(UK) misterlol29's Ethics Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 10, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54620787

Discord name: Misterlol29#3614

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 days | 0 hours
Age: 22

In what country are you located?: Belgium

Time zone: (GMT+2)

Character name(s): Jonny 'Dagger' | John Mark

Civilian name: John Mark

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- E-11 CPL
- SCP-096

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- If I remember correctly, I was once banned for LTAP I believe. For what situation/punishment specifically I do not know as the day before that I disconnected I did nothing that would warrant a staff intervention (to my knowledge). I also was not in any interaction or RP before my disconnection to the server (to my knowledge). So the 'why' I cannot really say.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I am probably not the best candidate but I do believe I am one of the better ones because I try my best to adapt to the job/role that I am playing as to make sure that the people around me also feel like doing their role/job in a professional manner so that everyone can have the best roleplay experience. I am also willing to learn and listen to what others have to say to allow myself to improve and become better at what I am doing. Everyone has good and bad aspects. Anybody who thinks they don't have bad aspects or says they don't is probably lying. I have never seen or known anybody who doesn't have at least one negative aspect. But what I do know is that I have seen people who use these negative aspects and actually use them for something good rather than trying to hide it. That is what I always tend to do if I find a negative aspect about myself. I try to use it in a way which could be beneficial for everyone.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- Ensure that the commands and requests of Ethics Committee members are preformed
- Assist Ethics Committee members in general with their needs/work
- Keep an eye out for anything Unethical and by that also make sure that CoE (and CoC) is uphold.
- "Try" to keep the site run smoothly and efficiently (Not really a main responsibility but still something that should be done)

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
J. 'Dagger' was born on August the 5th in 19## in a small town called [REDACTED]. He was raised by his mother and partially by his father. He had a good childhood. He had everything he ever wanted from his mother by just asking for it and never did anything wrong to this privilege. He did everything a normal person would do, go to school and try to finish his years with flying colors. This happened until his 18th birthday. He knew that quitting school now would get him nowhere and that if he wanted to become something he would have to either study or work hard for it. But at the time he didn't really knew what he wanted to become. Until he thought about something his father said to him when he was younger: "Join the military like I did back when I was 18 years old. Even though it was required by law to serve it is always something to fall back to. Especially if you do the officer academy course". He thought about that since he always wanted to be in the military, especially as an officer. The only thing holding him back really was his mother because she would not like it if he would step into the footsteps of his father. This problem has bothered him for some time. Even though time was something he didn't have very much off as his mother wanted to know what he was planning to do the upcoming year.

He figured that it was of his best interest to do what he desired with or without his mother's approval. So he packed up, joined the military and left a note for his mother to read back home about where he is heading, why and hopes that she understands. While enroute to the academy it came to him that if his mother really loved him she would only wish the best for him, to follow his desires and that she would understand and not be mad about it. He went through the officer training course and passed with good numbers. "Above average" they told him when he finished the course. He was happy to hear that. He afterwards served in the military doing what he was meant to do, what he was told to do, what he desired to do. Time passed without him noticing very much about it. He climbed up the ladder in the system very easily without too much trouble and made quite a few friends as well. Until on one night while he was lying down on his bed while reading a book, he heard something strange coming from outside the building. He thought it was a new guy who got lost again and couldn’t find the correct building so he didn't bother waking up the others. He went outside to see who it was while all of a sudden a couple of people jumped him, sedated him and kidnapped him in matter of seconds. When he woke up and realized that this wasn't an ordinary kidnap he started to think on how he could have been kidnapped, why exactly he got kidnapped and what the kidnappers were planning on doing with him.

Soon after he woke up two men entered the room and gave him "the introduction". He asked many questions; many were left unanswered. What he figured out on his own was that he could say goodbye to his old life and accept the fact that he cannot return. As he didn't really have a choice but to make the best of it he decided to do his best in the branch he got assigned to, the General Security branch. He sticked to the guidelines provided to him, the protocols handed to him and orders commanded out to him. Even though getting ordered around didn't happen to him in a very long time expect by a few people in the military high command. He just followed the orders even though if they didn't make a lot of sense. During his time "working" there he also started to climb up the ladder, working his way up to sergeant. Even though it took him a lot of work and a lot of time to achieve it he was proud of it. On one day while he was applying for a different position he got accepted into E-11. This was a surprise for him as he didn't expect this to happen but it did. This gave him a good feeling that he would be a good candidate for an even more senior position within the site. One day while walking around the hallways he got approached by a couple of people he rarely saw around those parts. They told him nothing but to come with them, blindfolding him in the process. They brought him to a small room which could only be identified as some sort of interrogation room. In it a man together with armed guards was present, waiting for his arrival. The unknown man stayed silent and stared for a minute or two. Afterwards he started to ask some questions which felt random to him at first but not once he realized a pattern in them. After the unknown man finished his round of questions and being satisfied with the answers, he provided J. 'Dagger' with an offer to a more 'suitable position' within the site. An Ethics assistant to be more precise he said. He explained what the position entailed and why he would be suitable for it. J. 'Dagger' didn't think long about the offer and accepted it. The unknown man handed over all the required documents, equipment, and information he required to have for his new job. After all of that was over, he started to continue his work. But now as an Ethics Assistant.

(PS: Sorry for any grammar mistakes as English is not my native language and I am also deslectic)
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Super Administrator
Super Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Group Moderator
Jul 25, 2022
=/= Neutral

+Well Written Application
+ Active
+ Good Lore
+ Positive Interactions

-No CL4 Experience
-Not alot of playtime
-Not alot of experience with IA/Ethics

Hey John Mark! So after reading through your application, I couldn't really find any written experience ith IA or Ethics. Having good knowledge of the CoE and CoC is good to have if applying for this position, however I dont know if you have. My suggestion is to try to get yourself more known, talk to other people. Nontheless, I wish you the best of luck! <3
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Dagger's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee agrees that you are not best suited to be an assistant.

Your application is fine and of good standard. You lack the support from the community which isn't too much of an issue. We haven't seen anything from you that will differ from other candidates. In the foreseeable future attempt to stand out.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application. You may re-apply in two weeks.

Signed and Approved

Ethics Committee Director​
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