[UK] Millzy's Game Master Application #1

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Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

firefenzueyt (I made it when I was 8, okay?)

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:

~280 hours



In what country are you located?:

United Kingdom (England)

Time zone:


Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):

MTF Epsilon-11 Command Sergeant "Millzy" [PSI-5 Lead]

Chaos name (include your rank):

Chaos Insurgency Gamma "Morlov" [PD-1-M]

Civilian name:

F.W.B Mills

Steam ID:


Do you have a mic?:


What server are you applying for?:


Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

Not specifically Garry's Mod servers; I have had plenty of experience organising Game Nights in a small community of about 30-40 people, if it's worth anything.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

I have about 6-8 months worth of experience playing on SCP Roleplay servers, most of which were very serious with roleplay. I take my job and responsibilities within RP very seriously as I am sure many of the people that I interact with will tell you.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

- 4+ During weekdays, due to school.
- 8+ On weekends

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

I love taking part in events that the existing team has created, they create fun an engaging RP situations for some areas of the server that can quickly get quite "dry" if there is not much to do. As such I would love to help out with these events in addition to creating my own events that are highly interactive and fun to participate in.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I believe I would be able to help the server and the Event team because I am very familiar with building structures, fading doors and creating mechanisms; I spent quite a lot of time in a DarkRP server before it shutdown. What sets me apart from other applicants is that I am very familiar with SCPs, GOIs and how the foundation operates canonically; This means I will be able to apply this knowledge in creating exciting events and creating unique and memorable experiences in RP. I am also very knowledgeable with PAC3 allowing me to use PAC3 to increase immersion during events, further increasing the RP value of these events.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

"Lil' bit of Chaos"

Involved Groups:

  • Chaos Insurgency (Primary)
  • Foundation (Effected)
Three weeks ago, Chaos Insurgency Deep Cover units managed to procure SCP-786 from Site-19 via the use of a compact device created by Chaos Insurgency Research & Development using technology from SCP-1290 which was procured a couple of months prior. The Foundation were very quick to notice the missing item, due to Site-19's incredibly high security. SCP-786 has been sent to a Chaos Insurgency operation located South-West of the SCP Foundation's very own Site-65 to allow things to cool down. CI Command have sent some of their best R&D members along side SCP-786, so that they may continue to develop means that allow living objects to be used on SCP-786 safely. CI Command has authorised that once such developments have shown success, that the CI operation in the area may use the prototype technology in addition with SCP-786 for their own practical purposes as a "test run".

"Crow's Soul Extractor"

Involved Groups:

  • Foundation - Research
Bio-Research Area-12 is undergoing major renovations, many anomalies have been moved to temporary locations. Site-65 has been selected to temporarily house SCP-158 "Soul Extractor". Foundation Command has authorised researchers at Site-65 to experiment with SCP-158 until renovations are complete, or a more appropriate are for storage is available. All research conducted is to be submitted to a member of Site Administration to be forwarded to Prof. Kain Pathos Crow.

"The Black Queen's Revenge"

Involved Groups:

  • MTF E-11
  • MTF Nu-7
  • MTF A-1 (Assist)
  • MTF O-1 (Assist)
Doctor Gears is visiting Site-65 to continue his research on SCP-914. However, "spies" within the foundation have revealed Doctor Gears' location to the Serpent's Hand (and possibly L.S). Mobile Task Force Tau-9, designated "Bookworms", has warned Site-65 that the Serpent's Hand may be preparing to take Doctor Gears as their hostage, and bring him to the Wanderer's Library. Mobile Task Forces on Site-65 should stay on high alert, In addition to the capture of Doctor Gears, the Serpent's Hand may also try to take anomalies from foundation custody, as such Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11, designated "Nine-Tailed Fox", are instructed to seal any Hume distortion fields that are found in the facility, as the Serpent's Hand may use these weak spots to enter the foundation undetected. Armed Mobile Task Force Nu-7, designated "Hammer Down", has been tasked with safeguarding Doctor Gears to prevent the Serpent's Hand, and potentially the Black Queen from procuring the Researcher.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):


Involved Groups:
  • Most MTFs
  • All Surface Groups
  • Research
SCP-2863 is based off of the Japanese mythological creatures known as "Gashadokuro". Best way I can describe them as is: "giant skeletons that eat people".

SCP Wikidot

SCP-2863 refers to a population of spectral entities resembling giant (approximately 30 meters tall) animated human skeletons that manifest within the borders of Japan. The exact number of SCP-2863 instances is not known, but at least 206 separate individuals have been catalogued.

Instances of SCP-2863 will only appear after sunset, as they lose corporeal form if exposed to light brighter than approximately 1.1 lux. The exact process by which this occurs is currently not understood. Disappearance in this manner is temporary, as instances have been sighted on nights following their neutralization. A possible side-effect of this phenomenon is SCP-2863’s inability to be photographed by any known means. Research into the nature and relationship between these phenomena is ongoing.

It is not currently known whether or not SCP-2863 instances are sapient, as their behavior consists solely of the capture and consumption of humans. SCP-2863 instances are capable of moving very quietly, though manifestations are commonly preceded by a faint sound most commonly described as “rattling”. Due to their silence, size, and proclivity for very dark areas, SCP-2863 can easily and quickly catch humans on foot. Once an instance of SCP-2863 has caught a human victim, it will bite off its victim's head and drain their blood into its mouth. This blood is apparently absorbed into SCP-2863’s bone, despite the lack of any digestive mechanisms. SCP-2863 instances will become extremely hostile towards any who attempt to impede its feeding behavior.

During the neutralisation of an instance of SCP-2863, some unexplainable skeletal debris was discovered where the instance was destroyed. This debris has been securely sent to Site-65 for further research and perhaps some insight in to how SCP-2863 works. The item is being transported in a special containment locker, to keep the debris corporeal.

A mysterious tower has appeared close to a local fishing lodge, approximately 40 metres in height. The structure is black and made of some sort of unknown slate. Who constructed the tower or what its purpose is is unknown. It has a strange glowing large yellow crystalline structure at its summit. Any living organism within 10m of the base of this structure causes the organism to spontaneously vaporise. Mobile Task Force unit Nu-7, designated "Hammer Down" has been instructed to secure a perimeter around the structure and prevent any civilians from being harmed by the "tower" or any groups on interest from potentially procuring it.

[Researchers will then Roleplay with the "Bone" until the event progresses]

Approximately 1 hour after the skeletal debris arrived on Site-65, the facility experiences a Site-wide power outage. The power returns after 5 minutes, however the "bone" is nowhere to be found. The Department of Internal Security has stated that they saw it "rolling" towards surface. Mobile Task Force unit Nu-7, designated "Hammer Down", has been alerted. They must protect the object, and find out where it is headed to.

The strange tower near that fishing lodge has "activated"; It seems to be absorbing vast amounts of energy and generating some kind of "force-field" It is currently unknown what cause is.

Once the "bone" reaches the tower, the tower really fires up. It's energy shield disables but the tower is very active, now disintegrating everyone within 15m of the base. The bone eventually reaches the tower and rolls to the top of the tower. The bone levitates above the crystal and suddenly... the tower is gone! Leaving behind an instance of SCP-2863. The Foundation must get the surface population to safety and also notify Mobile Task Force Omircron-3 of the situation and hold off until they arrive with specialised equipment. If SCP-2863 consumes too many humans, it may become stronger.

Eventually, when MTF Omicron-3 arrive, SCP-2863 needs to be mostly stationary. Reducing the body mass of the entities has shown to slow it down significantly. MTF Omicron-3 need an accurate shot to neutralise this instance. Once the target is slowed significantly, MTF Omicron-3 will utilise their ICR-56 "Lumus" Specialised Helicopter to neutralise and vaporise the instance.

I can understand that this conclusion to the event can be a little confusing, so to try and resolve this, I have put together a small "demo" if you like.

Imagine the big cube as the SCP-2863 instance. I use PAC3 here for the MTF Omicron-3 helicopter. The red laser at the beginning is a "aiming" laser if you like. I use PAC3 commands for the firing sound.

I apologise for the horrible video quality.

List an example mission for each of the following:

MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand"

MTF Omega-1 Command Officers received a notice from the O5 Council: We are concerned for the security of the Ethics Committee; As of recent, The Ethics Committee has not been regulating our commands: We have received absolutely no concerns regarding our orders, let alone any contact at all. We understand the irony in us contacting you - "Surely the Overseers would be pleased to have the Ethics Committee off of their back" - And whilst that may be true to some extent, we believe something larger is at play; We suspect that the Ethics Committee has been infiltrated. We are concerned that these infiltrators are leaking sensitive information to external groups. We trust that you will investigate.
MTF Omega-1 must investigate the Ethics Committee and expose any "imposters".

MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand"

The Overseer Council is tied in a vote that debates whether the council wishes that SCP-173 should be neutralised (For: O5-1, O5-3, O5-4, O5-8, O5-11, O5-12 - Against: O5-2, O5-5, O5-6, O5-7, O5-9, O5-10). In circumstances such has this, the Overseer Council has called for the summoning of O5-13. Site-65 has been chosen to host the debate to convince O5-13's verdict, whilst Site-██ is being renovated. MTF Alpha-1 must accommodate Overseers 8-12 and assist them as deemed necessary until O5-13 arrives and the debate can be started.

AMTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down"

The Department for External Affairs has reported that a convoy transporting stolen anomalous artefacts is moving through the Pinewood area. Site Command has instructed AMTF Nu-7 to intercept the convoy and bring any retrieved artefacts back into foundation custody. Engage with caution however, the convoy is very heaving guarded.

MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox"

A very contagious cognitohazard has infected a few personnel at Site-65. The cognitohazazard is auditory, meaning it spreads through those that hear the infecteds' chant for too long. It is up to MTF Epsilon-11 to approach this hazard with appropriate safety gear and contain it before it spreads to the whole facility and possibly leaks onto the surface.

Chaos Insurgency

Due to the world developing, many of the LIC dictatorships that funded the Chaos Insurgency in the past have ceased due to their developing industry. CI High Command has been forced to make some budget cuts, including the dissolution of some Insurgency Cohorts. The Cohort posted at Pinewood and Site-65 must convince the inspector that their cohort is valuable to the Insurgency and should be reserved.

Foundation Staff​

The staff at Site-65 that perform the more dubious manual labour, such as cooking and maintenance tasks at the foundation, are set in their beliefs that they also deal with danger daily at the Foundation and are resorting to industrial action until they get a pay rise. Site-65 staff must scheme a method of best managing the strikers and come to a compromise.
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Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
+pretty good event ideas
+good rp IG

I haven’t interacted with you much but when I have it’s been a delight and it would be wonderful to get you on the event team


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
Application Accepted

Hi @Millzy ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Game Master Application.

Congratulations on your new position as Trial Gamemaster, make sure to contact me on TeamSpeak whenever you're available so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.

Kind Regards,
Team Lead Coolfrae​
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