[UK] Moshi's Staff Resignation Appeal

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Name: Moshi
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118638169
Previous Rank: Tmod
Date of resignation?: Around 25.2.2023
Why did you resign?: Personal Reasons
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: Only resigned on MRP.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Staffwise no. RPwise RDM [A].
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I've gotten the urge to help the community and assist the staff team again. Aswell as to meet new people. I've always liked seeing that I helped people in anyway possible. Seeing that I made a good impact on their time on the server makes me more motivated and happy. I've missed being in the staff team aswell as seeing people advance and be the best versions of themselves. I've been active as of recently and have begun to be back into the server more. I've freed up time and would love to spend it as a staff again.


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
-/+ support
Recently had to pull you about non-combative rules as a Consultant after watching you gun down a Parawatch, while also recieving some reports from high ranking members about you making some comments in ooc inviting negativity towards other groups of people.
-/+ support
Recently had to pull you about non-combative rules as a Consultant after watching you gun down a Parawatch, while also recieving some reports from high ranking members about you making some comments in ooc inviting negativity towards other groups of people.
I understand the non-combative situation and did re read the rules and promised to not do it again. Regarding the negative comments. I never meant to offend anyone in any way possible. Afterwards I said that I was kidding. I didn't mean no harm. I do not remember saying anything else.
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