[UK] 'Napoléon": Ethics Committee Member Application #2

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
around 2 years now


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
François "Frnquis" Stadovich> François "Napoléon" Stadovich
Louis "verdun" Bonaparte> Louis "Napoléon" Bonaparte

Civilian name:
Jorony Pablovo (usual name)
The Game maker (Current due to gm rank)


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
(should be noted my headset mic broke so I'm using audio cleaner
and my pc mic, still sounds bad but better then nothing)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 (PVT-COM,then LTCOM and MAJ following demotion and step down)
E-11: (SPC)

Site advisor

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Mic spamming (August 1 2022) Played music while enterring base as parawatch
Metagaming (November 14 2022) said A1 paper in front of A1 (Was classified back then)​

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member

Unlike my previous app, I'll be short and to the point. I have 2 main reasons for applying to this role:

Discover more within the server
When I first made my application, this point was also mentioned. With now experience as a Site Advisor, I still find myself curious about the inner workings of SC. I have seen a lot from the perspective of an Advisor, and was quite surprised at the extend of what we could do. Truth be told, I severely enjoyed the experience SA provided a lot more then I expected, but I still find myself yearning for more within the non-combative aspect of this server. Site Command still is that area I think I can learn a lot from.

I believe to have severely improved since my time as Nu-7, now being able to understand exactly how the site runs itself in the background. But I believe that Site Command could provide an even broader look and teach me more things and improve me in my capabilites as a roleplay creator for this server.

Second: Non-combatives jobs, Site Command and roleplay creation:
Finally free from the shackles of the "Forever Nu-7" curse, I have found much enjoyment from non-combatives positions. Site administration has been honestly a breath of fresh air after being in Nu-7 for so long.

In truth, I felt like I was rediscovering site with how big of a change of pace it was. RP was much more common since I was able to interact with a lot more players. But most importantly I was able to create RP with other players in high positions that would give it out to the lower rank. Non-combatives are much more reliant on RP creation since they don't have any "action" to look foward to and this is something I enjoy, since it means I get to start more roleplay with players, without needing to grab a gun and start blasting like there is no tomorow. After all, I joined this server for roleplay.

Now I wasn't able to start a full on storyline (and didn't want to due to how many were going on already), but I still go to start some small RP between players and that alone was quite a change compared to what combat had me used to. I already have plans for interesting mix up for events and my character and honestly think I would have a better time doing it if I was given the position of ECM.
Site Command are directly linked to the RP of foundation due to their position in the chain of command. This, combined with my Senior Game Master rank, would help me in creating in depth RP for a lot of players with the help of other Site Command members that have the same objective. After all, working as a team is what I learned in Nu-7 and SA, and I believe that creating RP as a team can provide greater results as well.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

Unlike before, I was able to improve up on some of my skills thanks to my time in SA

Leadership, Taking Charge and Communication:
My time in Nu-7 alone taught me a lot. From managing the team on issues to doing projects. We had our work cut out for us. Nu-7 was in a constant state of dying and reviving, meaning we had to do a lot of crisis management. This experience is something I got to reuse as a member of SA, now knowing from experience what to do. I interacted with departments exactly how I wanted SA to handle us back in the day.

From keeping good communication when possible (did not get to do it much last month due to vacation), to making sure departmental issues were heard. I tried my best to keep everyone happy and avoid any issues in between departments. I still strive to do this and believe that Site Command could improve in communication. I know someone will tell me "Oh but in lore Site Command does this and that they don't interact maybe ethics do a bit" but that doesn't mean we can completely ignore talking to each other in OOC. I hope I can provide more open communication between Site Command and departments.

Engaging in and creating roleplay:
Like I said in my previous application, I enjoy creating and engaging in roleplay quite a lot. What I chiefly aimed for upon joining this server was the roleplay. I applied for GM with that in mind, just like I did when I applied for SA. However, I believe that Ethics could provide more roleplay creation for me.
Although it might take me more "into the shadows" unlike SA who are public figures, Ethics do spend less time in the light, but they have the opportunity to create more roleplay due to their higher position. And unlike O5, they still are able to walk around due to their public image as the Ethics Committee.

Activity and availability:
Since my drop in activity after leaving Nu-7. I have picked it back up upon joining SA. I have tried to be on at least on site every day to not only meet the requirements, but also go beyond them if I have time. I have renewed my interest in the server and have been spending a lot of time both doing GM events and playing as regular SA right after. I always try to be on since activity is key.

Not being on site means nobody knows you, and no one ever recognises you. I have seen it first hand with myself during my last day in Nu-7, but also in other players when watching over departments. This is why I strive to keep on improving my activity, something I believe could benefit the committee. Not only that, I am always available on externals. You can find me often in TeamSpeak even when not in game or simply by reaching out in Discord.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

The Ethics Committee have multiple responsibilities in roleplay:

Site related:
-Calling a code black when breaches a breach is uncontrollable or large, and activating the Alpha Warhead if nothing managed to stop a breach (ERT failure and too many SCPs to manage, good example would be a 008 mass breach).
-Calling a mass amnestication in case of any info leaks.
-D class mass termination auth if required.
-Creating roleplay for other players as the leaders of a faction.

Ethics related:
-Updating the FLC (Updating rules or adding new ones, this is done with the help of O5).
-Dealing with large FLC violation and enforcing it with the help of IA.
-Being the judge of tribunals notably for CL4.
-Giving task to Ethics assistants.
-Managing IA since they are the one making sure the FLC is being followed.
-Managing Omega 1 and using them for RP actions that require some man power.

Research Related:
-Approving the use of more then 3 d class during tests
-Approving 008 test, 914 test (with biological matter being used), test on 049 that requires an 049-2 instance
as well as approving any other test that would require a greenmark from Ethics.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Application wise they handle the following:
-Ethics Committee Member Applications (The chairman being the one to approve the application on the forums)
-Ethics Committee Assistant Applications
-Director of Internal Affairs Applications

Other OOC responsibilities:
-O1 COM (Committee Choice)
-Creating roleplay with Site Command and SA (with help of game masters sometimes)
-Discussing site Changes and more with Other members of Site Command and SL

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

I now have a website where I will be putting all my lore! So here is a link to the lore page for François
You can also see some other storylines I did. My current event also will involve François as a character so that is some RP I will be keeping up in the Ethics Committee.

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we are so back
frenchie is a chad who knows wtf hes doing and shit
the issue is that he is french, and i cannot tolerate a ethics member being french due to complications.

As such, I will be leaving a -French Support, as although you are a great person and a good contributor to RP, this is too much for me to handle.
go surrender pls, the only way i will +Support is if you give me 006 IC for my CI guy
Ive not seen you do anything impactful in Site Administration at all. You have not contributed to the servers roleplay to a level I would expect a Site Advisor would do.

Until you demonstrate and show impactful rp you bring with the role of Site Advisor, i'll be leaving a -Support for now.

As always frenchie, i do still wish you luck but you got a ways to go yet
Hello Napoleon. Can you send your Vtime please?
Capture d'écran 2024-08-03 122721.png
Things to not about this:
-1 I am GM so this is inacurate to my actual SA time. (I was not joking when I said I sometimes spend 12 hours making pacs in gm plane)
-2 I was on loa from the 7th of jully to the 21.
I had a 3 week vacation and only did 2 week LOA since still wanted to finish my review. Was only able to play late after which I had 3 days off travel that I didnt do an LOA for (why loa for 3 days). If you want my real hours here is the rought math of all my activity logs as SA since I joined

Activity log starting from the 29/05/2024 to the 01/082024

Total hours of SA since joining 42,06 hours.

Mai total hours 3,2 with 2 days logged
June total hours 23,46 with 13 days logged (played 1 every 2 days on average)
Jully total hours 15 with 9 days logged (2 weeks LOA and 3 days gone due to tavel)
August 1 hour (as of writting this)

If you want more detail about this just reach me out in DM.
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