending)

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: Honestly, I dont think I am "The Best" however i do believe i have values that can be very usefull in rp.

-I Listen to orders and can issue them effectively
-I get my point across with no "BS"
-I am fair but also strict
-I am very well endowed with SCP Lore IC & OOC
-I dont mind doing tedious work aslong as what is needed of me is clear,
if you ask me to write a small document on something itll be small, ask me to write a detailed incident report with bulletpointed lists and it will be so.
-I enjoy RP, it is my hobby and my main activity, i spend from 5-9 hours a day in game when im online
-I get shit done, ask me to kill someone? it's done. no "BS", Ask me to go meet with GOC to setup a meeting with the Council, It's done,
-Im level 10 in everything atleast some even 20, my total level is 67.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

-Representing the Council and assisting them whenever asked
-Organising or printing important documents
-Making sure that the Council are NEVER Acknowledged publicly and issuing orders to A-1 "Red Right Hand" to deal with acknowledgments with amnestics or otherwise
-Securing Infoleaks regarding the Coucil and A-1. Or any CL4/CL5 Infoleaks
-Act as "Messangers" for the Council when needed
-Provide Support to the Council as well as keeping a keen eye on Site Affairs(not the department)
-Making sure that the Council's word is Final

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Adam Rowe was not the kind of man to seek out the extraordinary.

Born in a small town nestled between rolling hills, his childhood was unremarkable, spent exploring forests and dreaming of becoming a biologist. However, fate had other plans for him.

After completing his studies in biology with top honors, Adam found himself drawn to the enigmatic world of anomalous phenomena. His curiosity led the SCP Foundation to Recruit him,
where he started as a Junior Researcher. The second he opened his eyes at Site 65 he realised everything he theorised, wasnt just theory, infact he barely even touched the surface,
A sentient ball of Jell-o? an autonomous set of bodyarmour? a sentient teddybear with healing powers? thaumaturgy? he craved more. He worked his ass of for hours, days, weeks and before he knew it months.
He was promoted to Researcher where he discovered more, Non-Standard Spacetime? The Clockwork Machine? The Burning Man? he thirsted to know how deep this rabbit hole went and after a few years
he was promoted to Sr Resarcher where his thirst only grew stronger. The Plague Doctor? Cain? Able? The Shy Guy? he just couldnt get enough but he wanted to know more about the foundation so he transferred
to the General Security Department where he was Appointed as a "Guard" he then kept working but then discovered that there is something far more sinsiter than the anomalies, corruption. it existed in nearly every department
he knew that in order to know more he had to play defensive so he joined the DiA(Department of Internal Affairs) where he discovered that the people who govern the Ethics Code Of Conduct are Hypocrites
the Ethics Committee being corrupt? he denied it at first but knew soon enough it was all too true, so he joined forces with Site Command and Mobile Task force "Alpha-1 Red Right Hand" where he prosecuted the Committee for their crimes
and wanted to do more to help and he saw a Private notice on the SCIPNET for all CL3 + personell, Site Command are looking for an Assistant and he belived he would be perfect for the job and could do alot of work
as a Site Command Assistant, so he filled in the Form, And waited.


Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 12, 2023
he is a great guy to Roleplay with he know he stuff on the foundation and he has a great lore and he would be a great help as an OSA


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 26, 2023
Recent NITRP ban
From what I've seen you were constantly messaging two other A-1 Co's for regimental join power for our comms
Last night you were in our comms and was trying to order A-1 as an IA
Recently I authed an IA squadron to work with us but you've said the one that you're in was authed to help us even though it never was
Last edited:
Jan 16, 2023
+/- Neutral

I think you may lack experience somewhat for the position. I am aware you play IA actively, but OSA is a nuanced role that requires a very wide breadth of knowledge.

The application itself is satisfactory and outlines the basic duties of an OSA.

I do take issue with some of the wording in the application though "I get shit done, ask me to kill someone? it's done. no "BS", Ask me to go meet with GOC to setup a meeting with the Council, It's done". Firstly, OSAs are non-combative and therefore would not be taking part in assassination missions. Secondly, you cannot rush into situations (especially with other GOIs) as your decision and/or actions can affect relations across the entire site and server even.

Your lore is okay, you include a lot of detail regarding the steps in your journey. However, it would benefit from expanding what happened in each role as it is currently very jumpy (eg. I was researcher, then I was Guard, then IA etc). Although I understand your hatred for the Ethics Committee, as an OSA they would not be your priority unless assigned by O5. Both branches of Site Command work together, and constantly trying to put them down or belittling them could affect relations or have lasting impacts for others on site.

Finally, you have a recent NITRP ban. This will most definitely hinder the application for a role majorly based around RP. I see you are currently appealing it from your record, so I will remove this section if it goes through.

I wish you luck in your application.
Jan 24, 2024
+/- Neutral

I think you may lack experience somewhat for the position. I am aware you play IA actively, but OSA is a nuanced role that requires a very wide breadth of knowledge.

The application itself is satisfactory and outlines the basic duties of an OSA.

I do take issue with some of the wording in the application though "I get shit done, ask me to kill someone? it's done. no "BS", Ask me to go meet with GOC to setup a meeting with the Council, It's done". Firstly, OSAs are non-combative and therefore would not be taking part in assassination missions. Secondly, you cannot rush into situations (especially with other GOIs) as your decision and/or actions can affect relations across the entire site and server even.

Your lore is okay, you include a lot of detail regarding the steps in your journey. However, it would benefit from expanding what happened in each role as it is currently very jumpy (eg. I was researcher, then I was Guard, then IA etc). Although I understand your hatred for the Ethics Committee, as an OSA they would not be your priority unless assigned by O5. Both branches of Site Command work together, and constantly trying to put them down or belittling them could affect relations or have lasting impacts for others on site.

Finally, you have a recent NITRP ban. This will most definitely hinder the application for a role majorly based around RP. I see you are currently appealing it from your record, so I will remove this section if it goes through.

I wish you luck in your application.
Im aware they are non combative and both are examples to show that i follow orders no matter the circumstance as is my duty, and im aware of GOI relations, but if i were to it wouldnt be as simple as that id obviously follow correct channels and such to organise it i just didnt think anyone wants to read for 10 minutes about something that isnt a primary duty and will rarely happen if at all, and at the time of writing that lore i was fairly tired and had spent alot of time so i didnt expand or make it an eyesore and a 20 minute read just for the lore. i appriciate your input will


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
Hello @Mike Nolan today I will be giving you a
+/- Neutral leaning towards +support for the following reasons:
+Good recent interactions (I believe you have inproved)
+Decent application

-have had poor past interactions that make me question your knowledge of more specific departmental policies and respect towards other foundation personnel which resulted in an ambassador warning you
-Recent warn (pending appeal)


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, Mike Nolans

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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