[UK] O5-2 'The Visionary'

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:465806201
Discord name: j.critical.k
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6,126,960 (71 days over 10 months)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): F-WhiteFox | James 'Critical' Krane
Civilian name: James Krane
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Alpha-1 LCPL

Ethics Committee Member
IA Director
IA Ambassador

Alpha-1 CPL
Nu-7 PVT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
FearRP - Jan 18, 2023

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am posting my application for O5-4. I have decided to apply for O5 for a few reasons; however I will list the two key reasons.

The first reason being whilst I was in the Ethics Committee and in Alpha-1 the first time round I was always interested as to how the O5 operate on this server and would often spend a lot of time as Ethics on Floor-3 with O5, interacting with them both in RP and outside of it. The way which The Ethics Committee acts and The O5 Council act are both similar yet also opposing. They both have a duty to uphold the server RP and ensure that the server health is maintained as much as they can do within their power by creating Role Play for themselves and others whilst ending Role Play in the form of the Alpha Warhead detonation. However The Ethics Committee is more focused on Internal Relations of the foundation, ensuring everything is "Acceptable" and functioning properly. This includes the O5 Council, making sure they do not drift too far from the directive of The Foundation using "Primary Action" to terminate all O5 allowing The Administrator to bring about new members (in RP).
However the O5 Council typically deal with external relations and do "what is possible" in terms of research and invention. The O5 Council ensures that GOIs are not becoming too powerful and use surface operations to gather information or remove the problem. They also explore what is possible like with Broda (O5-2 'The Cortex') who experimented with what is simply put mind control. This is deemed "Possible" however not "Acceptable" which causes the conflict between Site Command creating RP for themselves and others as one side contradicts the other.

Having seen what it was like as Ethics Committee, I believe it would be interesting to view this conflict from the eyes of the O5 Council.

The second reason I am applying for O5 is I believe the RP ideas I came up with would be more suited for an O5 to carry them out as opposed to an Ethics Member as discussed with Eidolon and Athena whilst I was an ECM. I believe this will allow my RP creation to go beyond the peak that it was during my time as IA Director and the beginning of my journey through The Ethics Committee. This will allow me to create RP which will have resistance against Ethics or other departments creating RP through investigation, learning and ultimately, action.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I believe that I am the best candidate for the O5 Council for the following reasons:
  • The first reason, which many may not believe is required for O5 is, I am approachable. This point was mentioned in my Ethics Committee Member application however approachability is required for a different reason in O5. People are able to approach me in OOC matters very easily and without any concern. This may be asking a question regarding O5, Site Command, Alpha-1, ISD, RP creation etc. All of which, if I am not approachable, means I may push people away interacting with O5 IC as they would have seen what I am like OOC and may not interpret what is said in character as it only being in character pushing them away from the idea of Site Command or progression up the ranks.

  • My patience allows me to let RP fully grow and flourish over time as opposed to having it all be completed within three days. This also means that people can let the RP flow the way they want to see it flow making them more attracted to the Role Play Site Command offer to people. This makes the server more enjoyable for people and will allow players to branch their own RP off what Site Command provides. This also allows me to think of other ideas of RP creation that could be made in the future attached or separate from the initial RP.

  • My time in The Ethics Committee gives me a strong foothold as to what Site Command do and how they should act. This allows me to get set up quickly and ready to begin creating Role Play. It also means I was able to get an insight as to what the O5 Council do giving me more knowledge as opposed to other or previous candidates. Having previously been a member of Site Command I am also aware of how to balance server health and ensure the players do not feel like the RP that is going on is straining them, making them less willing to play on the server. This is typically in SCP breaches where the Alpha Warhead is used however; this could also be deploying Alpha-1 to D-Block to aid GENSEC in a period of time where there are few GSD and many D-Class. This could be ensuring the Senior CL4 personnel are managing their department correctly through Site Administration or as Site Command to make sure people are happy in their departments.

  • My ability to learn from my mistakes is a crucial trait to have. All actions that occurred during my time as Ethics Committee that were negative I have learnt from and understand how to improve myself in those situations after learning first hand and taking a step back to look at the bigger picture. Alongside learning from mistakes I remember successes which will allow me to repeat successful actions which people enjoyed or that benefited the long run.

  • Document creation used to be a duty I completed constantly as IA Director and as an Ethics Committee Member. I have created many documents such as investigation reports, arrest reports, procedures and general reports of the site. These all contributed towards RP settings such as tribunals and hearings hosted by Site Administration or Site Command. The most notable hearing being the Epsilon-11 hearing lead by Site Director Broda Kagen.
    As of recent I have not made many in game documents as the role I currently play I do not believe requires documentation to be created. However I plan to create more documents in the near future as part of events I run.

  • Roleplay creation is a skill I am working on. I have the ideas however pushing those ideas into actions is the skill I am working on. I am currently leading a chain of events "SCP-881 'The Little Men'" which involves a lot of RP interactions which will increase as the events progress. I am also looking forward to creating more "short term" RP scenarios with personnel to provide ideas for RP which they can use to further their RP creation.

  • Finally I have a rather high activity on the server which means I am able to see and hear a lot of things which I can use as Site Command to make positive changes. An example of what I have heard is Site Command being seen around site more often. My activity also allows me to monitor situations that are taking place, putting an end to them if it is required or taking action to make changes ensuring a positive flow of RP and server health.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The responsibilities of the Of Council in RP are:

  • The O5 Council do what they can to follow the directives of the SCP Foundation. Securing and Researching anomalies in order to understand them. To know what makes them tick, how they came into existence, how to get rid of them, to generally understand them and if/how they may benefit the world. This is done through the Research Department and by conducting their own research. Creating tasks for researchers to conduct to better understand the anomalies.

  • Overseeing the site and ensuring everything is working as intended. Typically this is done by looking over Site Administration's shoulders to see how the site is running and request changes to improve the site. The usage of Site Administration to provide reports and manage the site is crucial, so when Site Administration is not working as intended, the O5 Council will step in to resolve any issues that occur. This may be by making an example of Site Administration or others through arrests or tribunals.

  • Usage of the MTF Alpha-1 to do the "dirty work" of the O5 Council. As expert bodyguards and trained mercenaries Alpha-1 may be deployed to keep the peace or remove it. Using Alpha-1 to cover up information leaks such as SCP-008, the Alpha Warhead, O5 Council's existence (to lower clearance), names of O5 or Alpha-1, higher clearance SCPs. Alpha-1 may also be used to cause a distraction by arresting or terminating foundation personnel so that the O5 Council can conduct their duties as they please without anyone watching them. MTF Alpha-1 will typically deal with anything the O5 Council requests them to do, being the action force of the Council.

  • Using the Overseer Assistants to do the work of the Council Members that are classified however too dangerous for them to conduct themselves. Or, using them to conduct the work the Overseers do not wish to do such as collecting documents, SCP samples, reports or gathering intelligence.

  • Code-Blacks and the detonation of the Alpha Warhead is something Site Command does. They use these two tools for two different reasons however many believe they are linked. Code-Blacks are used to evacuate Non-Combative personnel from the Facility into the garage where they are clear of any combative personnel attempting to contain an SCP breach or CI infiltration of the site. This prevents cross fire and wasted bullets. Every second counts in these situations and having to reload because a tech expert absorbed half your mag instead of a CI member could cost you heavily. Code-Blacks are for the safety of the Non-Combative personnel and the combative personnel as everyone becomes grouped together allowing for a stronger defence and less worry that you may inflict harm on a friendly.
    The detonation of the Alpha Warhead is the way Site Command performs a Role Play reset. The site becomes an instant kill zone for everyone, including SCPs meaning breaches become contained allowing the server to return to its normal state and RP flow. The Alpha Warhead can be detonated in attempts to repair server health and enable people to enjoy the server before it gets to the point that people no longer enjoy the RP that is going on.

    As mentioned in my Ethics Application, Site Command can authorise RP changing orders which can heavily impact the players experience on the server. CL5 personnel must understand what they do can make or break RP. They must be careful and ensure both what is possible and what is acceptable find a balance.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Some of the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP are handling Site Director Applications, ensuring they find an appropriate person for the position so that they can trust Site Administration is in the right hands and they won't have to follow up on them constantly.

Handling Director of External Affairs Applications is also a choice the O5 Council must be cautious with as the Department of External Affairs without proper management can cause many issues and conflict between other SOPs and GOIs which can lead into OOC toxicity.

Dealing with OSA Applications does not require as much care as they do not hold as much power, rather they follow orders and keep secrets. OSAs should be trusted and show they are competent however not as closer eye is required to be kept on them.

Discussing and agreeing on O5 Application verdicts is the final application O5 Council Members must deal with out of RP. Ensuring they pick the appropriate candidate for the role.

The O5 Council Members also talk with GOIs on discord and TS to discuss future RP implications that may be had. They ensure relations are positive OOC and that any issues that arise are sorted out. Working with one another to improve RP for surface and the Foundation. They also ensure that relations between themselves and their counterpart are positive so that RP can be discussed and positive attitudes can be pushed instead of negative toxic attitudes.

Making changes to the FLC that relate to the O5 (conduct) to better improve or change the FLC, management of crime and punishment and RP across the site. Working alongside Ethics with FLC charges that relate to both conduct and ethics.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The Administrator: "Casie, open the 'WhiteFox' programme files."

Casie.AI: "Identification required."

The Administrator: "Code Phrase: When the universe demands the absurd and impossible, we shall be there to stand and protect the rest of humanity"

Casie.AI: "Gathering files Founder."
Casie.AI: "..."
Casie.AI: "403 file detected, Sir."

The Administrator: "Open 1012-K-J's report please."

Casie.AI: "Two files detected."

The Administrator: "Print them both off then shutdown please, don't let the printer jam this time."

Casie.AI: "Printing now."

File 01: James 'Critical' Krane personnel file
File 02: The WhiteFox programme

Casie.AI: "Shutting down. Until next time, Founder."

The Administrator: *Sighs*
The Administrator: "Let's hope they believe this lie and don't investigate it any further. I cannot afford to waste the life of SCP-939's on Class-F anymore."
+/- Neutral

- CL5 Experience
- Previous experience creating and developing RP

- Activity needs improvement

Half of your lore is from when you were a Department Director, the other from ECM. None of it actually leads to your position within O5 nor the storylines that your O5 character would be involved in. Currently you've obtained the rank of LCPL, now although you do have CL5 Experience I do believe you need to take more time within the "Floor 3 Ranks" and really come to an understanding of the difference. I'd highly suggest progressing to the stage of at least NCO and become more involved within the different spectrum of RP that Floor 3 revolves around.

Good Luck,


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Critical . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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