[UK] Moha Demi Captain Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name: Demi#0261
For how long have you played on CG SCP: late April
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Bahrain
Time zone: GMT+3
Character name(s): Moha Demi
Civilian name: Mr.Dingle
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding :

Held :
MTF Nu-7 LTCOM (Resigned)
Ethics Committee Assistant(Resigned)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
Why are you applying for Security Captain?

Applying for a Captain was one of the first roles I wanted to attain, and it's one of the roles that actually serves the community as most of the new players begin as cadets, I want the chance to be involved in introducing those players to the department and the server as a whole as i did in Nu-7 to players who are still kinda new to the server.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

I believe I'm qualified for this role as I played as Gensec many times during these past months and many Sweeps that I participated but most of the ones I led, did it as a Nu7 CO/LTCOM and many were successful, I believe I have the maturity and qualification and the patience needed for this role. i also am really experienced with External documentation.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

Organize D block and make sure it is staffed properly.
make sure GSD personnel know their duties.
Lead/Authorize Sweeps.
Conduct Training/Tryouts for Divisions/Licenses.
Assigning duties to RRT.
Enforcing CoE/CoC on Gensec Personnel.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Moha was born on 31/10/████. he was a police officer in █████ and he was one of the best officers in outside duty and in the office duty as well. he had a rough childhood but he still excelled in his studies.
He used to spend the excess time in his vacation in social clubs teaching young police trainees
As Moha was waiting in line he and the other candidates were approached by what looked like security guards in black vests wearing gas masks, they saw some weird smoke fill the room and slowly all of them lost consciousness.

after everyone wakes up they see a man who congratulates them on being suitable to join a secret organization that protects human beings from unknown anomalies.

[ after a while of people asking questions ]

another candidate: and what if someone wishes to not partake in this " organization " you call secret?

██████: *Points his finger on the door that is guarded by people in black army suits * you just walk there and those gentlemen will take u back to ur town.
after the meeting, those who left got amnesticated and dropped back to their hometowns, I asked myself what there was to lose.

and so on Moha started as a Gensec Cadet where he was given training and lectures and there was also optional training that could lead to other roles like IA or Medicine, Moha climbed the ranks to join the Riot Response Team where he would always assist the captains in maintaining Order in D-block and have attended many D-block sweeps, whenever it's understaffed or needed a voice of control he would be there to keep it in Order.
One day as he was escorting SIte DIrector Igorski a Code 1 was called and heavy gunfire was heard nearby as he was moving him to somewhere where he made sure the Site Director was safe. One day as Moha was patrolling LCZ he was asked to come to the Chief of Security Office where he was there Accompanied by the Site Director, as Moha Entered the room he was greeted and told that he will be Promoted to the Role of Captain and will have to continue being a Role model to fellow Gensec members as a Senior member of the Department.
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MASSIVE +Support

- I don’t even know where to start with Demi

- Mature

- Has uncountable amount of CL4 experience

- Very good role play

- Exquisite interactions

- Seen active on GSD

- Fantastic application

- Amazing lore

- Is Demi


-Too Active
-CL4 Experience

How isnt he already Captain....


- Mature

- Good application

- Has a lot of CL4 experience

Gn Love Moha


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 22, 2022


Dear Mr Demi,
I am happy to inform you that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself or Dpt. Chief 'Instructor' for the next processes of your application.

- Dpt. Chief 'Gladiator'
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