UK Mod App (SCP-RP)

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DkTnt (Yi-Fu)

Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): DkTnt

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): A bit more than 45 hours

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: BST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Yi-Fu Tuan (Intelligence) (10,16,10,2,10)

Chaos name (include your rank): Chang Yuan (none)

Civilian name: Jack Dover

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:142987942

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK SCP-RP

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2x warnings for RDM. I was new to the game, it was unclear what the rules of engagement were for cadets, and one of the warns should have been handled by ethics, and not an admin.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Yes, I have been a Mod and an Admin on two different servers, with a total time of being staff being 3+ months combined on DarkRp servers.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes, I am apart of a StalkerRP server where RP is much more serious, and I prefer serious RP over general DarkRP "RP"

How many hours can you be on everyday?: I am a full time student atm, but I put in roughly 20-30 hours a week

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: Why not? There was a wanted post for staff, and I feel I have a good handle on the rules and experience within the server. I also feel sometimes there are off peak times of little to no admins when there is a high pop, so to add more man power will only help. Furthermore, the admin community feels welcoming overall, as in game RP experiences have been re-enforced by good admin handling, and I feel contributing to that will help further the experience for myself and everyone else.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I have over 1900 hours in GMOD all of which have been in RP related servers. I also like giving help to new people within the server so being a mod I can further help new players understand the server and its functionality. Furthermore, I have been through many leadership programs, and writing courses so I can provide a semi-professional relationship to the existing staff team in categories such as expansion, social media, and reports or other in game related articles / features.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application, and I look forward to joining the team.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2020
Neutral +Support
+Seen in game
+Decent app

-Never seen on ts3 ( ) +Came on ts3 and we played some intelligence for about an hour
-Not many interactions with you IG or in any of the other platforms, so I can't determine your maturity +For the time we've played you didn't show any immaturity, neither broke any rules, so I'm confident you'll do good.

My discord is Diabolic#7694 ,feel free to dm me for any questions you have.
Best of luck
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Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2022
-/+ Neutral Changed to +Support
+Seen in game
+Good app
+Previous staff experience

-Haven't interacted with you
-Unsure of maturity/Rule knowledge

-Not a lot of hours


I have now seen you in game, you are mature and reasonable with keenness to learn. Added onto this you are very active, so your hours are piling up

Good luck!
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

I have seen you in game a few times, albeit mainly as I was Class D, so I cannot vouch for your roleplaying abilitiy, however our interactions have been minimal, as such I cannot ascertain your communication skills and rule knowledge along with your maturity.

The good points are that you have had past experience in other staff teams and your presence has been seen by others.

Your hours, are these from VTime? or just a rough estimate? if unsure type "/vtime" in chat.

Good luck.

DkTnt (Yi-Fu)

Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2022
Update to the Thread: I used my Achievement play time (seconds) and converted it into hours. The time then was roughly 45 hours as the time does not consistently update. I have since checked /vtime in game and my hours come to 1 day 21 hours, so roughly 45 hours yeah. Furthermore, Yeke and Kw1ll if you would like to give me your discords, we can chat there and play together so you can get to better know me.


p.s. Why do people post "not alot of hours" when I have nearly double the required hours to apply for staff? I have also seen this on other people's applications, so I am not saying it is just me being singled out etc, just curious.

2nd:UPDATE - 60 Hours + medical license has been achieved prior to this, and I am now apart of Nu-7
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Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2022
Update to the Thread: I used my Achievement play time (seconds) and converted it into hours. The time then was roughly 45 hours as the time does not consistently update. I have since checked /vtime in game and my hours come to 1 day 21 hours, so roughly 45 hours yeah. Furthermore, Yeke and Kw1ll if you would like to give me your discords, we can chat there and play together so you can get to better know me.


p.s. Why do people post "not alot of hours" when I have nearly double the required hours to apply for staff? I have also seen this on other people's applications, so I am not saying it is just me being singled out etc, just curious.
My discord is Kw1ll#0583 if you wish to contact me. Also, the not a lot of hours thing. Although you do meet the requirements for hours, double even, it does not mean that it is an automatic free pass to knowing everything. I applied when I had 60+ hours on SCPRP, and I can tell you for a fact that if I was not ready for a lot of the sits due to lack of experience, luckily however the people surrounding me helped me out and now I can be confident in most the things I say due to the time I have sunk in to the game now. Basically, your hours are fine to apply, but not enough in our eyes to be up to standard - this does not mean you won't be accepted nor helped out in any case.

DkTnt (Yi-Fu)

Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2022
My discord is Kw1ll#0583 if you wish to contact me. Also, the not a lot of hours thing. Although you do meet the requirements for hours, double even, it does not mean that it is an automatic free pass to knowing everything. I applied when I had 60+ hours on SCPRP, and I can tell you for a fact that if I was not ready for a lot of the sits due to lack of experience, luckily however the people surrounding me helped me out and now I can be confident in most the things I say due to the time I have sunk in to the game now. Basically, your hours are fine to apply, but not enough in our eyes to be up to standard - this does not mean you won't be accepted nor helped out in any case.
Thank you for the clarification. I can undestand what you mean, and in fact I just had a "can I do that" moment becuase that situtaion never happened before, and it furthers the "Experience is king" saying.



Well-known Member
Jun 4, 2022


+ Friendly

+ Good Interactions

+ Knowledge of the rules


DkTnt (Yi-Fu)

Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2022
Neutral to -Support

+Good Application
-Not that much playtime
Have not had a proper interaction with You
-2 Warnings in 45 hours (At the time of the application was made)

Due to the reasons I've stated above, I will go with -Support.

Good luck although!
Thank you for the response. I see, as mentioned before my hours are lacking, I am attempting to increase that play time, and keeping it up to date in this thread. I can see two warnings is a down side, but when I joined the server I still did not have the full understanding of the rules. This however should be noted that I was new, and had no experience. I have also seen you before once and it seems we have different play schedules, but if you would like to RP together some time let me know, my discord is DkTnt#0015, we can schedule something if you like.


Tommy 'Romeo' Lee

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Jan 1, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @DkTnt (Yi-Fu),

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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