[UK] O5-1 "The Blackbird" Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128962199

Discord name: serrt

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been an active player since February/March of 2023.

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): "The Blackbird"

Civilian name: Cameron Stoker

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: O5-3.

Held: Overseer Assistant, Site Manager, Site Advisor, Nu-7 Lieutenant, CI-B.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: When I first tried the server in mid 2022, I received a warning for combat jumping. This is the only warning I have ever received.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number): O5-1 as the Chief Overseer. In light of the spot becoming available, I have decided to apply to fully achieve my goal of taking a position within the Foundation's roleplay cycle that will allow me to improve upon it, expand upon it and bring further health to the server as a result. Within my short span of time within the Council so far, I have had excellent development and assistance thanks to those who sat on the Council alongside me about how to view the Site as a whole and what can be done to improve it and how to be involved with the generation of enjoyable roleplay. It is my belief that this development has furthered my leadership skills and that I now have the confidence to bring experiences to others and further the enjoyment of those around me at will, instead of waiting for situations to come to me, which was a concern that I have worked tirelessly to address from my feedback when previously applying for O5. Therefore, I now believe that I have the skills and readiness to take the position and bring further passion and quality to the roleplay of everyone around me.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?: It is undeniable that my time within CL5 is short thus far and I am aware that the lacking experience is a topic that will be scrutinized. However, in my time spent working with the Council as an Overseer Assistant and then alongside them as O5-3, I believe I have demonstrated an essential skill of mine that I have discussed before; adaptability. In the three weeks that I have been part of the Council, I have been able to entirely improve and rework my stance as a member of the Site in how I approach roleplay. I have become very proactive and engaging with others where possible to create roleplay and scenarios with those around me. I also think that my focus as a player on the server as it stands is very oriented to a leadership position, given my course of progression through jobs. Starting at Site Administration and holding that for over 5 months, I have then progressed directly to the O5 Council, which has lended me months worth of time working in a leadership position where I have worked with, overseen and guided departments to improvement and greater heights.

I have endeavored to make my actions have a lasting impact and the same goes for my roleplay, which I plan to carry forth with the slot of O5-1 should I be accepted. One major example that I am currently developing is work with the Department of Research known as Project "Finality". This project alone has spurred me to create significant lore documentation for my O5 and I have worked very closely in discussion with Mirai to create an actionable plan, so far involving Research but with eventual plans to expand to the vast majority of the Foundation.

The plan above is also a demonstration of another skill I believe I utilise that would make me flourish in the O5-1 slot, my ability to plan for the long term. A lot of my mentoring and guidance on this topic was given by the former O5-1 who has shown me in roleplay how to plant the seeds of various plans that will involve and intrigue players, allowing it to develop freely for a while to then finally expand upon them, ensuring maximum participation. On top of this, I believe I have had a chance to create several plans that focus on long-term actionable benefits to the server as both Site Administration and as part of the O5 Council, with a recent example being my active engagement with the former O5-1 and the Ethics Chairwoman to discuss plans that would positively impact the health and mindset of ISD, ranging from the hosting of fun GM Plane related "wars" to input and feedback on major documentation of our conduct to improve relations and chances for roleplay.

In conclusion, I recognise my lack of experience is a factor that many will consider, but I firmly believe that I have demonstrated so far that I am a very adaptable player and have the capability of stepping up to the responsibility of the role and offering innovation that will continue to improve the player experience.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
I will be using the same list I provided in my application for O5-2, with additions made in bold text;

Overseeing and Maintaining the Site if necessary: The Council has a much less hands-on approach to their authority over the Site, however at all times when they are onsite they will be expected to keep a close eye on the general conduct of departments and if necessary, step in and exercise their authority on the Chain of Command to provide a quick course correction to the Site.

Working with and utilizing Overseer Assistants: Based on how busy the Council can be at any given moment due to situations on the Site or off of it requiring their immediate attention, working healthily with Assistants is vital to ensure that Overseers have enough time and flexibility in their time on site to be able to perform their job at full efficiency.

Working with Alpha-1: In the same vein as Assistants, Overseers need to healthily work with Alpha-1, given their full authority over them, to ensure that they are protected at all times and that they have an effective method of getting their hands dirty if a situation should arise that calls for it.

Calling a Code Black: If the situation in the Site is completely untenable due to varying factors such as a breach snowballing out of control, the Council as part of Site Command is trusted with the responsibility to acknowledge when the situation is out of control and order a disruption of the entire sites activities to evacuate all staff to the Garage, aside from those who need to be deployed inside as necessary to provide defense.

Activating the Alpha Warhead: Should the situation continue to spiral out of control from the above, the Council is trusted enough to acknowledge when the situation will take hours minimum to resolve due to how far out of control it has gotten and therefore activate the Alpha Warhead, instead opting for an RP reset via the obliteration of anything still inside of the Site upon detonation.

Providing intervention with GOI Relationships if necessary: In the most dire circumstances or when significant events happen that can impact the views the Foundation has of a GOI (such as the GOC) or vice versa, it may fall on the Council to intervene as a show of democracy from the most senior level to maintain relations. This would then have the knock-on effect of furthering the health and interactivity of RP with cross-faction related matters.

Upholding standards of Site Administration: The whole reason the Council are able to take a hands-off approach to their maintenance of the Site is because of Site Administration effectively being their hands in most matters. Given their actual presence and ease of access on site compared to the Council, it is important for their standards of performance and efficiency to be upheld so that they can continue to provide a healthy system of management to the Site alongside the Council.

Offering guidance and direction to the rest of the O5 Council: A specific example to the O5-1 slot, the Chief Overseer is expected when present to ensure the rest of the Council has control over any situations they may be part of, as well as setting objectives and tasks to be accomplished by whatever means necessary in the interest of bettering the Foundation.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?): I will once again use my previous list with additions/edits made in bold;

Application Handling: The Council as a collective responds to various applications in the server. These include O5 Council Members, Alpha-1 Commander, Overseer Assistants, Site Director and Director of External Affairs.

Creation/Signing off on major Site Policy/Documentation: Some policies or documents may carry authority that goes above Site Administration, such as orders about Foundation interaction with other GOIs or changes to the Foundation Legal Codex if they are ever deemed necessary.

Facilitating RP alongside other factions: Due to their position as RP Leaders, the Council may wish to speak to the leaders of other GOIs if they deem it necessary to discuss the state of RP between the relevant factions and if they feel any improvements could be required. This can also be helpful when dealing with OOC issues such as any potential toxicity problems or disagreements, enabling these issues to be calmed down and handled appropriately to further protect server health.

Appending and improving the Foundation Legal Codex as required: The Council maintain the Conduct side of the FLC and are expected to make changes that affect it when required. This can be when new rules or mechanics are introduced to a department, with the primary example being that some aspects of the FLC will logically need to be reworded or reworked when the GENSEC update is deployed.

Set an example for the server: Alongside Ethics, the Council is essentially the role models for all players below them in the Chain of Command. They are not only expected to exemplify good RP, but encourage and teach it to newer players they may interact with in order to continuously develop the cycle of players on the server.

Effectively communicating with SSL+: As one half of the two roleplay leaders onsite alongside the Ethics Chairman/Chairwoman, O5-1 specifically would be expected to maintain a healthy, regular discussion with the higher staff team regarding the state of affairs on the Site and if any concerning issues regarding departments or behaviour in general are arising. This is an incredibly important responsibility so the information, if needed, can be raised higher to provide intervention that supports server health.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Story 1.
Story 2.
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SCP-RP Staff
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Aug 25, 2023
-You may indeed lack enough experience as CL5 but I still think you’d be quite suited to assume the role of chief overseer as you have proven yourself to be quite competent as -3 during this past 2 weeks
Good luck!
Last edited:

Hey Cade, I'd like to start with your application: I think this is absolutely well put together, and you've given an amazing crack at the process. Your lore was an absolute joy to read and well- as someone with story esque lore: I ADORE IT!

I have noted that in your time as a member of O5, you've engaged super well with ethics, you're currently working with myself proactively to create RP, (hah which I do need to message you about: its done :) ) you're a fair and consistent leader who can put yourself outside of a situation to evaluate and assess, you put your hand up and admit wrong but you're also never afraid to point out that wrong in people too.

As someone who's experience came into question a fair bit for her ECM application, I can truly push that the relevancy stems in how you dedicated your time surrounding it, you worked closely with Departments in Site Admin for a long time, and then as an Overseer Assistant so you could better understand the beuracacy and micro-politics of Site Command, which from all I have seen with you: You've fit into this excellently.

Something I would love to see, more for the benefit of others reading your application is some examples of work you did in your position in Site Administration as both an Advisor and a Manager. As this would further bolster a jump from a recently appointed O5 to the head slot.

Best of luck with your application, and I can see a good future with you across the table as a wonderful person to approach and communicate with, and already do in your current seat as O5-3.
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I agree with what Maeve has said, although you are new to your position, you have slotted into it amazingly. I would support your rise to O5-1 through everything. As well as this, even without a ton of O5 experience, your experience in Site Administration as well as the experience you have had in O5 so far makes you an incredibly competent candidate.

All the best of luck, even if you don't get the position, you will still be an amazing O5-3.
Still remember you from your old Nu7 time. You where a nice CO to work with. You also where one of the better SA to work with and from what I have seen O5 side you know what you are doing. I don't think you should be denied on the bassis of time and experience. I hope to see new people at the top to get a chance to show themselves and I know you would deliver well with that new position.

Hey Cade, I'd like to start with your application: I think this is absolutely well put together, and you've given an amazing crack at the process. Your lore was an absolute joy to read and well- as someone with story esque lore: I ADORE IT!

I have noted that in your time as a member of O5, you've engaged super well with ethics, you're currently working with myself proactively to create RP, (hah which I do need to message you about: its done :) ) you're a fair and consistent leader who can put yourself outside of a situation to evaluate and assess, you put your hand up and admit wrong but you're also never afraid to point out that wrong in people too.

As someone who's experience came into question a fair bit for her ECM application, I can truly push that the relevancy stems in how you dedicated your time surrounding it, you worked closely with Departments in Site Admin for a long time, and then as an Overseer Assistant so you could better understand the beuracacy and micro-politics of Site Command, which from all I have seen with you: You've fit into this excellently.

Something I would love to see, more for the benefit of others reading your application is some examples of work you did in your position in Site Administration as both an Advisor and a Manager. As this would further bolster a jump from a recently appointed O5 to the head slot.

Best of luck with your application, and I can see a good future with you across the table as a wonderful person to approach and communicate with, and already do in your current seat as O5-3.
Hi Maeve, thanks for leaving your feedback. I appreciate it a lot as I find it is something that is very easy to action upon and as a result, I have editted my answer to your feedback into my application in bold text in the "What makes you the best candidate" section.

Thank you!
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