[UK] O5-2 "The Sadist"

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Feb 24, 2023
I've been recommended to make a note: I am currently on LOA due to a harassment issue which is being handled by staff. Therefor my VTime is rather shakey as I am relaxing by playing other games. This LOA ends the 24th.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209317707
Discord name: chad4j
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1500 Hours
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Athena Grayhart, Maeve Glass
Civilian name: Eros
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Committee Chairwoman
Ethics Committee Member
Site Manager
Site Advisor
DEA Special Agent
Ethics Committee Assistant
Overseer Assistant
DEA Senior Agent
Omega-1 Lance-Coporal
Epsilon-11 Corporal
Chaos Insurgent Beta, MRU Lance-Corporal
United Global Occult Coalition Lance-Corporal

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I will be applying for the position of O5-2. I believe that with my tenure of clearance-5 I have proven I can provide high quality roleplay. In my position as Ethics Member I was able to create an immense amount of RP, whether in hand of my position as a Game Master. Whether it was the cortex storyline alongside Broda, or whether it was generalised RP enhancements. I believe in the position as an Overseer I would be able to dive deep into the more... controversial side of roleplay I am unable to touch as Chairman, but also provide a new and more controversial character to the command side of the server, which can trickle down and create an immense amount of sub-RP for people to take on their own spins, and interactions. Further, as the Chairman I have been able to achieve my three major objectives, but found the roleplay opportunities to be rather restrictive.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
In my position as Chairman I have made an immense difference to the three objectives I had:
  1. Help Omega-1 in increasing their quality of roleplay, combat and workings.
  2. Create a committee that is sustainable and has the correct people in each position to assist, but continue forth without me.
  3. Implement systematic changes to increase communication, clarity and further within the committee so everyone can work cohesively.
  4. Create a guideline that can be implemented by either ISD to assist in washing away micropolitical messes of "who strikes who".

These three objectives are major issues I had outlined within the committee, and have since resolved. I feel as though the committee and omega-1 are in a good place for myself to move on to create a lot of RP I have been unable to due to the realistic constraints of my current position, though, if I were to be denied, I have a few more pieces up my sleeve that can work on either end of the table that is Site Command.

However, I will go through and categorize what causes me to stand out in comparison to other candidates in a more clarified manner.

Over my tenure within the server, I have had the pleasure of holding an immense range of positions, starting from E-11, to O-1 all the way to Site Administration and now the Committee. I have demonstrated a method of leadership that focuses on teaching those around me to question, to think for themselves, but always having an anchor on which they can rely upon. I have worked on departmental development, whether it is the committee itself which is now in a stronger position, or Omega-1 who are benefitting from changes whether it is leadership or CO guidance that has been able to trickle down, I have worked immensely hard to improve, to teach and to lead those who have trusted me to do so. I would like to instead be in a position in which I could further work on departments.

At the end of the day, for one to be a member of Senior CL5, you need to have some level of initiative. You need to lead, with no-one above you, and the only intervention to what you do being from a staff standard, you have to decide how you wish to go forward, and know that the initiative you take to do so, will trickle down throughout the foundation. I have the same critical thinking skills as when I first became an ethics member, but now much more enriched by my latest set of experiences.

Roleplay Creation
While I have not had the opportunity to create an outstanding amount of roleplay within my current position due to working on the prior mentioned points, I have been able to sit and guide Ethics Members, Omega-1 and more on how to take their storylines into a deployable piece of RP. At the end of the day, we all hit a mental block at some point and I am glad to have helped so many. Whether this is in terms of departmental RP guidance, such as:
Research: Research RP Department Plan
Medical: Medical Department Plan
Or, whether it is creation and assistance with the Halloween Horror event chain, the Cortex Storyline, or even generalised RP for those who wish to participate on site-65. I have been able to focus my efforts into inclusive RP, and I intend to do so as O5.

Administrative Skill / Documentation
Whether it be the 36 page Cortex report document, the new update ECA Handbook, the Omega-1 Evaluations Guidance or the ISD Conflict Agreement, I have done my absolute best to create quality and inclusive documentation in order to assist in RP, enhance it, or to create further clarity. I have throughout my time within the server been able to create a consistent set of quality documents that focus on clarity over being concise. With these people have been able to have guidance on improvement, duties and more.

Potential O5 Roleplay
It is no secret, in my current position, myself doing feeding tests of SCP-682 would land me in trouble, or say I tell someone to give me their thumb for their failures. My face must be kind, strict and fair. In the position I intend on taking, I will be basking in the ability to do what I want in terms of research capability. At the end of the day, almost all SCPs are the Overseers property, and such, should curiosities raise, with the character I have created, I will be down there with the researchers; junior, senior or otherwise getting the results, providing quality roleplay that is inclusive but has that element of risk that has been somewhat lacking in parts.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
  • Act as Inspectors for the site as a whole and ensure that personnel are working in their positions in a positive manner, and when personnel are found to be not doing so, they pass this to Site Administration and assist and support their decisions regarding any punishments.
  • Handling of Code-Black scenarios the reset of roleplay via activating the alpha-warhead if the roleplay on the site has degraded beyond recovery due to extreme mass-breaches or Code-5 scenarios
  • Deployment of Alpha-1 and Overseer Assistants to act out on the will of the Overseer Council
  • Create RP for all to be involved in.
  • The approval of any tests involving a termination attempt of an SCP.
  • Maintain relations with Groups of Interest, and create immersive RP for those involved, with DEA and Site Administration taking priority.
  • Organisation and Usage of hearings for departments or personnel seen to be falling in conduct standards.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
  • Handle Applications for OSAs and O5 Council Members
  • Handle Applications for the Director of External Affairs and Site Director
  • Appointment of the Alpha-1 Commander
  • Create FLC policies for conduct violations in order to help maintain a healthy level of roleplay, working alongside the Committee to have these implemented.
  • Create Storylines and working along with the player base to allow their ideas to shine through
  • Discuss with the Ethics Committee any CL4 individuals seen to be committing Ethics Infractions.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
I will include a few pieces of Documentation for the O5 character I intend to portray, as well as have them easily displayed here.
LORE DOCUMENTATION: Lilith Moore "O5-2 The Sadist"
Personnel File:

Chapter One: Life​

Growing up in a small town wasn’t as bad as a lot of people thought it to be. You needed a specific thing sorted? Well if you didn’t know the person needed, the person sitting next to you in class, at work, or even at the park knew. All the stores had everything needed, the farms flourished, and the schools stayed consistent with the class members. Lillian always enjoyed school. Despite the lack of funding, they made it work. The only Bunsen burner broke? Some wisecrack with a lighter and a little bit of tinkering or engineering knowledge would have that sorted in a jiffy.
Everything just seemed to work. It was rare to get newcomers from the city moving, and it was just as rare to see people leave. Everything just worked. Needed a job? Always was a place down at the local pub, or the farm shop that needed someone to count the cash. You want something to do? Go to the park, old-school cinema, or the diner always has a spot for you to grab a milkshake and chill out with friends.
Lillian always preferred the diner, she’d sit with her shake furiously typing away at whatever she’d be working on for school. She particularly enjoyed Biology and Chemistry. While Physics and its vast abundance of possibilities was a curiosity, nothing quite beat the hard truths of this is how life works.
After years of work, and as she grew into a woman Lillian decided to leave the small town when she’d readied herself for university. With the countless offers across the world of plenty of people begging her to come and study with them, some giving monetary rewards and some even offering grants far beyond any money anyone in her town had ever seen. With it, she left behind her friends and family, all supportive but upset to see her go. She didn’t need to take much, nor see the need to do so. She only brought some essentials and the stockpile of money from working or the grants and rewards she’d received for all the hard work she’d done putting her school on the map for her brains.
She shared a kitchen with an old lady who was looking for someone to live on the second floor she could no longer use. She came to adore her old school room quickly, reminding her of home. An old-school couch with those patterns you’d only expect your grandma to proudly own. Or the dresser accompanied by a large ornate wardrobe, which remained almost empty even once she’d moved in her belongings. She especially adored the large double bed she’d been afforded.
Attending University in a new country was new, and even more so living so central in such a busy city. Lillian stuck out, and she hated it at first. She’d watch all of the brilliant minds alongside her came in with their own unique but formal style, and all she’d thought to bring with her was a few sets of jumpers and jeans. Slowly, as the years progressed in University, she found herself finding her style and personality in such a world, she made friends but always found comfort back with the little old lady. The old lady had become somewhat of a motherly figure for her, she’d sit there rattling away about the new things she’d experimented on in University, how her thesis, her masters, hell she stayed there for her doctorate too. She adored every moment with the old woman. The old woman would sit there, nodding away and offering small treats or knitting from the huge collection of yarn she had floating around her. The old woman became a favourite among her friends, hosting small tea parties, or how she would compel the young Lillian to help her around the kitchen to bake sweet treats.
The old woman would often bring up when Lillian decided to find someone, to move on in life, to settle but she would simply smile and offer to go and bake something for the lady. The truth was, most people who had tried to date Lillian ended up hating her, while she was soft and sweet on the outside, the inside, they always would leave saying there just wasn’t something right with her. They didn’t understand her anymore, that she’d changed. That her innocent acts didn’t look as much anymore, or how they found the ways she would control things to be scary. None of that mattered to Lillian, all she knew was that she was enjoying herself, and no one was able to meet what she needed. Though what she needed was best compared to either someone who could challenge her beyond human comprehension, or a dog.
Lillian grew rather content with being alone, she found it allowed her to focus, no prodding busy person trying to intrude on whatever mad plan she had constructed for university. Especially since she always had the old woman to cry on. What else could a human being provide to her? She could not wrap her head around the idea, even as her friends grew and married, she could never understand. What is love other than a weakness?
Time felt rather fast towards the end, looking out into the crowd of her graduation ceremony when accepting the countless awards, giving the valedictorian speech, unable to look away from the empty seat in her family section. Her family didn’t show- that she’d expected, they’d slowly lost touch with her, but neither did the old woman.
After hours of celebration, yet not seeing the old woman, Lillian placed the champagne flute down on the tall table she’d just wrapped up speaking to interested parties wanting her to work for them. She attempted to call the old woman, no answer. She checked the time, 8 pm. It wasn’t uncommon for her to be asleep at this time. She thanked those around her for their time, gave her email and made her way back through the busy streets in New York. Her heels quickened as rain showered down and formed further puddles at her feet, but the closer she reached home, the more worry dawned on her, why didn’t the old woman show?
She was quick with the keys into the terraced house and ran straight to the front room that had been repurposed into the old woman's living quarters. There she was, sound asleep.
The Old Woman never really missed daytime things, but that was alright, maybe she wasn’t feeling well and found it hard to get to the phone. Lillian didn’t mind, she’d noted the kitchen seemed fine, weird- she hadn’t cooked today. Lillian moved through the flat taking her book and sitting next to her in the bed, and began rattling away about her ceremony, her speech and all the things the old woman missed, finishing it off with a small hug. Why was she so cold?
Lillian never imagined the lights blaring through the window, nor that the day would come. Sat on the stairs, her breaths uneasy and tears streaming down her face, experiencing what could be best described as an anxiety attack, thus beginning the many she would suffer through the years.

Chapter Two: Invitation​

She decided it was best to return to her hometown for a short while. Going back to her parents was strange, especially since they hadn’t shown her the day she needed them most, and slowly with it, the calm and reasonable attitude she had would pass into something far more… violent. No dinner time small talk, simply wondering why she had been birthed from such people without much care for her, or what she wanted. Simply, wake up, go for a run, eat breakfast alone, work on her future project ideas alone, have lunch at the diner alone, return home and work alone, have dinner with her family, and retire. Always alone.
The rumours didn't take long to spread, and her return was not something people were expecting, as far as they were aware she had settled elsewhere, I mean, she had left the country for almost a decade, coming back as an entirely new woman. Less of the quiet soft spoken girl, now she returned a determined young woman ready to take on anyone who dared be in her way. And god help those who did.
She slowly started working from home, happy to receive all of the equipment a small company had offered her, extremely good pay for her age, even with her qualifications. She’d work on small tests, seeing how various chemicals interacted with the weird pieces of all sorts. She soon noted that these… things she was being sent were not- well, they were not of this earth. Curiosity peaked, maybe she should’ve enjoyed physics more.
After attending a meeting on the phone with her manager, who had no idea what she was talking about, she decided she would take it into her own hands, and so she prepared to uproot and move herself to the company's town. She needed to see where these things were coming from, she hungered to know more. Finally, something new, and this would be her breakthrough.
Canada wasn’t too bad at first, the people were polite enough, and she was left to her own means. She moved her equipment, vast wardrobe and personal items into her new house. A roommate applied instantly to take the second room, a rather tall gentleman, blonde, and quiet. She liked that, and she liked not being disturbed. As she settled, she would find privacy in the office that she’d quickly set up while investigating what had been sent.
Lillian would decline such an entry. She must not be disturbed. Not while she was figuring out what this was. She would slice the thing, and it would grow back together overnight, she would place it in acid, and the thing would not deteriorate, hell, the more she damaged it, the more resistant it seemed to become.
As smoke left the chamber of her trusty hailstorm she’d brought with her, the roommate came stumbling into the room, seeing the thing, a grey broken-up piece of the flesh take the bullet and let it drop. Lillian simply noted down more, with tweezers, picked up the broken bullet and placed it into a small plastic bag. The man watched, wide-eyed, seeming to find any reason to leave the room as her head whipped across the way to him.
“Jackson,” she paused a moment, his name floating across the room from the slightly deeper tone than he’d grown used to, “what do you think you are doing in my office? Can you not see I am working?” Her words came out harsh, with a very much intended bite, and the man across from her grew flush.
“No-” he stuttered, “I- I heard the gunshot Lil, I just- why do you have a gun?” He tried out, a bead of sweat glimmering in the light.
Lillian stood up straight, patting the lab coat down and slowly moved towards him, “You’re not supposed to come in here, you know this Jackson.” She spat, “I would advise you leave, and keep my-” she paused a moment to smile slightly “Experiments, to yourself. It is in your best interest after all”
Jackson could barely focus on her words, his eyes were firmly gripped on the gun in her hand, he let out a small noise, what could be described as a pathetic attempt at a gulp, and moved backwards out of the doorway.
The man refused to even look Lillian in the eyes when they would be in their kitchen brewing up anything they needed to sustain themselves. He would peek through the door cracks and watch as she did anything she could to the flesh. He also noted that he could tell when she hadn’t slept from her pure fury of not being able to do anything to the flesh, as her long straight black hair would be frizzing away in the small bun.
One day, he’d decided to leave. She was mentally insane. He watched as she hung it once more after leaving it in acid for hours, shooting it while she set it on fire. He was done, and he was calling the police.
The local foundation operative that had been placed was quick to take the call from his colleague. ‘Interesting,’ the operative observed, whoever she had been working for was not the foundation, but they sure had something that would be regarded as foundation property. And what further piqued his curiosity, was how she had obtained this anomalous material. Upon passing this to his superiors, they too shared confusion, the description, how the thing seemed to resist more with time, how on god's earth did some small company get ahold of SCP-682 flesh, and why were they allowing her to experiment in her own home?
This time, her new roommate was placed by the foundation. A young man again, but this one was loud. Lillian hated it. She hated the obvious intruder, and she sure hated how he would question the noises coming from her laboratory. She was not to talk about what she worked on, or she’d be needing yet another roommate.
Finally, after moving to their town months later, Lillian received an email inviting her for an in-office visit to discuss her experiments and a better brainstorming session was to happen. She happily obliged, and when the small crate arrived in the mail for the transport of the material she ensured all conditions prescribed were met.
‘The flesh must be kept in an airtight container, submerged in the acid you will find already in place. The container must remain locked and in a room temperature area during its arrival’. That's all the note said, with a small symbol in the corner, one she was yet to see.
The Agent ensured that her car faulted that morning, and offered her a lift. Worried about timekeeping, she accepted, listening to the man almost torture her with his loud singing. She kept the box secure in her lap the entire time, even shifting it away when he’d take a hand off of the wheel to prod it.
Upon entering the small building, she noted it looked different from the background she’d seen her manager in. Maybe they had renovated, or this was a new sector. Her ID was quickly checked, and the woman was escorted through the building. Weird. Why was there no one working? Did everyone truly move remotely?
She was greeted by a man in a suit, he simply placed a briefcase down on the table.
“Ah, Lillian. I am so glad we can finally meet face to face.” The man smiled, his mouth growing far too wide for her liking.
“I don’t believe we have met at all, I think I may have the wrong meeting room.” Lillian quickly rose to her feet and turned towards the door she had come through, her mouth becoming agape as she watched the man she’d observed to be one of the pillars of annoyance in life strut in, this time no longer in shorts, t-shirt and sandals, but in full militaristic gear.
“You are not in the wrong place, take a seat Dr.” her strange roommate instructed, his tone no longer one of annoyance but of complete and utter seriousness.
Lillian looked to the exit he was blocking, and sighed, turning and sitting on the chair. “What is this, and who are you?” She questioned.
“We met not too long ago during your graduation ceremony, terribly sorry to hear of what happened to the old woman you spoke of, what was her name? Mary? What a way to kill the day.”
Lillian grew uncomfortable in her seat, she’d spoken to many that day, but she could barely remember to whom she’d spoken about the old woman. She instinctively began tracing her fingers on her sharp pointed nails.
“Anyway- you were given something to test. It comes from a whole new part of the world that you are yet to understand nor see.” he continues without noting the slight balling of fists from the woman across from him, nor the death stare that could kill if it were possible to be as such. “That is not the property of the company you work for, but instead mine. I would like to present you with an opportunity. My associate here has read through your research, spectated your tests and only reported promising results.” The man paused and extended his bony fingers, unclasping his briefcase and retrieving the rather large bundle of paper before him, “Please, read, and divulge us, Lillian. We think you would make an excellent addition to our foundation.”
Lillian caught the bundle as he slid it across the glass desk to her. Her eyes glanced through, seeing that symbol once more, this time, a name attached. “S.C.P Foundation?” she questioned.
“Ah, Secure, Contain, Protect. We deal with beings of anomalous and strange matters. We would like to invite you to research at one of our facilities,” he pauses as the roommate brings a bottle of water over, taking his time to drink and open his mouth once more, “We have one not too far from where you reside, that military bunker not too far from pinewood, that derelict old-school town.”
Lillian paused for a moment and simply read the contract before her, taking her sweet time to find anything needing questioning, but it seems all had been answered for her. Finally, after an hour, she looked up.
The man noted this and opened his mouth “We believe you will be of great benefit to us and the foundation. Lillian, take this offer, it's a way for you to use your skill and brains to contribute not only to us but to the world.”
“I accept.”
A grin that the Cheshire cat himself would envy stretched along the man's face, “Oh Lillian, you do not understand how pleased we are to hear that.”

Chapter Three: Foundations​

The foundation itself was massive, a military bunker buzzing with life. You wouldn’t expect such a thing. She shared a room with other researchers, all of them on bunk beds with their own personal work areas. She’d been given the title “Senior Researcher”. She quite liked it. First, she started small, she needed to understand what an anomaly even was, and how it first came to be.
She’d found that this was just the name they used to address all of these “SCP”s in the foundation, whether they were dangerous or not. It was typically a paranormal, mysterious and supernatural phenomenon. She found it challenged her view of the world, and she sure did enjoy that. I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy discovering an entirely new world out there?
Immediately, she sought approval to continue working on the SCP-682 she came to know, and thought it was above her clearance, they agreed. She was shown the beast on her private welcome tour, the thing was disgusting, but also a perfect subject. A disgusting tuft of somewhat hairy skin on its back, its spine poking through exposed ribs, and no face even left. Long pointed snout best described as disfigured bone. Yet there it lay in its vat of acid, angry and ready for death.
She readied herself with every file on the thing, firstly she assumed manipulation could work. Convince the thing that she was there to help and allow it to finish the mission, but someone had tried before. She felt stumped, she needed to be inventive. She needed something new, but so much had already been done to the thing. A lot of her days she would sit in the box overlooking its cell, watching it swim around in its acid, just simply noting away. The acid made it uncomfortable, that was for sure, but it simply grew further resistant to it with time. Finally, she approached the door to its cell and opened the hatch walking to the tank of acid.
A loud noise erupted from its jaws, damaged and strained. Lillian took note of this. “Yet another here to disttuuurb me” he growls out, his head flicking to where her eyes pushed in, “another that shall feed me.” He continued. Lillian, surprised by its tone, opened the door. Its vocal cords worked. She wondered if she could snip them off, keep the thing quiet. She stepped forward facing the large glass wall separating the two. “You- hm, I have met many researchers, but I am yet to meet you.”
Lillian smiled slightly, “I am Senior Research Lillian, it is a pleasure” Despite the fear that one would feel being in the presence of the unkillable lizard, her tone remained calm. She took a seat on the floor before him. “I understand you have been put through- quite a lot.”
“Researcher, if you wish to manipulate me like the rest, I will make a tasty meal of you, like I did the rest.”
Lillian remained unphased and allowed herself to get more comfortable, placing a small recorder next to her and her clipboard to one side. “I am intrigued, please tell me more about what these researchers did to manipulate you?”
The Lizard almost squinted what remained of its eyelids at the researcher before letting out a roar, one she had assumed was to scare her. She did not care, she simply sat still as the entire room around her vibrated. She stared forward at the lizard and smiled, “That noise you make, it is incredibly terrifying.” Her eyes lit brightly staring at the creature.
SCP-682 seemed disgruntled, by now the researchers usually tucked tail and ran, but this one seemed unphased. Curious.
The seven months continued the same way, and she stayed just as persistent despite the questioning barely being answered. She needed to know more, and there was nothing better than it coming from the mouth of the creature itself. Finally, a conversation sprang up.
“Tell me, where do you even come from?” Lillian asked, lying against the glass wall of the tank, “I mean- you had to have originated somewhere.” She felt hopeless to an extent, Ethics was already breathing down her neck for going there alone without an escort, but those fools would simply go straight to their superiors.
“Hmmm-” the lizard responded, “From a time before your world formed” it growled. Its tone was hard to make out.
“Do you miss it there?” She questioned, her face turning towards the glass that the monster watched her from.
The lizard attempted a nod and moved in the tank towards the back. Was this trust? Or was this the Lizard itself manipulating her?
Lillian began to describe where she came from, and the Lizard slowly moved back forward, almost intrigued at the girl's words, why would a human tell him about itself? Why not just question its crimes, why try and truly converse with it? It seemed to listen with true intent, though neither party could ever truly trust if the other was being truthful.
As Lillian picked herself up, hearing the small watch she wore signal it was midnight, she stood, patting herself down and neatening her hair. “Have a pleasant evening 682” she stated.
The Lizard let a slight noise slip, turning her on her feet and asking for a repeat.
“682 is… demeaning, Lillian,” it said. The first time it had said her name. Was this finally the thing being willing to speak? “Atanti-ql-Paneu” he spoke, his voice far more intelligible than usual, but dripping with pain. “That is the name of who you-” he pauses a moment, almost to think, “address so frequently.”
“Very well, Atanti-ql-Paneu” she responds, her accent struggling to pronounce it correctly, “Have a good evening.”
As soon as she reached the observation room, she was quick to gather anything she’d left and ran to the elevator. She had to get this recording processed. Finally, something no one else had found. The creature had a name, and it trusted her enough to know it.
What she didn’t expect to be greeted with was a force of ISD ready to greet her as the elevator chimed, the researcher was escorted back to her bunks and reprimanded for going there again without an escort. They didn’t care for the finding she had brought forth. She was sick of it, no one understood the research she was going to do. She was going to find the way it was formed, so they may use it to finally destroy it.
She locked her files away in her dresser before slipping into bed. Though she remained wide awake, her rage was- it was something else. She decided, due to the exchange of information given, she would bring a treat for the lizard.
The next day, she skipped her morning exercise and marched directly to the doors of the Director. She had to give it something, she’d noted the look on his face as she entered.
“Director, I need approval to go see the lizard again. This time, I will take an escort.” She smiled, “I understand my actions have been reckless, and I would like the opportunity to prove to you that I will follow procedure.”
The Director sighed, “Fine. Your last chance with SCP-682, or you’re being moved to a safer project.”
Lillian could barely contain her excitement. She waited for the escort to arrive, though the armour showed differently from the previous ISD who had been upset with her. Perfect. These likely were not a part of ethics, and they will be helpful.
She retrieved a large set of D-Class, had them cuffed and brought them to the cell. “Good Morning Atanti” she greeted the lizard, and a small groan escaped its lips. The men surrounding her seemed shocked, glancing at one another. Good. They will see her progress, they will see her work.
She watched the one with the beret step outside, his hand extending to his radio and another stepped forward.
“Researcher. Please hold a moment, we have spectators for your newest test on the way.”
The D-Class was panicking, and the lizard looked between them, “Ah, is it dinner time my friend?” He taunted.
Again, looks were immediately exchanged across the room from all the ISD members. Lillian simply smiled, stepping forward to the glass, “Of course. We need to ensure you remain fed and content.” A darker expression crossed her face. “We simply have some spectators. Please allow them the liberty.”
The lizard did not like this, why was he being made a spectacle again? Had she succeeded in manipulating him? “Of what kind, I am not a circus attraction,” it responded, seeming to become agitated.
“I am unsure friend, I assume they simply wish to watch dinnertime and ensure you are satisfied with your meal.” She pointed her gaze to the chained D-Class, one of them had tears streaming down their face, one was trying his best to break free and the other looked as though it was ready to drop dead.
She heard the elevator ring and watched as more of the same armed personnel brought a man in a suit. He simply stayed in the tower above and gestured to the researcher to continue.
“Would you care to tell me how each of them tastes? We would love to better select the ones to your preferred pallet.”
The lizard nodded, and slowly the acid surrounding it drained from the tank. She retreated to the doorway, as this would be the next test, would the lizard try and kill her?
He took the first one, the crying one between his jaws first, the man disappearing before anyone could notice. Not a scream left the lips.
“Disgusting- salty.” the lizard stated.
“Please, help yourself to the next one, this one is far more muscular, it may provide you a better protein value.” She notes, gesturing to the next one. The lizard quickly took the man as it fought into its mouth, this time, all spectating watched what was best described as a gruesome devourment.
“Better,” he noted.
The lizard turned to the last, all noting the D-Class had passed out. He was the quickest snack, and the Lizard seemed to release what was a slight gag.
“Not to your taste?” Lillian enquired, and the lizard simply shook its head. “Very well. I will have more subjects like D-3560 used in future. Thank you Atanti-ql-Paneu”.
The lizard nodded and retreated into its cage at the noise of alarms. He seemed satisfied today. The man with the beret approached her again and requested she come to the overlooking tower. She agreed and followed suit.
The man who greeted her dripped with intimidation. Despite the monster she had grown used to below, this man before her was enough to chill her to her spine. “I understand you have been conducting extensive research with SCP-682 below.” His tone was sharp. “You know the creature's name?” he questions.
“Yes Sir, I do.”
“Why are you researching it? Do you wish to release the lizard? Pacify it? I see no reason for you to befriend the beast.”
“It is simple really, Sir.” she smiles, “I wish to know where it comes from, how it was formed, so we may use that information to eradicate it from this life.”
The man before her stared, his eyes going from the deranged smile she had planted on her face, back to her eyes, full of determination.
“Very well. I will be watching you closely researcher. Do well, and the next feeding session you do, ensure that you keep this from the Ethics Department. My men here will assist in ensuring your testing goes on… without further intervention.”
With that, he turned on his heel, the majority of the men leaving the room along with him. Two stayed behind, guarding either side of the elevator. After the doors closed, the one on the left spoke. “We will be here to ensure you are not disturbed. Enjoy your tests, researcher.”
Lillian simply returned, ignoring the blood on the floor where the D-Class previously were and took a seat against the glass. “Say, how would you like for me to find some books about where you’re from? I could read them to you, and hopefully for the first time in a long time, you can feel a sense of home.” The lizard let out a small noise of approval. “Unfortunately, I do not know where you come from. Do you remember any names? Maybe we have something archived that can help me discover more for you?”
The Lizard stopped a moment, all its movement ceased other than its bony nose pressing up against the glass, “mmmm…” it groaned. “I believe you may know it as, [REDACTED]”.
“Thank you, friend, I will retrieve those files as soon as I can.” She replied letting out a large sigh, “God- that last snack I gave you, I feel bad, I despise pathetic people with such fear.”
“Fear is usually tasty,” the lizard begins, “But that was too much. The one who was resistant to my hunger, that type of fear is the best tasting.”
“I understand, those who resist do make for the most delicious meals.” She agreed.
There sat two people with somewhat of a mutual understanding, fear can be delicious, but too much is outright boring. She knew what she wanted for her next experiment. While she had achieved the lizard not harming her, she wanted to continue improving their friendship, and she knew she wanted to send some of those silly junior researchers pestering her with the most abhorrent questions during the mess hall to be his next snack. Their cockiness would prevent passing out, but being in the jaws of death they were sure to resist.

Chapter Four: Six​

Lilith let out a light groan, since her upgraded suite was placed closer to the inspectors floor, it- it was hard to sleep. You’d think the bunker would assist in shielding the rumbles and noises from helicopters. And yet- here was another one flying in. She’d just finished studying with SCP-106 that day. Larry and she had some level of respect for one another, the enjoyment of each other's antics. That always assisted when he breached, especially considering he would leave her be. Maybe, she would sneak the same treatment she disliked, sometimes- he would watch.
She sat up, dressing herself in her more regular clothes. While she wished to crack on immediately, the lack of coffee and food in her system was calling to her.
God the canteen was loud. Too loud. She was quick to her coffee, not really caring she was being stared at. As she marched out of the door, she felt herself collide with someone. She let out a huff, picking herself up off the floor. Glad she had sealed the coffee lid.
The hood over her head was quick, so were the bindings on her wrist. She felt the barrel of a gun at the small of her back. She kept calm. If this is it, if this is how Ethics wants to take her out- so be it. Their heads will be the first to roll the next breach.
Gunshots, bangs, explosions occurred. Her ears were ringing, and her body was quickly thrown to the floor. She did her best to stay low and excruciatingly still until the gunfire commenced.
“Yes sir-” a gruff voice, “I have her. She’s fine.”
Small indistinct radio chatter played through the mic, “No- they’re all dead- cancel” he paused, a gunshot echoed the halls. “Affirm. Bringing her to you now.”
Lilith was careful getting to her feet, as she was softly led down the corridor, she felt the blood seeping into her slippers, and the bodies beneath her feet. What a waste. She kept her head low, trying to squint through the fabric of the hood to no use.
Left. Right. Straight. Right. Huh? Her room? She heard the door slide open, and she was brought through. “My apologies Miss Moore, I’m going to remove your hood and cuffs now, please stay still for me.”
She was quite ready to make a meal for whoever was before her. The man was quick to pick the lock on the shackles, and they dropped quickly to the floor, along with the hood. Within moments, she had him against the wall by his throat- her nails piercing into his neck. “Who the fuck are you?”
He wore no discernable uniform, spec-ops at most. She was shocked she got the jump on him, her grip tightened, the man remained somewhat calm, his eyes wide from shock. “What the fuck just happened?” Her words- cut like ice.
His hand quickly cut to her forearm, swiping her hand away, her nails leaving a scratch across his throat, “fuck-” he groaned. She moved quickly, swiping the M1911 she’d been assigned and cocking it, “You want to try that, really?” He sighed. “He said you’d be difficult, my god was he right.”
She raised the gun, “Who?”
He put his hands up, almost in a mock surrender, “You met him a while ago. Mr. Gates.” He responded, “Also you’re welcome.” He stepped forward, “Now Miss Moore, I have no doubt with your track record you’re likely ready to unload that entire gun in my body.” A step closer. “However- you’ve been requested by the Overseers. I came to collect you- I did not expect that your death had been called for.”
“Who were they?”
“I am unsure. You’ll be able to find for yourself with time.”
She let out a short laugh, “I thought you said my death was signed for?”
“It’s at least delayed. Now Miss Moore, I ask you to put the gun down,” A step closer, her finger moved over the trigger. “I would like to invite you to get changed into something more formal, as your clothes are seeping with blood.”
Lilith didn’t mind that at all. All it did was imply she’d done a good day's work. She was upset it wasn’t herself to spill the blood however. A false achievement. She moved the gun slightly to the door, to point it. The gentlemans hand was quick to the barrel, snatching it from her hand while turning to the side. He immediately released the magazine, and pulled the slide, releasing the bullet from the chamber, throwing the gun onto the bed. “Much better,” he smiled.
“Outside.” She responded. “Or- I’ll get changed here.” Soon a smile stretched across her face, “I’m sure Mr. Gates will not mind that I arrive at his office with a corpse dragging behind me.”
His hands raised defensively, “Outside it is.”

“Done?” He asked, Lilith nodded, her arms folded across her body. “Let's move, we have a few more assisting with the trip.” He gestured to the gentlemen on either side of him.
“Oh? My little scratch scares you that much?” She quipped.
“I can think of something far more fun for me- maybe even you for next time.” She smiled, his eyes widening, “I’ve always wondered if your sort can still figure out how to use a rifle without all your fingers,”
“Shall we get going Miss Moore?”
“Of course.”
“Oh- and well, you’ve been presumptuously announced dead.” He informed me along the small walk, “You’ll do well to maintain this lie.”
“Hm.” She paused, “I never asked your name.”
“Ah- that is not for you to know, but you can address me as six.”
Lilith stopped in her tracks, “Six.”
“Hm,- oh yes. That kind. Not in my usual suit I suppose.”
“Off on collection duties for an Assistant?”
“It's nice to get out of the office occasionally.” The elevator before the group chimed, and they stepped in. “Gerard won't be seeing you, you’ll meet with 1.”
She smiled, it did not look natural. “I like 1, I knew his wife.”
“Do your best to keep quiet on that one, it’s still a sensitive subject.”
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Jul 10, 2023
+ Support

From my experience, Athena is a great roleplay leader and I believe she could do great things as an O5. Her lore is well thought out and she has a compelling character.
+ Support

Athena has shown capability within the role of a Sr CL5 position and has a variety of experiences within the server that would make her a very good candidate for this position. I do feel that you have more advantages when it comes to creating RP , in which you've stated within your application , within your current position. Additionally I do not believe when it comes to experience within such field that you have a full knowledge of this position due to your somewhat short tenure as an OSA due to obtaining ECM. Overall, you are definitely a very good candidate with the amount of experience and depth in your application.

Good Luck,
Last edited:
Apr 1, 2023
+MASSIVE Support
I have heard ideas from Athena that would be perfect for O5 RP and would love to see them implemented. She has been with O1 through thick and thin, supporting us and backing us up, ensuring ECMs/ECAs know what they are doing, and mentoring them correctly. Though I am really sad to see her leave the ethics committee, that doesn't change the fact that I think she would be a great O5.

Also, she has been encouraging O1 to RP and giving them more pieces of RP to do. She would sit down with O1 in TS for 30 minutes or more, explaining to them the type of RP we can do and how to improve as a whole regiment. She would also set up activities with other regiments to improve relations.

There is no denying that she is dedicated to the server and ensures everyone is having a great time on the server.

Good luck.
-O1 LTCOM Shiva


SCP-RP Staff
Nov 16, 2022
+ Support

I've seen Athena's progression throughout the server since day 1, she is the most deserving person for this position.

When she first applied for the ECM position, she was heavily doubted on her capabilities by NL and proved them wrong AND eventually became ECC. This alone should be enough reason for every response to be a +Support.
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