[UK] O5-1 'The Sovereign' Application

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Mar 20, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24655601
Discord name: brokage
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Late February 2022
Age: 29
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): O5-2 ‘The Sovereign’
Civilian name: Broda
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Executive Researcher (Holding)
  • Director of Research (Held)
  • O5-6 ‘The Cortex’ (Held)
  • Site Advisor (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • Ethics Committee Chairman (Held)
  • Medical Consultant (Holding)
  • Site Manager (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • O5-2 ‘The Sovereign’ (Held)
  • Special Agent (Holding)
  • Agency Manager (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • None
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-1, Chief Overseer due to the recent opening of the role and my extensive experience, I believe I can lead the O5 Council into the next level of roleplay quality and provide excellent leadership alongside that. My enjoyment in the O5 Council stems from the ability to guide and create exciting scenarios for players. My tenure as O5-2 ‘The Sovereign’ alongside the permissions as a Game Master has allowed me to issue projects such as Ora Vitae to the Department of Research. My eagerness and passion for roleplay and developing an environment for those to safely and freely explore their own stories is of top priority to me and as such the O5-1 position will enable me to cultivate that goal.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I stand out from other candidates due to my lengthy experience I've gained playing on the server. During my tenure, I've created roleplay scenarios and policies that have enhanced the player experience on the server. My proven initiative as a player, an RP Leader and as a Senior Game Master has yielded me an arsenal of knowledge and skill to develop the stories and policies going forward for all if successful in this application process. My decade long experience of roleplay across various platforms has aided me tremendously on this server and has proven to all I’ve played alongside that I am sufficiently experienced enough to become the best candidate for O5-1. I’ve created tools and a lasting legacy that others can attest to in every position I’ve played in. These lasting policies and impactful stories have helped shape the ongoing roleplay on the server.
An example of the policies and RP Enhancements I've implemented are as follows:

O5-2 Cortex Storyline:
This was a major storyline for the server and left a lasting impact on the players involved. I am no stranger to creating roleplay stories that involve as many players as possible to maximize engagement and enjoyment. The Cortex storyline dove into some of the more darker aspects of an Overseer’s personal agenda and how far they’d go to achieve that. Cortex still exists as one of the most notorious villains to this date. He is still out there.

Zone Jurisdiction Policy:
This was created by myself when I was Site Director the second time. This policy has paved the way and highlighted the powers and responsibilities of each respective MTF/Department. This policy is still in place to this day and is ever changing.

UNGOC Embassy:
After months of headache trying to get this sorted, I approached this with a brute force attitude as O5-2. Upon completion, the UNGOC had an embassy on Site-65 which is still used as an RP method primarily for Foundation x UNGOC relations to this day.

Audits were introduced when I removed the responsibilities of reviews from the Ethics Committee during my tenure as Chairman. Audits became the new norm for Site Command and continue to provide RP for all.

Ethical Reviews for Site Administration:
As Site Director, I highlighted an issue with the Ethics Committee running out of responsibilities and engagement with the site as a whole. As I hold no OOC ill will towards anyone or any resentment, I saw clearly an opportunity to create something that will get Site Administration and the Ethics Committee to work together more. Ethical Reviews are ingrained into the Site Administration monthly reviews so both departments can work together going forward.

DEA Departmental Infiltrations:
During my brief time as an Agency Manager for DEA, I’ve worked alongside the current team and created a new policy which enables the DEA to root out treasonous behaviour and potential information leaks. This new policy is empowered by Site Command and has given DEA the freedom to do information control.

I’ve created even more policies that stand the test of time to this day, projects and roleplay as well. But for the sake of the application length I'll keep it to the above. Based on this and my extensive experience within the Overseer Council, I believe I am the ideal candidate for the role.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
  • The Overseer Council is responsible for the oversight and management of the Foundation as a whole. On Site-65, they are observing and keeping departments engaged with roleplay projects, experiments and stories.
  • They direct Site Administration when needed. Site Administration as the extended will of the Overseer Council and proxy engagements with departments in situations that demand it. Only on the odd occasion does an Overseer appear at an office/bunks to express concern or praise.
  • An Overseer is directly involved in the process of changing Site Wide policy, such as the Foundation Legal Codex conduct charges or the shared conduct/ethical charges. Other various policies and procedures on the Site are dictated and created by Overseers, alongside Site Administration.
  • If a department has fallen below standards (This includes Site Administration) then the Overseer Council may call the leadership of said department or regiment to a closed hearing. This is primarily what is required to maintain site wide standards and to uphold the quality we push to keep high.
  • An Overseer does not usually care for the backlash or results of an order, as long as it is done. They are driven to gain results and encompass the Foundation’s mission statement, and sometimes… their own agenda.
  • If the Ethics Committee deem someone unfit for their position, the Overseers act as the enforcers of this duty and will remove site personnel from their station if required. Tribunals are common practice for this.
  • Auditing via the use of Assistants is a core action to keep an eye on departmental performance.
  • Editing the Foundation Legal Codex when necessary.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
  • The Overseer Council votes on applications via a discord thread. Within this thread, they must display their verdict and reasoning behind what they’ve said. Primarily, the O5 Council will assemble to vote and deal with the following applications:
- Overseer Council Member
- Director of External Affairs
- Overseer Assistant
- Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Commander
- Site Director
- Site Manager (This is not voted on. But rather, the Site Director will say he will promote this person and the council will discuss it with him. The Council holds little sway and power on this decision process.)

- The Overseers will meet with the Ethics Committee, or rather they should, on a frequent basis to discuss the state of the site and how they can go forward with developing and improving the roleplay and gameplay experience of the every day player. Site Command operates on maintaining server health to ensure they have a Site to come back to the next day.

- Creation of roleplay scenarios is a priority for any Overseer Council member. Giving projects to departments and missions/operations to regiments enables the site to flourish and emboldens the position of an Overseer.

- If there are any OOC disputes within or between departments, an Overseer is expected to try and mediate any issues.

- In this specific case, O5-1 is tasked with being the direct link between players and Senior Server Leadership and should work alongside them to develop the roleplay and player experience on the server.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:










SCP-RP Staff
Nov 16, 2022
- Best candidate for this position
- Countless hours spent on the server, known by nearly everyone.
- Previous O5, and was a brilliant one at that.
- Overall the most suitable candidate for -1.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
DarkRP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 2, 2023
London, England

I will start off by saying I can only speak on the time Broda has been around since returning to the server a few months ago. Broda has been an incredibly good member of the community in every aspect he puts his feet in. He is an amazing roleplay leader, which shows itself considering he has earned his way up to being a Senior Game Master. Broda revived DEA within a few weeks by innovating and creating roleplay, assisting management and encouraging growth.

This alone for me makes it very obvious who should assume the position of Chief Overseer.
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  • Angry
Reactions: Freddo
Jul 29, 2022

You were an amazing overseer and Ethics Director in the past, however after your return to the community, personally I haven't really seen you interact with O5 or even try to get in touch by applying for OSA and mostly because of that, I think one of the current overseers should get the position instead. Good luck though.


Blacklisted Player
Jun 21, 2023

Broda has been an upstanding member of the community for over a year now, in his tenure he has spent an immense amount of his time dedicating himself to assisting struggling departments, creating immersive RP and being open for any and all help and support needed. While Broda is not current O5, during his time in O5 he was an incredible member of the team, and someone everyone could turn to. He is of my current opinion, the only person that is suited to the role of Chief Overseer.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Jun 6, 2022

Regardless of any activity, and or interaction with O5 directly (specifically OSA) people within the past and current positions have been added to such positions (allbeit not O5-1) in the past regardless.

Anyway, Broda is an extremely good candidate for the position especially so if the above is ignored and or not taken into account.
Long Time Member within the community, someone to be trusted within a roleplay position such as this.

(Will also add that Broda has had O5 interactions, including still quite recent actual O5 experience. Outside of being something completely within the direct line and or oversight of O5 (Which nearly no departments are at this time outside of potentially Site Administration, even at that they aren't supposed to be interacting with them outside of SA doing complete shit).
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Feb 24, 2023

Major +Support

To start, Broda was my first mentor in this server. When I first joined Site Administration, I was still quite anxious, and unsure of what my rights and responsibilities in the position were. He was there every step in helping me grow into the position I now am and I attest massively to my moving into the Ethics Committee, and well now the Chairwoman position. It has been an immense journey with someone who was clear, helpful and dedicated to the community in its entirety.

Since coming back to the community, Broda didn't immediately jump to OSA, or to the open Overseer slot. He instead dedicated himself to departments in need, people who were being neglected: whether this was DEA or Medical- he helped purely for his love of the community and that in of itself is the quality I see as important for someone taking on the role of Chief Overseer.

I believe due to his time in the Department of External Affairs as a Senior Clearance Four holder trumps his need for Overseer assistant considering the fact they are directly overseen by the O5 council, and also with it mind that Broda is a heavily involved member of the department. As well, the implication that you must be an Overseer Assistant in order to become an O5 is... worrying, a role should not be gate-kept by the respective assistant role, it should only support reasoning, instead their application- and in this case an incredible application with such an immense list of experience.

As well, Broda dedicates his time as a Game Master to creating events both new players and old. Whether this is heavy involvement of the civillian role, making an entire GSD event of "clearing" D-Block. This is in my opinion, extremely important for Clearance 5 to do as a whole, as those interactions can dictate whether a player stays or goes elsewhere and as RP leaders it is our responsibility to do this and entice people to stay.

He is a long upstanding member of the community who has dedicated himself beyond any expectations of anyone within this community to help people grow, support them and is an incredible candidate for the position.

Good luck my friend, I hope to be sat across the table of Site Command with you shortly.
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James "Wontolla" Mellow

Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Although I respected you as an overseer in the past, I believe it would be better for another candidate to get a shot at this role.

During my 10 months at CL5 I have had the pleasure of playing this game with around 20 different Overseers and I have observed that Broda is one of the best the Council has ever had to offer. He is highly proactive in creating RP, both passive and planned, and has an accommodating attitude towards other peoples' ideas and allows them to have genuine impact on his own RP ideas.

He has always been dutiful when engaging with SA, the EC and department leads when it comes to promoting good policy that benefits the server and has demonstrated time and again that he is capable of mediating with people without investing his ego.

An ideal candidate for O5-1.
  • Haha
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