[UK] O5-2 "The Crow" Application

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Mar 30, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
8 months UK and US server
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
GMT +0
Character name(s):
Mark "Billy" Bob
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I have a mic
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Nu-7 CO
- Overseer Assistant
- CI-A

- DEA Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- 1 Warning -

Killed a D-class in the watchtower without warnings

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- O5-2 -

Starting from the bottom my progression on the server has been very important to me in everything I do and all I've achieved. Reaching LT in Nu-7 made me realize anything is possible. But I don't want to stop there want to keep moving forward I understand this is a massive jump but I believe I have the qualities required for the position and that I could help in many different ways. I've enjoyed my 4+ months on nu-7 and it has treated me well but my journey does not end there. But again I understand this job opportunity is a massive jump for me but I want the trust of others to believe in me and believe in every word I write that I will do this job well. Spending hours daily making sure everything is up to date checking up on departments and doing the rest of my duties.
However, another reason
for my application for this position is due to my waiting to become a member of the council for a long time now however, I was not ready before but I believe I possess the skills now to become a council member. As OSA I've had a good time with the council members and seen how they work, I've also completed a good amount of tasks given by the council all done perfectly, and been in many situations with them and I've learned how they act but also their duties as O5. In Addition, I understand the concept of the overseer council as working as an OSA you get to know them well, and over time working with them you learn their duties and the responsibilities they hold that come with the job

What I would do as a council member and my plans:

If I received the position in O5 I would first try to settle in my first week. However, I would like to monitor the department of Site-65 to make sure everything is getting done and getting done right. I would deal with any complaints forwarded to me and sort them all out. But as a new O5, my main priority would be my duties and settling in but also trying to make a change to the foundation for the better. Looking to see how each department is working and giving tasks to overseer assistants if I want to get further information on a department. I would also be arranging meetings if needed and completing any tasks given to me by O5-1. Even further, I would check with ECM on what their opinion is of the current status of the foundation and if it's up to standards. Making sure A-1 are doing their job up to standards without failure. Also, look over any new OSA applications and discuss with the rest of the council who we should accept and who we shouldn't. While also keeping in contact with SA to see their perspective on everything that's going on right now in the foundation. Recently, working as an OSA there has been an issue in the medical department of documents being stolen, I would like to resolve this issue quickly so it does not happen again. Firstly, I would start off by speaking to the consultants asking them who has access to the room. Who has been here recently? This would be a starting point, then I would give out an order to OSA to interview these people and ask them questions, this would give me something to go off and start the investigation. I would speak to the rest of the council and take in all of our opinions so we can deal with this issue quickly. Secondly, DEA has had a recent ongoing issue of not taking comms of other GOIs and I would like to work with the directors of DEA to also resolve this issue as communicating to GOIs or buying out hostages is very important and this should never be a problem. Firstly, I would book a meeting with the Directors of DEA to speak about the following issue and then give them time to see how they are getting on and if any improvements have been made if not further action would be taken which would be discussed with the rest of the council members.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
All my skills that I can bring to the table:

- Document Writing -

Currently, in the positions of OSA and Nu-7 Raisa Office Lead, I deal with documents on a daily basis in-game, and out of game people always come to me if they need help with documents or they need me to check them for quality.

- Leadership -

As a regimental CO and used to be LDR I have gained many leadership skills over my time in those positions and have become a great leader and I'm always good at managing any situation. I've never had any issues concerning my leadership skills.

- Quick learning -

Many people tell me all the time that I'm a very quick learner I only need to be shown something once and I'll remember it forever.

- Communication -

Being in very high or even the highest positions on other servers doing meetings, and speeches I've gained excellent communication skills and never have any worries speaking to a bunch of people.

- Reliability -

I'm a very reliable person anything that's ever said to me is never spoken around. If I'm given private tasks they stay private. If I'm asked to do something I'll get it. done

- Professionalism -

When it comes down to professionalism I have had great success. Due to my current job, I have to stay professional at all times without excuses and have gained this skill over time to perfection.

- Serious RP creating -

Serious RP can be difficult to create for some however, this is one of the biggest things that comes with O5 and I believe this is another skill I've gained playing on many RP servers.

- Activity -

As known I'm a very active person, and I have never had any issues relating to activity.

- Motivation -

Motivation is one of my big skills I'm always motivated by learning and trying something new but also sticking to something and it would be almost impossible for me to lose motivation in something.

- Management -

I can manage things very well if I've been assigned tasks they will be done to the best of my ability.

- Problem Solving -

Solving problems is something I do on a daily basis even in Nu-7 there’s always something. If there are even any issues I always solve them with full professionalism due to me being a staff I've picked this skill up on the way.

- Why I'm the best candidate? -

The reasons I believe I'm the best candidate for the position of O5-2 are:
Starting off, I would like to speak about my progression how I managed to reach my current positions, and why I was selected. Joining Nu-7 was something I wanted to do for a while one day I managed to get a position and it started from there, I rushed through the enlisted positions in the space of 2 weeks we reaching an NCO position was a big step up for me but I wanted to go higher so I joined the LDR department in Nu-7 to help the COs with anything they request. I was very successful in reaching LDR SGT in only 2 weeks, keeping in mind it's a lot harder to get promoted in LDR than the normal route. I believe the reason for my quick promotion is due to my high activity and motivation in the regiment doing training almost daily and later signing a form to do tryouts for the regiment, and always keeping up with my office drill sergeant duties. Also, after reaching LDR SGT I decided it was time for a switch in offices and sadly due to our old punishment head leaving this unlocked a slot, due to the punishment head mostly being a CO position it would be difficult for me to get that position but during my time in Nu-7 and my skills i managed to convince the CO team for the spot and i received it with a 1 week trial period and i was very successful with my duties re-writing all punishment docs and inventing a new punishment system for the regiment. Not too long after I managed to reach the position of CSG LDR and I was the only one making me the highest LDR member with many responsibilities to uphold and look after the people below my rank. This unlocked new potential and a little passage to the CO team in the regiment for me so my journey carried on i would set up cross-trainings and normal training but also tryouts for the regiment all the time but ia also carried on my work for punishment head making even more improvements. Many people were inspired by me and even to this day many people are due to my massive success and how I always tried my best in everything I do. A month passed, and I completed all my promotion tasks but 1 the LT form this only gave me the mentality to work even harder, and so I did and managed to receive the form not too long after. Completing the form perfectly I was given the rest of my path into the CO team and was promoted to LT which I've had much success on to this day I helped improve the regiment as much as I could and I still am to this day.

What I'm trying to get at is that I have so many qualities and skills that I can't even believe myself. I'm very active and will manage to bring in around 6+ hours a day and maybe 8+ hours on the weekends on the job. I have a great mentality for the job as it's something I've wanted to do for a long time now. My skills in creating serious RP have improved greatly during my time on OSA and LT and it's now what I do 24/7 of the time I'm on the server. I'm holding a senior CL4 position currently and I know the responsibilities I have holding such a high position while trying to be serious and professional at all times I still want to make everyone's gaming experience fun and I know I sometimes have to take action if people do bad or silly things but I always still encourage them if they feel like they wanna give up as I'm a very motivational person. In, addition becoming RAISA Lead in Nu-7 helped me improve my documents greatly in the game and I've managed to write many useful documents for the regiment but also on OSA for the O5 council all at a perfection level, as OSA I have to write up interviews and write up any concerns or anything related to the task given by the O5 council. Now I teach others the skill of writing documents whenever someone needs help. Leadership is another skill I have improved greatly on by playing the serve and reaching such a high position. Many people see me as a great leader and want me to progress higher into the council so I can use my skills to do greater good and make big improvements.

Knowledge is another big skill I have and that I have really improved on. When it comes down to server knowledge have learnt many things due to the things I do on a daily basis going all the way through the code of conduct and the foundation legal codex. I also have great knowledge of server rules as being staff on the server it's very important to possess all the knowledge possible on the server. I work very hard every day to keep up to date with everything but I'm always happy to learn. I also have great knowledge of the O5 council when it comes down to risky situations. For example when CI is raiding and an O5 member is out of F3 and it's a code 1 sometimes O5 disguises as an A-1 and the A-1 disguises as the O5 member so it stops him from being kidnapped. This is a great way to keep the O5 members safe and protect them from being kidnapped as it's A-1's duty to always protect the O5 council from any risks.

In addition, to everything I believe I also have the ability to create new policies for the foundation. Playing the server and following all policies made I have gained lots of knowledge about them. The creation of new policies takes time and always has to be up to perfection and discussed between the site commands. Site policies are very huge in the foundation and have to be done right. However, I know that I have the skill to do it due to previous experiences on the server and other leading positions that I've had while playing many serious RP servers.

In my time as Nu-7 CO here are the great things I have done that helped a lot:
- New punishment documents

There were never really any great punishment documents in the regiment which assisted everything was just done randomly, but the creation of these documents gave people a guide and what to do during situations so they never get lost. This helped the LDR department greatly when performing PTs or not knowing what to do during situations.

- New punishment System

I created the new offense punishment system, basically, members in the regiment start at 0 offenses at the start of the week, and as the week goes on if they get PTd that would add 1 offense making it so if they get PTd again the punishment would be harsher and it all states the further up punishments in the punishment documents

- Improving Activity by miles

When I became a Nu-7 CO I was instantly put in as Activity Manager in charge of all activity in the regiment I would work every day to send messages out looking at LOA/ROA and seeing whose activity has been going down and if needed they would be kicked from the regiment due to inactivity this helped minimize the inactivity and opened slots for new members who have been joined daily.

- Training LDR to be even better

During my LDR time, I noticed some LDR members were lost and not sure what they should do so I decided to take it into my own hands helping them develop better leadership skills and ideas of their own for training and situations.

Moreover, I have had many interactions with the O5 Council like the time when Nu-7 COs+ were called in for a hearing and were asked many questions concerning the regiment and how it was going. I didn't manage to make it to the question part but I was told everything about it. However, since I didn't fully manage to make it to the hearing but with only brief explanations here's what I would do if I was not in Nu-7 but was sitting down with the council and speaking to Nu-7 about the bad things that have happened.
Firstly, I would call them over to Floor 3 when the rest of the council was ready, they would be met down at Floor 3 lobby being stripped of all guns equipment, and comms for the safety of the council. Next, I would call them over 1 by 1 starting from the highest rank (COM) asking him what has been happening and why the regiment has fallen so much. I would listen and ask a few more questions and explain the wrong things the regiment has done and what codes they have broken. The second commander (LTCOM) would be called in secondly but the questions would be different i would ask them what they see as good in the regiment and ask them what they see as bad. This would help see if they even notice the bad things that have been done. Furthermore, the MAJ would be called the future LTCOM i would ask him to see what he wants to do with the regiment in the future and the improvements they would make. Next, the CPT will be called in and also questioned and asked why the downfall of the regiment happened and what's currently going on. This will help them understand their situation. Last but not least, the LT will be called in as being the lowest-ranking CO i would ask him how the higher-ups are treating him and if he thinks the commanders are doing their jobs and making the regiment better or not. This would help see if they are working as a team and telling everything to each other or leaving lower ranking members out of everything and not keeping them up to date on everything, helping us figure out how their teamwork is going and if they are actually suited to be COs. Moreover, we would send them out and discuss as a council all of their answers and see what is happening and what's going wrong to cause all the problems. Lastly, we would call them in not telling them our opinion just saying what punishment they would receive due to the lack of effort towards the regiment. We won't tell them what to improve to see if they realize and can figure out what's going wrong if no improvements are made in the first 2 weeks we will give them a list of things they can do to improve and then see from there if everything goes okay we would leave them and see how they go if not then the CO team would be removed and other would replace who are capable of leading the regiment.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
O5 has many huge responsibilities including:
Can activate the Alpha warhead when there's a code black and ERT is not successful and it gets too extreme
- Organising meetings/hearings when regiments/departments aren't working well and falling apart
- Making sure all departments are acting professionally at all times.
- O5 can authorize tests and cross-tests on SCPs
- Give orders to the Overseer Assistants to help out with any little jobs.
- O5 control the A-1 Regiment and have full command over them
- Keeping relations with other groups of interest for example UNGOC but it goes through DEA first
- The O5 council looks over the site every day making sure it runs smoothly and making changes if needed to the site.
- Work together with the ECM to look over the jobs of others in the foundation and the foundation itself.
- O5 command Site Administration when needed. SA also helps oversee the foundation as a whole.
- O5 is always kept up with FLC and if changes need to be done if necessary

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
O5 responsibilities when not in RP include:
Applications they accept:

- Overseer Assistant
- DEA director
- MTF A-1 Commander
- Site Director
- Overseer Council Member

Other Duties out of RP:
Meeting ECM out of character to speak about the progression of the foundation
- Giving setting up orders for overseer assistants
- Try and resolve any OOC arguments or unprofessionalism caused between departments.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[Terminal Loading Data....]

[Insert Keycard to continue]

[CL5 Inserted]

[Terminal] - "Welcome O5-1 how may I assist you today?"

[O5-1] - "Open Foundation file on Mark "Billy" Bob"

[Loading File....]

[File Selected]

[Opening File]

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Well-known Member
Jun 4, 2022
-/+ Neutral

You need more experience moving from NU7 LT for 3 weeks to O5. Is a big change. So the leadership cant be developed well enough in that time.
Mar 30, 2023
-Good Nu7 CO

you have been a lieutenant for 3 weeks. I'd say you need more experience first in senior positions.
Fair reply. I understand what you are saying but I have had lots of experience from the US server as that’s where I started. But also lots of experience on many other servers where I managed to join some top roles.

You seem like a good enough person Mark but I feel that you need to get a bit more experience in the server, You have held mostly junior roles and while Nu-7 LT is classed as a Senior position I don't feel it provides the leadership experience that an O5 requires. In your application you cited that you have held high roles on other servers, what roles were they? And even so player experience and the communities can vary massively so experience on one server does not always translate to experience on another sever.

My recommendation for you would be to get a higher rank within Nu-7 (Preferably Major+) or got for Site Admin

However, I will say that your application is great and you do seem to understand the role quite well one small issue is you said that -1 has the final say on all O5 applications, this is incorrect. It is a voting process and if -1 votes no and all other O5 vote yes then they person still get accepted.

Regardless of that, good luck with your application!
Mar 30, 2023

You seem like a good enough person Mark but I feel that you need to get a bit more experience in the server, You have held mostly junior roles and while Nu-7 LT is classed as a Senior position I don't feel it provides the leadership experience that an O5 requires. In your application you cited that you have held high roles on other servers, what roles were they? And even so player experience and the communities can vary massively so experience on one server does not always translate to experience on another sever.

My recommendation for you would be to get a higher rank within Nu-7 (Preferably Major+) or got for Site Admin

However, I will say that your application is great and you do seem to understand the role quite well one small issue is you said that -1 has the final say on all O5 applications, this is incorrect. It is a voting process and if -1 votes no and all other O5 vote yes then they person still get accepted.

Regardless of that, good luck with your application!
Thank you for your reply Grong and again I see your issue with my experience. However, I may not state my previous roles on the application.
Mar 30, 2023
+/- Neutral
As a lot of people are saying, you do lack experience, but this application is pure fire, and it shows that you have a great understand of O5 and are dedicated to getting this position.
Thank you very much. O5 is something I believe I can do well in as many people told me to apply. However, people may see I lack experience however I played US server for a long time and held many roles. But I’ve also been playing serious RP servers for around 4 - 5 years now and like I mentioned have held many top roles due to people seeing much potential in me. Thank you for your reply ??
Mar 30, 2023


Honestly the man as a Nu-7 CO has been taking a whole ton of tasks under his wing that has left all of us in awe of what he is capable of. This man loves working and completing his tasks, A workaholic someone would say.​

Thank you Mason I’m glad I could show my hard work and dedication in the regiment. This means the world to me.
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