[UK] O5-2 "The Humanitarian"

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Apr 4, 2023

O5-2 "The Humanitarian"

Out Of Character Section​
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80289147

Discord name: theadmiralze

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a year now, being ECM for the majority of it.

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: BST

Character name(s):
Charles "Ze" Whitmee - Foundation
"Freud" - Chaos Insurgency
Valerian "Worker" Grey - Global Occult Coalition
Civilian name: Fox "Ze" Mulder

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal Affairs Ambassador - 2 weeks
Internal Affairs Director - 3 months~
Ethics Committee Member - 1 year~ (Holding)
GOC PVT (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One warn for FailRP/JobAbuse - Obtained back when I was Director
Entered too soon as Parawatch without valid reason and left job instead of waiting to be escorted out of the storage room.​

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for a position in the O5 council for a change in Roleplay. I have been a member of the Committee for around a year now and have explored many avenues of RP and enjoyed it all, however I desire a change, looking to involve myself in more controversial and devious RP and projects that would be unbecoming of any Ethics Member. Beyond that I also wish to see how it is on the other side of the fence per say, expanding my SC portfolio and experience.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

I have been a member of Site Command for nearly a year, observing and learning how each department and regiment works and how Site Command operates. This is an extremely useful for a member of the O5 Council, as they are expected to make well informed and correct decisions when it comes to management of these departments and regiments. Alongside that, during this time I believe I have shown my reliably and know how as a member of Site Command in my ability to solve problems that arise on site, either OOC issues on IC RP.

Polices and Projects
As a member of Site Command, I am expected to create Roleplay for members of the server. Two ways this can be done is by creating polices that adjust and add to Roleplay loop on site, or the creation of Projects that can build storylines and create further more direct Roleplay.

My favourite example of policy that I have created has to be the long standing D-class work program, which is still used today and was even adopted by the US Ethics Committee at the time. This created an entirely new way for D-class to roleplay on site, compared to their prior Riot or Test gameplay loop. I will happily say that I am proud of this and that it is still functioning today. I would say this shows me as a good candidate for O5 due to adding to the Roleplay and gameplay loop of the server.

A more recent example of policy is the IA Empowerment Decree where I proposed changes to Internal Affairs. While it only slightly added to the Roleplay loop of Internal Affairs I feel this is worth mentioning due to the work it took to implement. To get this policy pushed through, it took over 6 hours of meetings in one day, multiple weeks of supervision and community feedback and work to ensure a smooth addition of this policy.
I believe this shows a high amount of dedication, which would be important for any SC member.

To give an example of a project I have issued, I will present the "Foundation Iconography Research", which tasks RSD with the creation of anomalous imagery and symbolism for use in The Foundation. A lovely unique project that can lead to all sorts of RP scenarios, such as deployment of this imagery against the Chaos Insurgency or even our own staff. This is a project that can lead to all sorts of Roleplay. And one I am currently engaged in.

During my time as any role on the server, be it Ethics Committee Member or Chaos Insurgency member, I have always strived to maintain a professional demeanour. Always trying to maintain the Serious RP nature of the server. This is an expected trait of any member of Site Command, which I will carry over to O5 if I am successful on obtaining the position.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
  • Overseeing all Foundation Employees to ensure they are conducting themselves correctly, if a member of Foundation staff is found to be conducting themselves inappropriately they will forward this onto Site administration as their proxy to deal with via disciplinary measure. In cases of severe misconduct they will handle it themselves, often in the form of hearings.
  • The deployment of Alpha-1 and Overseer assistants to carry out the will of the Council.
  • Approval of any SCP test involving termination attempts.
  • Marinating relations with GOIs, creating Roleplay for all groups involved, however Site Administration and DEA take priority over day to day management of relations.
  • The direct overseeing of Site Administration to ensure standards and conduct is upheld.
  • The general creation of Roleplay for the entire server.
  • The handling of Code-Black emergencies, mainly focusing on the final call, the detonation of the Alpha warhead.
  • Development of Foundation wide policy
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

They handle the following applications/appointments:
  • The Alpha-1 Commander
  • Site Director
  • Overseer Assistants
  • Director of Research
  • They also consult with -1 on O5 applications
Other OOC Duties include:
  • Creation and maintenance of Conduct violations on the FLC.
  • Storyline creation
  • Liaison with other RP leaders to address issues on the server and create further storylines together
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Charles Whitmee Base File
One last letter to The Committee
(I will be writing a larger story for this, however I am terribly slow at writing lore and do not wish to miss the application window for this)

I also have a plan/script for a storyline I wish to purse upon getting the position. This can be shared upon request with the O5.

Regarding my activity, I have just come back from a 1 week holiday in Greece. My activity will be picking up as I settle in again.
  • Love
Reactions: fyzar

Jesus Christ he actually went for it!?

Charles, you and I have worked on many devious or otherwise maniacal things together or in tandem with other events and storylines and I know you have what it takes in pretty much every capacity. It is going to be quite the thing to see you go from Ethics, but I wish you all the best and hope that you succeed.

Best of luck.
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