[UK] Mirai's Game master app

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Lord Mirai (未来)

Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Programming Team
Game Master
Jan 5, 2021
Original Steam login name: thepilotshooter
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Over half a year
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Romania
Time zone: GMT+2
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Mirai Archaeus
Chaos name (include your rank): Augur of Antimony
Civilian name: Tarnus 'Setin' Domurrum
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147550489
Discord ID: lordmirai
Do you have a mic?: yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made?: yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 5 warnings in the past

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I was Roleplay Keeper for a little while over on MilitaryRP, before the GM overhaul, and I also did a few events when I was Admin on CivilCity.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I've been around for a while, and CN's MRP is serious enough to qualify, I believe. I've had some on other servers too, but nothing too fancy.

How many hours can you be on everyday?: 3-4 on weekdays, 5+ on weekends

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
There are so many interesting situations all the time, so much potential for great RP which can't all be attained as a simple player.
As there are a lot of things I wish to develop story-wise, becoming a gamemaster would allow me to act on those.
Also, while this may be pompous of me to say, a lot of events have a very confusing story on which not all sides are informed. I will ensure that won't happen in mine.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I am very ambitious in the things I make, and I plan them toroughly ahead of time... maybe too thoroughly. I've already made several storylines spanning over 10 hours total. Of these, one particularly documented one is the case of Tarnus 'Setin' Domurrum
I thoroughly use PAC to enhance roleplay, especially as Research or Logistics and genuinely care about the RP I'm doing, which can be heard in the way I speak
"Came here seeking protection, now turned voice actor" - Snevv

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. O5-Prime
After the Floor-3 elevator was called without warn, A-1 expected just about anyone to come through, except what did.
It was a man in a black suit, with his own A-1 escort, but they looked different; They each had a big red-glowing amulet on their chests and the A1's uniforms were not standard issue.
The man pulled out a CL5 keycard and entered Floor 3, identifying himself as O5-2 "Prime", claiming to be from the first Foundation.
As fate would have it, this group was from a timeline thought to be destroyed, yet here they were.
Foundation is then forced to find a way to deal with the 'new' O5.

2. Visions of the past
A gun dealer once foresaw its coming, and nobody believed him. As the skies ripped open, a massive eye looked down over Pinewood.
This entity wishes well for its residents, teaching them how to avoid SCPs and GOIs (not necessarily what they are).
SOP and GOC will have to try their best to make the entity leave or disable it... while Chaos might want to learn more from it.
You were told this, by a certain gun dealer, but you chose to ignore it... now it's here.

3. Not a 'Doctor' anymore
*alarms blaring*
All units respond, HCZ SCP-049 Containment Chamber. We have an unregistered anomaly present.
It is visually similar to our own 049, but this one is weird... seems older, faster and doesn't care about "curing" anymore. It seems to have mercury in its syringe and it's extremely volatile. It's currently attempting to break into SCP-049's CC. Contain or terminate this other doctor immediately. Our SCP-049 looks very distraught at its presence... poor thing.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Palace of Antimony


(Foundation side)
We failed. Project OV promised a simple solution and it brought us doom.
In the director's attempt at stopping death from taking an O5's soul, Azrael retaliated and took the whole council at once... leaving behind only a meager portal to go through. Everyone... whoever you are... move in and retrieve our council safe and sound. You must not fail, or you will also be lost. We have identified a large structure behind the portal, a sort of plane which a certain Citizen informed us is called the "Palace of Antimony". I believe that's where you're headed. Time is not on our side; Do it quickly.

(CI side)
So Foundation tried cheating death and it backfired on them, huh? There's now a rip in reality for us to... make us of. Get what you can, take no prisoners. Perhaps we can use their predicament in our favor. If you find some important-looking people, make sure I don't see them when I arrive.
Also, I heard little Azrael may have lost its scythe... maybe we can have it?


- Rescue all captive O5 council members
- (optional) gather intel from the Palace regarding aspects of Death

- Kill captive O5 council members
- (optional) Kill *all* O5 council members
- Retrieve Soul-Reaping Scythe

A large, fairly dark building, in which passing souls reside for a short while. The targets would be 'suspended' in a sort of trance, as the angel of Death judges their passing. or other edgy nonsense like that

List an example mission for each of the following:
This is the third time this week. Our intel is being intercepted, and it reaches the enemy before it reaches our own. This must stop. We suspect at least one spy involved in this... find this traitor... bring him to justice or... bring the "justice" to him. Then maybe, just maybe, we deploy counter-intel on them.

Listen up, this is a fun one. More and more infobreaches take place everyday, and we finally know the reason. There seems to be a union of junior researchers and medics, who somehow got their hands on a CL4 card. To some, we got in time. However, amnestics aren't very effective on them, as they simply remind eachother of what they forgot. Consider this a high-profile operation. Seize every single member of this treacherous union, bring them to the Council. This has gone on for way too long. And I'm thinking the same thing you are... if it were up to me, I too would stop their worthless breaths.

All troops move out, get the LAV and some humvees out. There's some kind of armor going around the place. Identify and, if needed, take it out.
Last spotted near the Gas station. Recon units take position and everyone else move in after their signal. We just may be in luck and get a new toy today.

An MC&D trader was roughly tackled by DEA, and the cargo he was carrying was dropped; From that, a few minor anomalies now roam the base and are an inconvenience to everyone. Some are small and fast, others can fly and all of them take pleasure in annoying people. Only the sealing box MC&D came with can properly contain them again. Operatives and specialists respond immediately. Good luck and happy hunting.

Alright boys, today we're in luck. Apparently, a technical expert of the Foundation grew tired of the place, got himself some documents and wants to come over to us. Go in, grab 'em and bring that intel home. Engineers will cook up a step plan for you. Stand at the ready and expect the unexpected. If things go south... go wild.

Logistics Global Operations have requested collaboration between us to conduct R&D and production of a tool. Them and Foundation want a stronger containment beam for the KTEs. Their constant containment breaches are due to their underpowered tools and weaponry. We'll lend them a hand this time, so now they'll owe us. Win-win I say. And if they won't play nice with us... we can always put a backdoor in it.

Foundation Staff:
They said it wouldn't be done, and finally, here we are.
Kalli's specialized cleanup service is here, trying to take our jobs?!
They got janitors, chefs, engineers and even architects. They're gonna sweep the base and... do OUR job? Take *OUR* recognition? No. No they won't. SHOW THEM WE'RE BETTER!

Thank you very much for reading my application. :)
Sep 13, 2022
+BIG support

- Well known
- Makes up good RP scenarios
- Mature & Competent
- Good app
- Apart of Logistics
- (edit) What Vxnt mentioned is also true. Mirai comes up with incredibly smart RP scenarios with nothing but PAC3

Really hope you get this!
Last edited:
Jun 5, 2022
+ Big Support
+ Its about time he made a gamemaster app, the amount of RP he already creates and participates in making use of only pac despite NOT being a gamemaster should be reason enough to give him the role. He has to be one of the most creative people when it comes to making RP situations.
+ The 3 event ideas are all quite interesting. Map change idea is also quite good.
+ Janitor event ?
+ Incredibly active and kind member in the community, with excellent RP abilities and has interesting ways of dealing with situations
quite a few of your event ideas are quite vague in what actually happens but the stories behind them sound cool
three event ideas sound simple and engaging, also doable
map change event isn't a map change event but could work as a major
O1 example mission sounds like catching a DC with extra steps
A1 mission sounds fun but wild goose chases regularly happen on-site with disguised D-class and the like
I have no idea what the Nu-7 event is about
E-11 event sounds funny
CI event could end up fun, but theres a chance it ends up being a bog standard hostage rescue/extraction raid
GOC event sounds like it could start a cool storyline that could last a week or so
I'm also confused what's supposed to happen in the Foundation Staff event?
i've heard cool stuff about you and your pacs ?

Lord Mirai (未来)

Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Programming Team
Game Master
Jan 5, 2021
Hi. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to leave a verdict.

I wanted to clear these up, since you brought them up:
O1 example mission sounds like catching a DC with extra steps
I was imagining more of a counterespionage op where you find ways to send misinformation instead of actual intel, not just shooting the guy
I have no idea what the Nu-7 event is about
It's meant to be a surface operation, trying to capture or destroy the clandestine armor
I'm also confused what's supposed to happen in the Foundation Staff event?
It's basically a competition between "our" staff and the "guests", to see who performs the best


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 7, 2022
+/- Neutral

+ Has been here a long time
+/- Has prior staff and gm experience but from a long time ago
+/- Small event ideas look a bit short on explanation
+/- Warns
Application On Hold

Hi @Lord Mirai (未来)

Thanks for taking the time to make a Gamemaster application.

After careful consideration I have chosen to put this application on hold.

The GM team is currently full so we are unable to accept you at this current time.

I am very sorry for this inconvenience and delay

I will unlock this thread/Accept when we are available again.​
Application Accepted

Hi @Lord Mirai (未来) ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.

Please contact an Event Team Leader such as myself or Critical for your next step.

Kind Regard,

Event Team Lead Jason Taylor​
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