(UK) Noah Svensson Staff Application

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Dec 9, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Mr_hype123
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console) Well vtime is bugged i have had more but as it states at the moment its 4 days but last month i had like 6 and i have had more but yeah
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: GMT+2
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Noah Svensson
Chaos name (include your rank): Bengt CI-Beta
Civilian name: Bert Svensson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90131809
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Staff yes Rp related no
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes i have received a lot of warnings around 29+ i don't know the exact amount but somewhere in that range all of them are over 19 days old and most are them are from the minge days and I'm a completely new person and i have 2 bans and a couple of afk kicks so yeah but I'm hoping on a chance since the staff time is in need of active staffs that are willing to do the work
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
Well I know the basics I know how I should act how I should treat people and how I should help people I wouldn't say I have 100% of the experience needed but I got the most of it since I have been staff on the city RP and on other communities I got the experience needed to get it done and i think I would be a good fit as staff on the server whit some proper mentoring I have knowledge of the handbook from City-RP so yeah
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Well I do have from Fivem I have owned and played on servers and I got from other Gmod servers but I still have a lot to learn but I would say I have experince since I got 1500+ Serious RP hours from fivem but only prob 200-300h on Scp-RP
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Well as it looks today 3-7h+
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
Well I wanna become staff on the Scp-rp Since when theirs 100 players on I can see 3 admins senior/super admins and none of them are usually that active in taking sits so moste times your sit will be delayed and like yesterday myn never got tooken after 20 min and I know more people that have sat waiting for long and I could help whit that and it would put down some of the pressure of the staffs I have heard from other staffs how much pressure their actually are and since the server is in need of staffs and I got fair rule knowledge from all my warnings and all the long sits I have been in I would have enough experience to help and I love to help people thats funny for me I enjoy helping people and I would like to actually start helping as a staff since I see it enjoyable so moste of the time I would be able to do the staff duties And i love the server i dont want to see people getting annoyed of their sits not being taken so yeah it would just be enjoyable being a staff here in the great community and actually know you are helping people
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Well I have a fair rule knowledge and knowledge of the staff handbook both from when I was thinking of applying for staff and then from being staff and have read it multiple times to get knowledge to know what to do in scenarios I know the most of it and I know the most of the rules and I enjoy helping people and I actually spend most of my days helping people whit situations they need help whit well I think that's all
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 23, 2021
+Is genuinely a changed man
+Decent rule knowledge (From the sits you have made)
-/+ Neutral leaning towards support

+ Active
+ Good rule knowledge

- Unsure about maturity

Wish you the best of luck

Changed to -Support

I have decided to change my mind to a -Support, this is due to your behavior on forums and in-game that I have been exposed to and heard through word of mouth, Last time I took your words and believed them and decided to ignore the fact you have a large amount of warnings. However after I have seen acts that show the opposite of what you have said, I have decided to instead take your warnings into account.

- Can be quick to anger

- Impatient (One sit I had with you started with you telling me what to do, you were going on about "I've been staff before, I know how this works, just do this or I'm just going to call a senior mod, even though I was trying to get a good understanding of the situation)
- Not good RP (Torturing researchers, never inside of D-block, telling others what to do and somewhat toxic)
- 2 Bans and multiple warnings

- I do believe that people can change, or be on their path to changing. Even though I have seen otherwise, I will be keeping my Neutrality on your Maturity as others have stated you are changing, and have improved compared to what you were like before
+ You are active
+ You have good rule knowledge
+ Motivation

Overall, I believe that you lack the correct mindset to be a moderator currently. There are multiple situations where you must remain calm and patient, which I have not seen from you. I wish you the best of luck
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Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
Neutral leaning towards + support

+ Active on the server
+ Decent rule knowledge.

-/+ Unsure of current maturity as we barely had any new interactions.
+ Determined to change himself for the better and his efforts for this are showing!
-/+ a lot of warnings but some of them are in the past so I will overlook them.

I wish you the best of luck.

'Negan' White

Active member
Jan 29, 2022
Neutral leaning towards + support

+ Active IG and in TS
+ good rule knowledge.
+ Decent rule knowledge
+ good RP experience

-/+ lot's of warnings

Good Luck!

John “Atlas” Kent

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 9, 2022
+ Neutral leaning towards - Support
- Decent rules knowledge
- Active in-game
- Good roleplay as Gensec CPT

- Lot of warnings + bans
- Immature ( saw you said E-11 is shit during E-11 tryouts and other disrespectful behaviors toward them )
- Unsure about your knowledge of SCP lore

- I will consider + Support if your behaviors are improved
Overseer Part 2.png

Signed by: Overseer Assistant John "Atlas" Kent
Dec 9, 2021
+ Neutral leaning towards - Support
- Decent rules knowledge
- Active in-game
- Good roleplay as Gensec CPT

- Lot of warnings + bans
- Immature ( saw you said E-11 is shit during E-11 tryouts and other disrespectful behaviors toward them )
- Unsure about your knowledge of SCP lore

- I will consider + Support if your behaviors are improved
View attachment 1388
Totally agree whit you that i had a completly shit behaviour today and i wasnt ment to feel like i was minging i just sayid that as a joke and i didnt think it out just replying to this to makesure everyone sees this so they can put their 100% verdicate whit knowing what happened today
Application Denied

Hi @Noah,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Unfortunately you seem to have received a warning while your application was up which is not a good look for upcoming staff members, I would recommend trying to stay clean from now on and reading the rules as it may help your future outcome when applying again.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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