[UK] O5-2 'The Eidolon' (2)

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In Ancient Greek literature; an apparition or phantom. A look-alike spirit-image of a living or dead person.
In English; a false apparition, human or otherwise, that represents an idea or ideal - often assosciated with a deity or the vengeful dead.

Steam ID:Discord Name:Game Time:Age:Country:Time Zone:
STEAM_0:0:41148908yourmandank122721United KindomGMT
Chacter Name(s):Civilian NameServer:Do You Have a Mic?:
'Eidolon'Jeffrey ShekelsteinSCP-RP UKYes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 CPL [DB] / [HH] (Held)
MTF Omega-1 CSG (Held)
Intelligence Agent (Held)
General Security Captain (Held)
Chief of Security (Held)
Ethics Commitee Member (Held)
Ethics Committee Chairman (Held)
CI-G [IRU] (Holding)
Licenses: All Foundation Licenses

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One metagaming from a time when I was new to the server - Used 'above head' info to identify someone while I was unaware it shouldn't be used.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I chose to apply for a position amongst the O5 Council for a small number of reasons, I specifically chose -2 after reading some lore entries on the SCP wiki, particularly O5-2 'The Archivist' who is listed as being "an automaton, assembled by the other members of the Foundation using Mekhanite technology. This O5-2 was valued for his analytic and mathematical ability, and served as a voice of restrain and reason on the Council, but was never fully trusted by the other Council members." and "It appears that there was some sort of agreement with the Broken Church to allow this to happen, with "The Archivist" allegedly acting as the host for a Mekanite demigod." This particular O5 Councillor has a unique and interesting lore setting which provides a fantastic resource for me to refer to when using my character O5-2 'The Eidolon' to pursue my personal interests in the game of cybernetic experimentation, animosity between this character and other members of CL5 who may believe he still has some loyalty to the Church of the Broken God and to collaborate with GMs and other RP Leaders to create unique events and storylines that explore the Church. The Orange Suit storyline will also be receiving a full reboot.

I also chose to apply for a position on the Council as it is the only remaining avenue of gameplay that I have not yet explored and I believe it will hold my interest for a period of time similar to that of my time spent in the Ethics Committee. I am also a keen reformist of Site, Department and Task Forces who is always proactive in looking for areas of improvement - simplifying policies that are overcomplicated so that new players find them easier to use while elaborating policies that are under-defined so that more experienced players find them to be a better utility in their duties.

I would also like to use a position on the Council to work with the other Council members, A-1 and the Chaos Insurgency to establish a more authentic RP setting for the O5 Council that is based largely on various canons from SCP lore; that after the procurement of Y-909 from SCP-3000 and the development of more potent amnestics the O5 began using a combination of Class-F amnestics and brainwashing programmes to convert Foundation personnel, including D-Class, because their biological data showed they were optimal for MTF A-1 uses. In counterrance to the O5's hoarding of anomalies and their incessant tampering with the unknown, The Engine projected a memetic agent against the O5 Council and A-1, causing an individual Council member and a large number of A-1 operatives to become memetically enslaved by it and rebel against the Council, becoming The Engineer and the Chaos Insurgency. In the RP setting I would like to create the O5 Council will continue to run brainwashing programmes to bring recruits into A-1 but for a different reason; they cannot tell who else The Engine has effected and they must use brainwashing in order to ensure that new recruits do not become enslaved by it - this will also be the canon reason of why the O5 Council are in a permanent state of hiding. The O5 Council will also forbid A-1 operatives from using mnestics through fear that they will learn of who they truly are and rebel against the Council; The Council will also lie to their own A-1 operatives, stating that any A-1 operatives who have used mnestics have exposed themselves to the memetic agent of The Engine and are under the effect of a cognito hazard - never to be trusted but instead hunted down and killed at the earliest opportunity. It is my expectation that this RP setting will bring more dynamic and entertaining RP to the Council and A-1.

And finally - I chose to apply for a position on the Council as I often found my ability to implement reforms and good changes within departments and regiments was limited during my past positions in the Committee as their ability to shape policy is restricted to IA, O-1 and themselves - which placed the remainder of the site beyond my reach.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
Over my time spent in SCP-RP I have played a wide variety of roles in Foundation Regiments, Departments and Command and have also invested time and effort into the CI and GOC. This means that I fully understand the OOC rules, IC policies and lore settings that guide the gameplay and roleplay of all of the aforementioned and I will therefore be able to effortlessly create RP for the entire playerbase that does not conflict with any of their faction-specific stipulations.

Chief of Security:
During my time as Chief of Security I played a pivotal role in the reformation of the General Security Department (henceforth GSD). I worked dilligently alongside my peers in SA and the O5 Council to deliver on a significant mandate that detailed the remastering of the GSD's subdivisions, which began as a research investigation and proposal into the shortcomings of the then subdivisions. It was found that the previous subdivisions invented duties for themselves that were already being performed elsewhere on site by other departments/MTFs and that the previous subdivisions were attempting to innovate duties for themselves that are not required of RRT. My proposal for the reformation of subdivisions was accepted and the result was an expansion of RP friendly duties for the GSD players with clearly defined sub-department jurisdictions that all players were aware of. While my propsal for jobs edits was denied by the content team - it was later implemented in a slightly different format around 6 months later.

Additionally during my time as Chief I have produced a large amount of high quality documentation for the GSD that is geared towards improving its practices and I can extend this productivity to other departments on site. The documents I created for the GSD are; The Captain's Handbook, the RRTHandbook, the RRT License Training, the Heavy Weapons License Training - which I cannot link as they hold testing answers.

Author of the Foundation Legal Codex:
This is quite possibly my greatest contribution to the SCP-RP community, both UK and US. At the time of the FLC's conceptualisation there were a large number of players who were not satisfied with the previous Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. The significant length of both documents meant that new players were simply refusing to read them and then at a later time unknowingly breaking their rules and being arrested and jailed without knowing why. It was also the case that the IA Department was struggling to retain recruits who did not want to read both of these documents in order to play a CL3 position. The CoE and CoC were thefore only truly used by veteran players, creating a barrier against new players fully integrating into the server.

Everyone at the time said it could not be done - but I condensed all of the significant content of the CoE, CoC, IA Punishment Codex and Staff Rulings into one document and drafted the FLC. The FLC became a fundamental basis upon which all IC RP rulings are created and is frequently used every single day by both the UK and US site to establish what is and is not acceptable or punishable in RP. My ability to create a document as impactful as this demonstrates that I have a near incomparible understanding of how all Foundation departments and regiments work and that I am capable of giving hardline guidances to the entire playerbase that promote quality RP.

Author of the Tribunal Handbook:
Prior to the Core Sector update there was no official tribunal room in site-65 and tribunals were not conducted under any formal system. I took this opportunity to draft the Tribunal Handbook - which detailed all of the relevant parties involved in a tribunal and their duties, the order of play of a tribunal and all of the relevant objections that the parties can use. I believe that my efforts in establishing a formal tribunal system gave inspiration to the mappers to add a tribunal room to the core sector update and that tribunal RP is now a fully realised piece of gameplay in part thanks to my own efforts.

Ethics Member and Chairman:
My reputation within the community is that I have spent more time serving as a member of Site Command than any other member of the playerbase. During this time I have:

Re-established the RP Setting of O-1 and the Ethics Committee; which involved integrating the lore of the SCP universe into the way the EC and O-1 play the game in RP. I scrapped the old interview process required of ECM applicants and replaced it with an authentic Ethics Commitee Orientation in which the applicant is kidnapped by Omega-1, pulled into a dark interrogation cell, told that they now work for the Committee whether they like it or not under threat of death or worse and infoleaked on all things that they need to know for their duties as an ECM. They are then asked the same interview questions as before - but within an 'Orientation' context. This created a much more tense and atmospheric testing process for the ECM candidate and correctly captures Ethics Committee and O-1 lore.

I also created an RP standard within the Committee that requried all Ethics Members to pretend that they are an incompetent and impotent CL4 department of advisors when in the presence of all CL3 and below members of the SCP Foundation and GOIs- and that they should consider any Foundation personnel below CL4 or GOIs knowing of their CL5 status to be an infoleak. This was done to create an accurate implementation of the wiki material within the Ethics Committee in-game while also creating a new and dynamic way for ECMs to roleplay - in the lore, the Ethics Committee behaves in this way as a method of laying bait for unethical Foundation personnel to feel comfortable in not having to disguise their unethical activity. It also created additional duties for O-1 in protecting the covert status of the Ethics Commitee. This piece of RP has been recently enforced by the introduction of CL4 ID cards to the Ethics Committee Member job.

Properly implemented the Ethics Committee's mission objective;
"We are the ones who balance the moral costs of everything the Foundation does. And in order to balance those costs, we must know those costs. Do you realize what that means, Doctor? It means that we know everything the Foundation does, has done, and will ever do. Everything that has ever been redacted or expunged, we know it. Every last detail.".
This quote is, in my mind, the clearest indicator of the Ethics Committee's full purpose - and gives an indiciation of the Committee's true potential. Unless the Commitee is deluded and has only been tricked into believing that they know everything. This piece of the lore tells, that as a CL5 branch, the Commitee's mission objective must have been delegated to them by The Administrator. Hence; "The O5 Council decides what is possible - The Ethics Committee decides what is acceptable." After garnering this from the lore I made further edits to the EC's RP setting in-game; that they are much less concerned with upholding humanitarian standards and are much more concerned with ensuring that the Foundation's resources are being used to enact the Foundation's mission statement as defined by The Administrator. This means that the Ethics Commitee and O-1 players will use their resources and position to ruthlessly persecute and assassinate members of the Foundation - even members of the O5 Council - who are found to be misusing Foundation assets for purposes that do not align with the mission statement; Secure, Contain, Protect. And that they only use the FLC as a means to pretend that they are upholding some kind of humanitarian law. Which serves to further stoop the Ethics Commitee and Omega-1 in mystery and makes their gameplay and RP more dynamic and purposeful.

Following the reformation of Site Command and Site Administration I drafted a new ECMs Handbook and ECAs Handbook (I cannot link them as the information in the handbooks is relevant to testing questions) and used this as the basis of my work alongside my ECMs and ECAs to redefine all of the Ethics Commitee's departmental duties as well as fully adopt IA as a sub-department of the Committee. From this, in conjunction with the new FLC, I created an escalation protocol that divided up the response to unethical activity based on the clearance level of the offender and the grotesqueness of the offence - with CL3 matters being delegated to IA and processed through the jail system, CL4 matters being handled in combination by the Directors of IA and the EC and CL5 matters being the sole responsibility of the EC, usually requiring assassination of a Council member. This demonstrates my ability to micromanage departmental developments where necessary and move a department from strength-to-strength and build it up towards a high standard of competency.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The O5 Council is responsible for a great number of RP avenues and gameplay loops;

The Creation of Passive RP:
The Council's bread and butter duty is to use their clearance level and diplomatic immunity to create passive RP by innovating dangerous and ethically questionable research. This can be done by themselves in person or as a delegation to the Department of Research - it is a good habit for a member of the Council to onboard as many different departments and regiments as possible when conducting research in order to maximise the involvement of other players in passive RP.

GM and RP Leader Events:
The O5 are also responsible for using their position of authority to organise the Site's response to GM events to maximise player interaction with the RP - even if the event does not involve them. It is very important for Council members not to be overzealous in their engagement with GM events and seize control of the event location - the presence of an Overseer at a GM event, even if they plan to remain uninvolved, incurrs the presence of A-1 and other types of followers which can dishearten lower clearance level players from properly engaging in the RP material. An O5 Councillor must therefore make of themselves a utility to be used by GMs to promote engagement in events while also having the presence of mind to recognise when their presence and direct invovlement in an event is not required.

Regular Meetings:
The Council is responsible for regular RP meetings with department leads, it prefers not to meet with GOIs in person and instead delegates this responsibility to SA and the DEA/Nu-7 - the Council will only meet with GOIs if it is absolutely necessary and they will only meet with personnel of equivalent rank. The RP meetings are typically centered around ensuring that senior CL4 personnel are innovating and promoting RP within their own departments and regiments and also correctly maintaining high standards of conduct within the guidelines of the FLC. These meetings are also used to introduce their own research topics or foundation-wide policies to relevant parties.

Site-Wide and Foundation Policy Making:
The Council are responsible for consulting with senior CL4 and GOI leaders in the creation of mutual policy that defines the exact duties of departments and regiments as well as who has priority on particular duties. They are also a deciding factor when settling policy with GOIs.

Developing the Foundation Legal Codex:
Overseers have the duty to observe transitions in the state of gameplay, roleplay and the introduction of new content features and make adjustments to the FLC to ensure the promotion and continuation of a high standard of RP.

Covert Observation:
The O5 are required to embed A-1 operatives into departments and regiments to observe their activity and inspect their documentation. They do this to identify and correct any information leaks, ensure that said departments and regiments are remaining compliant with the Foundation mission statement and monitor personnel of questionable loyalty.

Authorisation of GOI raids:
The O5 Council can authorise raids of GOI bases due to a range of circumstances, such as the kidnapping of Foundation personnel or the GOIs possession of a high CL Foundation document.

Collaboration with the Ethics Committee:
The Overseers are required to collaborate with the Ethics Committee in almost all matters with the intention of maintaining themselves as a holistic Site Command unit in accordance with the guidelines that were established by myself, Metropolitan and SSL. This includes involving the EC's input into site-wide policy making and making any adjustments to CL4 leadership positions that the EC recommends.

Removal of Problematic Leadership:
The O5 Council has a duty to use the autocratic level of authority associated with their position to remove, sometimes without due warning, members of senior CL4 who have proven themselves grossly problematic.

Crisis Management:
An Overseer is responsibile for managing the site during times of crisis by implementing a Code Black to evacuate non-combatives from the site when a containment breach threatens to inflict mass casualties upon site personnel. If the Emergency Response Team fails to quell the Code-5 containment breach then the Overseer may very likely be required to liquidate the site via activation of the Alpha Warhead in order to reset RP so that gameplay can continue. The escalation protocol leading to warhead activation is: Code 5 > ERT deployment > Code Black > ERT failure > Warhead Activation.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Out of character a member of the O5 Council has the responsibility to maintain a standard of professionalism and politeness when they engage with the community, be it through in-game chat or Civilgamers platforms such as discord and the forums. If they fail to do so then it discredits the reputation of themselves and their peers. It is also especially important when settling debates or arguments between other players to remain impartial and not attempt to give on-the-spot rulings, as said players will often refer back to the words of a CL5 player when justifying themselves; stating something along the lines of "well -1 said it was allowed".

They are also responsible for the assessment of new applications to positions of departmental leadership and ensuring that the most ideal candidates are selected. This means the individual Council member must have a keen interest and reasonable level of knowledge of all departments on site so that they can make an informed decision when critiquing the applications made by candidates of departmental leadership. With this in mind, a member of the O5 council must be ready to provide mentorship and management solutions to struggling departments to ensure that their practices develop and maintain a good standard of productivity.

The Council is responsible for assessing applicants to the position of Overseer, Overseer Assistant, A-1 Commander, Site Director and Director of Research. These candidates are assessed in case-by-case meetings in which the Council members debate the suitability of candidates and vote on whether or not they should be accepted.

The Council will also have regular OOC meetings with RP Leaders to discuss the current state of RP and look for areas of improvement in order to ensure that RP material keeps moving and remains fresh and engaging. They may also use these meetings as opportunities to debate edits or additions to the FLC with the intention to preserve high standards of RP or make adaptations that accomodate new game content.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
A man in a black suit sits alone in an oval office of 13 chairs assembled neatly around the outer edge of a large horseshoe shaped desk, he sits at the head and watches a surveillance feed of a heavily armoured convoy arriving at the main entrance compound of Site-65. Right on queue - his monitor prompts him with an incoming communicae. He opens the transmission, leans back in his chair and prepares himself to hear confirmation of what he already knew; the creation of The Eidolon has been a success. It was always going to be so, ofcourse, Eidolon was his idea.


> Good Evening 1. Succesful RTB reported. All mission parameters met. Package secured at containment facility six-five. Awaiting your activation. The Church is... displeased to say the least. They expected full custody - believe item destroyed, as per your requirements. We may need to offer them compensation if they are to collaborate on future items. They report the Chairman's body was an ideal match. Your cover story has been declassified and circulated to the others. All operatives involved seen to administer Class-A. Administering mine now. May he serve you well. Secure. Contain. Protect.
The ethics committee does NOT have an orange suit
You also haven't held any positions in like half a year, you're goated but not that good pal
You didn't read the entire app in 2 minutes and are being very closed minded Goober, not a good look on you.

I need a coffee to bloody read this behemoth of an application so will leave a comment later
Well damn, This is the best O5 Application I think I've ever seen created. Covers everything and your experience speaks for itself being the father of the FLC.

I think the one thing going against you currently is lack of current CL4 position being held within the Foundation. However, your experience and competence is something I feel the Council needs right now and I am going to leave a +Support on this application based off that too.

Good luck!


Advanced Expert Civil Gamer
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 4, 2023
+ Support One of my favourite ECCs to have worked alongside with on the server (which isn't saying anything as it has just been him and Athena lmao), but Eidolon held a massive presence during his time as ECC, the type of guy to say, "jump", and the only reply he gots was, "How high?"

Might seem like a strange thing to point out, but that aura of authority is something we're lacking in CL5 positions right now. It's one of those
things that adds a lot of weight to the role, and opens a ton of doors. And this is before even mentioning his general RP skills and the fun and interesting events he did.

Eidolon was also a CL5 who never made me question his orders, even in a situation where he ordered -3's PK, it was a measured and planned step carried out with the proper RP set-up, and not something done in the spur of the moment. This is all thanks to his knowledge, something that I have no doubt is still up-to-date today as I've seen him all over the site in different roles, both within Foundation and CI.

I don't really have much else to say, Eidolon's experience speaks for itself, and while I will concede that his later months as ECC did have some activity hip cups, it wasn't anything extreme and was all easily glossed over by the fact that when he did log onto the role you knew something big was about to happen and usually the whole of O-1 would be mobilized on his behalf.

So yeah, slightly, maybe massively biased, but this is a man I want as an O5. It's time for the O5 giant to wake up.

Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
Not sure about how it is handled on UK, but Im personally not a big fan of returning players immediately going for very high positions
As mentioned in other comments, you dont even hold a Jr CL4 position at the moment (nor any whitelisted role in Foundation, for that matter)

Other than that the app seems quite fire tho, thought about using Eidolon as an O5 name too at first
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Hi @J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

Thank you for your application. While you await the verdict of the Council we are asking all candidates to post their month /time.

Good luck.

Evening Elad,
Attached is my current month /time - it shows all of my playtime since rejoining the server which averages around 2hrs per evening, which is the same time investment I gave during my time as Chair. Kindly also note the server outages.
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