[UK] Naffen's Game Master Application

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Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
Around 1125 Hours
Been playing since late February 2022


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
Site Manager Naffen

Chaos name (include your rank):
CI-Gamma Naffeen

Civilian name:

Steam ID:

Do you have a mic?:

What server are you applying for?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, for Mixing/FailRP on April 1st 2022

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Yes, I was a Gamemaster on multiple CWRP servers.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, a couple SeriousRP Imperial Remnant RP servers and some Halo ones.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Aroung 4-5 Hours, depending on if I'm working or not.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I used to never have any interest in going for staff or Gamemaster, but as of recent when I started helping out friends in their event series, it really was enjoyable and actually seeing what we were creating and seeing the players enjoy and interact with everything just made it that bit more enjoyable.
This role will allow me extensively create more RP and Lore around the site, pushing for a more immersive experience for everyone to enjoy. I have the ability to push for RP in my current IC position, but being a GM really gives me that ability to push my creativity and gives me the ability to really branch out and create a better experience for everyone, no matter their position.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I'm mature, Active and creative, I already know how to do a GM's job to an extent and have the knowledge and experience of building with good attention to detail, I know what the goal of my events are and why I'm doing them and to plan and create them to gain a specific experience for the players to gauge with. I am capable to create and extend scenarios/events/situations on the spot to make them relevant and enjoyable for everyone, no matter what their positions are and I think being able to act and create something on the spot from the smallest interactions is something people really do remember but not everyone is capable of successfully completing.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

"Drone Down"

A Foundation owned UAV drone conducted reconnaisance for an MTF Regiment in the Pinewood Region has crashed. This UAV would have valuable information regarding MTF Movements and the location of the anomaly they were tracking, that being SCP-1048. An incoming message to Site-65 was intercepted by CI and they decrypted it, finding out the comms that was sent, regarding the crashed UAV and how it has valuable intel within. It's a race between Foundation and CI to get their hands on it first with a small skirmish breaking out in Pinewood, maybe GOC will find themselves being forced into the skirmish if it leaks into civillain conflict aswell.

"Flash Drive"
A turncoat is in the midst of the Foundation Site. Alerts for unauthorised access to SCIPNET in Lower Containment Zone are sent out to ISD Personnel, IA Personnel and SA/SC. Another alert is then immediately sent out for unauthorised download and extraction of SCIPNET data in Lower Containment Zone. When personnel arrive there will be no one present in the area, except for a flash drive on a desk. PlayMe.exe is on the flash drive. Is it a virus, a trap or a warning to the Foundation. Investigation RP must be gone underway to find out who and where the person went and what that program on the flashdrive is regarding.
It would later be discovered that it was a brainwashed CL4 Member working for the Chaos Insurgency and the program was a virus causing major power outages around the entire facility, electrical failures and even possibly containment failures.

"Delayed Debt"
International Monetary Fund makes an unexpected visit from a long overdue debt that has yet to be repaid. Site-65 has been on a Yellow Warning from the IMF due to large sums of money being delayed in payments due to the old Foundation Command Member no longer being in his position. A final verdict is given, payments are to be made monthly for the next 4 years to repay the owned amount, or financial restrictions and refusal of cooperation will be taken against the Foundation, leaving them void of a very useful "ally". Final verdict is completely up to how Site Command respond and act to the debts due.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Code Black is in effect, full site evacuation, Site-65 is lost, 9 breached anomalies, Lower Containment Zone, Heavy Containment Zone and Personnel Wing are all lost. Members of Site Administration are dead and the blast doors are the only thing saving personnel from certain death. Site-65, due to it's importance has been ordered to temporarily take residence at Site-28, located in New York. With the evacuation underway, Insurgency Cells report to one another about the movement of the convoy, for easy pickings of hostages and intelligence. UNGOC also notified about the evacuation of Site-65 also follow, hoping to lead them to a new location to gain further information.
Convoy arrives at Site-28 (Low threat containment and temporary/permanent residence facility) and they begin to settle in, not long before the Chaos Insurgency tracks them down and throws a large raiding party at them, attempting to gain hostages and information in this new Site they located, UNGOC also being there every step of the way, watching from a distance make a choice whether to assist the Foundation in fighting against the Insurgency, or ignore it and not take part.

(Information regarding the Site could lead to further infiltrations and or negotiations for further hostages, and depending on what GOC do, would partake in the trade of information for this new Site. Both factions should strive to find out information about this new site and the contents within)

List an example mission for each of the following:
Primary Action Document has been sold off to MC&Ds and was sold to the highest bidder in a recent auction, Omega-1 successfully destroyed it not letting possibly harmful leaks be revealed to opposing factions. With that, Omega-1 will conduct continuous questioning and covert spy operations on all Ethics Committee Members that served at Site-65 in the past years, they'll each come to the Site for a meeting in which they'll be ambushed and questioned. The real traitor will contact PMCs to attempt to rescue him and Omega-1 will repel them and gain the truth.
A-1: Bi-weekly meeting between an informant and Alpha-1 in a Maintenance Room was meant to occur, but the Informant didn't arrive and no contact was made. Investigation is underway spearheaded by Alpha-1 to locate and find out what happened to their informant. O1, or CI Deep Covers possibly got to him first, maybe even another GOI. Only trace of the Informant was his laptop in his office, with a recent email recieved threatening him if he doesn't comply with their demands.
Nu-7: Riots and protests erupt at the Gates of the Foundation by the Civillians of Pinewood, due to the recent killings and arrests of some civillians. They demand for answers and truth, and as tensions rise, riots turn hostile, with gunfire beginning and grenades being launched, civillians armed by the Chaos Insurgency begin to turn to conscript terrorists fighting against Nu7. It's their job to repel and de-escalate the skirmish and put down the CI arming the Civillians.
E-11: Warping and echoing noises are heard within HCZ, it gets louder at lower HCZ. A dark oak door, open with nothing but darkness, and void on the other side. Voices and whispers encourage you to walk through, an irresistable urge to walk through the door to all those that listen to the voices, those that do fall into the abyss of nothing, and are falling for eternity. E-11 must find a way to counter the voices and find a way to contain it for research to do further testing.
CI: A helicopter approaches Site-65, a singular helicopter. Scouts immediately report back, beige suited man with a briefcase, and 2 Guards escort him through the Compound inside the facility. Could this be the man they were warned about by Scout Parties? The documents within that briefcase VITAL to the success of the Insurgencies Conscript program and recruiters imbedded within different Foundation Sites. They take the chance, and must ambush and steal the briefcase from the man and get out with the documents alive, to ensure the safety of the moles, and continue the recruitment programme.
Foundation Staff: Celebrations are in order! A huge party is being thrown in Lecture Hall for all Foundation Staff to attend to for 3 months of no work related deaths! Music, food, drinks and gifts are given to all those that attend! Speeches from Site Administration and Departmental Leads for all the hard working staff that ensured for no incidents to occur, but a scuffle at the back of Lecture hall is heard, everyone turns around to look and 966 is killing an Engineer in the back, chaos and panic erupts, the celebration cut short to a breached SCP resetting the count.
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
I personally believe that the Event ideas presented in the application are often too simple and often do not differ enough from standard gameplay operations.

While most of them would be perfectly fine events to run, I personally believe that events within an Application need to demonstrate that people have certain capabilities which are required for Game Master and that your submitted events do not do this as many of them fall into common archetypes for events.

This does not make them unsuitable to be run, but I would consider them unsuitable for an application, specific examples are;
"Drone Down"
A Foundation owned UAV drone conducted reconnaisance for an MTF Regiment in the Pinewood Region has crashed. This UAV would have valuable information regarding MTF Movements and the location of the anomaly they were tracking, that being SCP-1048. An incoming message to Site-65 was intercepted by CI and they decrypted it, finding out the comms that was sent, regarding the crashed UAV and how it has valuable intel within. It's a race between Foundation and CI to get their hands on it first with a small skirmish breaking out in Pinewood, maybe GOC will find themselves being forced into the skirmish if it leaks into civillain conflict aswell.
This event is a very standard surface skirmish, while it has the extra motivation of an SCP being presumably found by the victor afterwards, this event does not do anything to break out of that mold, with even the MTF responsible for the UAV drone being unspecificed, if this were to be run, it would be very possible to have specified an MTF and allow for roleplay betwen the off-map MTF and the recovering Nu7.

"Delayed Debt"
International Monetary Fund makes an unexpected visit from a long overdue debt that has yet to be repaid. Site-65 has been on a Yellow Warning from the IMF due to large sums of money being delayed in payments due to the old Foundation Command Member no longer being in his position. A final verdict is given, payments are to be made monthly for the next 4 years to repay the owned amount, or financial restrictions and refusal of cooperation will be taken against the Foundation, leaving them void of a very useful "ally". Final verdict is completely up to how Site Command respond and act to the debts due.
This is a very standard meeting type event, the issue i have with it is in its very plain subject matter, instead of being some GoI, or about some threat or anything else to expand on the world of Site-65 and the greater foundation, it is a very simple monetary matter that primarilly relies on the target of the meeting not simply paying up, as they have no reason not to.

What you could do with this event is establish previously that paying would be an unwise option, perhaps through past small events and interactions with the Department of Finances, and then to have this monetary consequence loom over them, and have them try and use alternate means to persuade the IMF to accept alternative payments, but the setup as-is is insufficient for an interesting meeting in my eyes.

An alternative to that would be to change the subject matter, one could replace the IMF with a GoI, perhaps Anderson wishes to renegotiate an old agreement regarding mutually assisted containment of an anomaly, or their supply of cybernetic limbs to the Foundation, which likely would make for a better subject matter.

Lastly, I would also personally reccomend moving the target of this event down to Site-Admin instead of SC, as i personally believe that lower level threats like this belong in their hands more than all the way to the top of the totem pole, though SC would be free to also interact with the character, SC exclusive events generally hold a different tone in my eyes.

List an example mission for each of the following:
Primary Action Document has been sold off to MC&Ds and was sold to the highest bidder in a recent auction, Omega-1 successfully destroyed it not letting possibly harmful leaks be revealed to opposing factions. With that, Omega-1 will conduct continuous questioning and covert spy operations on all Ethics Committee Members that served at Site-65 in the past years, they'll each come to the Site for a meeting in which they'll be ambushed and questioned. The real traitor will contact PMCs to attempt to rescue him and Omega-1 will repel them and gain the truth.
This event I actually like a good bit, expanding on Past events is a good thing, and i am very fond of Consequences for player actions, though i am unsure if in this case the Docs were actually sold by a player or simply invented for the sake of the auction, which means if you do get TGM; you may be unable to run this.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Code Black is in effect, full site evacuation, Site-65 is lost, 9 breached anomalies, Lower Containment Zone, Heavy Containment Zone and Personnel Wing are all lost. Members of Site Administration are dead and the blast doors are the only thing saving personnel from certain death. Site-65, due to it's importance has been ordered to temporarily take residence at Site-28, located in New York. With the evacuation underway, Insurgency Cells report to one another about the movement of the convoy, for easy pickings of hostages and intelligence. UNGOC also notified about the evacuation of Site-65 also follow, hoping to lead them to a new location to gain further information.
Convoy arrives at Site-28 (Low threat containment and temporary/permanent residence facility) and they begin to settle in, not long before the Chaos Insurgency tracks them down and throws a large raiding party at them, attempting to gain hostages and information in this new Site they located, UNGOC also being there every step of the way, watching from a distance make a choice whether to assist the Foundation in fighting against the Insurgency, or ignore it and not take part.

(Information regarding the Site could lead to further infiltrations and or negotiations for further hostages, and depending on what GOC do, would partake in the trade of information for this new Site. Both factions should strive to find out information about this new site and the contents within)
I find this description is a bit too shallow for a map change event, and does not properly communicate what you would intend for the map change to be.

A. What map would it actually change to, or if you dont want to give specifics, what KIND of map would it change to?

B. What do the mutliple groups of players do? From what i can read here, most noncombative staff would be stuck simply as bullet shields and kidnap targets without any meaningful action to do. While making purely combative events is fine, if the noncombatives are included it should at the very least be fun for them, do note how Map change events run around 1-3 hours, i do not think people would enjoy 1-3 hours of researchers having nothing to research and getting kdinapped and sold back to Foundation 18 times.

C. If there is SCPs on this new site available for research, what would some of them be? How does the event resolve?

As is, you are not communicating what you want this map change to be, so i am unable to even judge if it would be good or not, and would be forced to make vague assumptions based on your wording, which is not ideal.

Nu-7: Riots and protests erupt at the Gates of the Foundation by the Civillians of Pinewood, due to the recent killings and arrests of some civillians. They demand for answers and truth, and as tensions rise, riots turn hostile, with gunfire beginning and grenades being launched, civillians armed by the Chaos Insurgency begin to turn to conscript terrorists fighting against Nu7. It's their job to repel and de-escalate the skirmish and put down the CI arming the Civillians.
This type of scenario is flawed in my eyes, and would very quickly devolve into an RDM and Minge-fest, Civilians being given the means and valid RP reasoning to mass shoot Foundation generally does not end well, as many of them will act as if they were D-class in terms of belligerence, heavilly combative. This also sometimes happens on its own without GM assistance, sometimes even targetting the GOC.

Foundation Staff: Celebrations are in order! A huge party is being thrown in Lecture Hall for all Foundation Staff to attend to for 3 months of no work related deaths! Music, food, drinks and gifts are given to all those that attend! Speeches from Site Administration and Departmental Leads for all the hard working staff that ensured for no incidents to occur, but a scuffle at the back of Lecture hall is heard, everyone turns around to look and 966 is killing an Engineer in the back, chaos and panic erupts, the celebration cut short to a breached SCP resetting the count.
This mainly serves to allow me to make a point about killing during events; Killing people who have no means to prevent this during an event is generally fine, IF they are a combative and the nature of the Event has made it clear this will be slaughter. However, to ambush non-combatives and effectively turn this event into an additional 966 breach would not only frustrate them, but also would not be a very good event in my eyes. "Yet Another breach" is not a good event idea, as funny as the initial scenario would be.

Lastly, something I personally look for in applications is for the applicant to demonstrate both their creativity and their familiarity with the fictional world of the SCP Foundation, beyond what is obvious on the server.

However, the lack of mention of any Custom or Non-Server GOI, or particular mention of any Custom or Wiki anomaly (aside from SCP-1048 being mentioned, and it is unclear if it is actually involved in said event) does not show this to me, leaving me in the dark on whether or not you posess these qualities.

Thus I feel I cannot support your bid to become a Game Master, in spite of any qualities you posess that would be conductive to you as a GM.

-Basic Events, require more elaboration and clarity
-No demonstrated familiarity with the SCP Universe
-No demonstration of creative writing capability
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Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
I personally believe that the Event ideas presented in the application are often too simple and often do not differ enough from standard gameplay operations.

While most of them would be perfectly fine events to run, I personally believe that events within an Application need to demonstrate that people have certain capabilities which are required for Game Master and that your submitted events do not do this as many of them fall into common archetypes for events.

This does not make them unsuitable to be run, but I would consider them unsuitable for an application, specific examples are;

This event is a very standard surface skirmish, while it has the extra motivation of an SCP being presumably found by the victor afterwards, this event does not do anything to break out of that mold, with even the MTF responsible for the UAV drone being unspecificed, if this were to be run, it would be very possible to have specified an MTF and allow for roleplay betwen the off-map MTF and the recovering Nu7.

This is a very standard meeting type event, the issue i have with it is in its very plain subject matter, instead of being some GoI, or about some threat or anything else to expand on the world of Site-65 and the greater foundation, it is a very simple monetary matter that primarilly relies on the target of the meeting not simply paying up, as they have no reason not to.

What you could do with this event is establish previously that paying would be an unwise option, perhaps through past small events and interactions with the Department of Finances, and then to have this monetary consequence loom over them, and have them try and use alternate means to persuade the IMF to accept alternative payments, but the setup as-is is insufficient for an interesting meeting in my eyes.

An alternative to that would be to change the subject matter, one could replace the IMF with a GoI, perhaps Anderson wishes to renegotiate an old agreement regarding mutually assisted containment of an anomaly, or their supply of cybernetic limbs to the Foundation, which likely would make for a better subject matter.

Lastly, I would also personally reccomend moving the target of this event down to Site-Admin instead of SC, as i personally believe that lower level threats like this belong in their hands more than all the way to the top of the totem pole, though SC would be free to also interact with the character, SC exclusive events generally hold a different tone in my eyes.

This event I actually like a good bit, expanding on Past events is a good thing, and i am very fond of Consequences for player actions, though i am unsure if in this case the Docs were actually sold by a player or simply invented for the sake of the auction, which means if you do get TGM; you may be unable to run this.

I find this description is a bit too shallow for a map change event, and does not properly communicate what you would intend for the map change to be.

A. What map would it actually change to, or if you dont want to give specifics, what KIND of map would it change to?

B. What do the mutliple groups of players do? From what i can read here, most noncombative staff would be stuck simply as bullet shields and kidnap targets without any meaningful action to do. While making purely combative events is fine, if the noncombatives are included it should at the very least be fun for them, do note how Map change events run around 1-3 hours, i do not think people would enjoy 1-3 hours of researchers having nothing to research and getting kdinapped and sold back to Foundation 18 times.

C. If there is SCPs on this new site available for research, what would some of them be? How does the event resolve?

As is, you are not communicating what you want this map change to be, so i am unable to even judge if it would be good or not, and would be forced to make vague assumptions based on your wording, which is not ideal.

This type of scenario is flawed in my eyes, and would very quickly devolve into an RDM and Minge-fest, Civilians being given the means and valid RP reasoning to mass shoot Foundation generally does not end well, as many of them will act as if they were D-class in terms of belligerence, heavilly combative. This also sometimes happens on its own without GM assistance, sometimes even targetting the GOC.

This mainly serves to allow me to make a point about killing during events; Killing people who have no means to prevent this during an event is generally fine, IF they are a combative and the nature of the Event has made it clear this will be slaughter. However, to ambush non-combatives and effectively turn this event into an additional 966 breach would not only frustrate them, but also would not be a very good event in my eyes. "Yet Another breach" is not a good event idea, as funny as the initial scenario would be.

Lastly, something I personally look for in applications is for the applicant to demonstrate both their creativity and their familiarity with the fictional world of the SCP Foundation, beyond what is obvious on the server.

However, the lack of mention of any Custom or Non-Server GOI, or particular mention of any Custom or Wiki anomaly (aside from SCP-1048 being mentioned, and it is unclear if it is actually involved in said event) does not show this to me, leaving me in the dark on whether or not you posess these qualities.

Thus I feel I cannot support your bid to become a Game Master, in spite of any qualities you posess that would be conductive to you as a GM.

-Basic Events, require more elaboration and clarity
-No demonstrated familiarity with the SCP Universe
-No demonstration of creative writing capability
I like you as a person naffen but I side with jeremy on the application itself.
Neutral from me
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Reiner Zufall

Active member
Aug 1, 2022
-Grong already said it, performed extremely good during the auction
-decent RP skills
-well kown
Hello Naffen,

I am going to give you a +Support today for the following reasons:
- Your events are suitable for the server, however the lore side of things can be worked on as time goes on, that is something i'm personally not to concerned about as it is teachable.
- Your assistance during the MC&D Event was very much appreciated and your input was valuable.
- Your position on Site allows you to benefit from a symbiotic relationship with the GM Team/Powers.

Some points to improve on:
- Engage a bit more with the SCP Lore itself. I do understand it is a ridiculously large universe but there are some basic points to learn.
- Think outside the box a bit more, take some risks with your event ideas. Whilst I do agree with some of Jeremy's points, I know you will make a good Game Master from personal experience with you.

Good luck Naffen!
honestly thought this guy was a GM already he's helped out in a lot of events
An event similar to "Drone Down" has been run before (Some sort of device crashes and surface factions fight over it) and first hand I can say it becomes very difficult to balance out the skills of either faction, e.g. CI steamrolled foundation when it was ran before
"Flash Drive" sounds cool, as does "Delayed Debt"
Map change suggests no actual map or what would really go down during it, but the idea is there
Example missions sound quite fun- the foundation staff banquet sounds amazing lol
Application On Hold

Hi @Naffen

Thanks for taking the time to make a Gamemaster application.

After careful consideration I have chosen to put this application on hold.

The GM team is currently full so we are unable to accept you at this current time.

I am very sorry for this inconvenience and delay

I will unlock this thread/Accept when we are available again.​
Application Accepted

Hi @Naffen ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.

Please contact an Event Team Leader such as myself or Scotsman for your next step.

Kind Regard,

Event Team Lead Jason Taylor​
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