[UK] O5-3 "The Obstinate"

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:121251281
Discord name: directgaming
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Years minimum (Joined 2022, left august that year, returned March 2024)
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Tommy 'Romeo' Lee [F] , Louis Ferguson [GOC]
Civilian name: Joesph L.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Held: Overseer Assistant (x2), O5-1 'The Unjust', O5-7 'The Kid', A-1 CPT, E-11 CSG, Security Captain, E-11 LCPL
- Holding: MTF A1 LT, Medical Consultant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 Warning for FearRP in 2022, this was due to me being new to the server at the time.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- O5-3 "The Obstinate"

The reason I went with this codename is because I wish to expand on my character as someone who is firm on their decisions and opinions. This would push that idea of behind the scenes that O5 decisions are typically finale and aren't typically ran back on.

Another reason I wish to become an O5 member is that I'm at the point in which I can either push further into A-1 Command or pivot to a position in which I can enhance my RP whilst taking a tone back on PvP (which is what I wish to do in the near future).

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
Whilst in the position of O5 you'd typically be overseeing departments and Alpha-1. I already know the working of Alpha-1 being as I'm a LT currently. I also have previous experience with departments as I'm also a Medical Consultant.

Another reason I feel I would be a good candidate would be my RP, I have in the past used my RP to enhance my charcter whether this being simple scenarios like working with IA to at the current moment, be working with the DoM in a potential RP Drug Trial.

I will admit however, as a Alpha-1 Member it can be seen as not RP intensive due to how Alpha-1 works, where the overseers typically would do the talking with A-1 only moving into RP when necessary. One example of this currently is that A-1 COs is looking to work alongside Nu-7's Archangels division to provide RP to all A-1 including COs when O5s are not onsite.

Finally, I believe my previous experience as an Overseer and as an Alpha-1 LT, would benefit as it teaches me both previously and currently what exactly O5 do, how they are in RP and what to expect of them.

Overall, I believe that although I was a previous Overseer 2 years ago, I feel that with my current positions it would allow me to become a beneficial member to the council in more ways than one.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The council typically keep up with the FLC and that it is being used correctly ensuring that the foundation stays a ,relatively, safe and secure site.

Secondly, the council are the final line of defense when it comes to the integrity of the site, in collaboration with the Ethics Commitee, primarily the usage of the Alpha Warhead activation in the event of site loss due to breaches or other unknown factors.

Thirdly, the council observe departments and manage the site as a whole with the assistance of the Site Director. This is due to how the council would typically operate behind the shadows. They can however, in special circumstances, push policies or members in their departments directly if the need suits it.

Overall, the council in RP look over the site from behind the shadows, making sure the FLC is correct, and observing their departments to make sure they are in good health. With the assistance of the Site Director and Alpha-1, if needed.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
In terms of who they appoint it is the following:
MTF A-1 COM, Site Director, DoR, OSAs and other Overseers (agreement of all).

They also look to assist people with RP Storylines in which an O5 may be required. Typically either with "Unethical" testing or overall RP relating to the council.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Tommy Lee was born at Poole in 1999. He began his life at a low point, being born into a low income household, scrounging for food at times. At this time he learned many of his ways as a "Street" kid. He started committing petty crimes starting with theft. One time however, He was caught. He was sentenced to 3 Months at HMYOI (His Majesty's Young Offenders Institute) at the age of 16.

He was one of few children who actually changed their lives whilst there and came out the other end determined to make amends. He began working as an officer with the assumption he wouldn't be in any altercation internally. He worked his way up the ranks picking up skills in terms of negotiation training, gun training. He picked up many skills like intelligence skills and investigative skills.

He started making money. once he had made sure his family were at a better place than before he set off to Canada moving from his UK policing Job to his Canadian Job. He worked as a ranger at one of the local nature reserves for a few years. One time though he came across something. A letter, at first he thought it would be some relative asking him how he has been since he hasn't been in contact with anyone within 2 years. He opened the letter. "MEET AT ████ 2/4/20XX" He assumed it was some prank his neighbor's kids pulled but he decided to head there anyway. He was greeted by a man in a black suit. Tommy knew he has authority. They discussed a potential agreeance. If he were to step down from his ranger position he would be incorporated into this "Facility" Tommy was hesitant at first but then looked at the past. He wanted something new, something worth while. He accepted without realizing what to exactly.

They walked around towards an unmarked vehicle. the suited figure explained to Tommy that he knows more about his life than Tommy himself. He kept explaining that "You'll fit right in." They had gotten to a military facility. Tommy still the un wise question where. The suited figure simply said "You were a police officer, you have the skills. Put two and two together." That's when it clicked. He was officially working for the government. once orientated he was given a security suit with "GENSEC" embroidered into the arms. He swapped out of his ranger uniform and into the security uniform for the last time.

He was assigned a bunk, locker and toiletries. From there he began working, following orders, no questioning. As time went on he began to work into an MTF regiment. He wanted to help with containment. He began trying out to the Nine Tailed Fox Battalion. He passed first time, from which he rose the ranks inside to reach SGT. However, one time during his duties he was kidnapped. He was taken to a mysterious room and was unbagged revealing 3 figures all in black. This was MTF ██. He was told his skills were exceptional and that they would love to have him inside ██. He began working from the beginning. from a PVT all the way to a LT.

During a patrol Tommy was attacked by a chaos insurgency, his left leg was left multilated, This was the end of his career as a fighter, for now. After the attack Tommy put in a letter of transfer from Site-65 to Site-██, this application was accepted. His official record specified he was KIA, but also redacted in the event in which he was to return.

2 years later, With his physio therapy finally complete and with a new perspective on life he requested to return. This was accepted on the pretence that Tommy would lose his rank in the regiment. At first he was hesitant but agreed due to wanting to return to a place in which he began. When arriving he was astonished as to what had changed. A new personnel wing sector, the moving of ethics, Floor 3 had gotten an upgrade too. Tommy decided to work from a desk job, during this time he began reworking his gun skills. Practising every day on the Killhouse.

Once ready, he attended an E-11 tryout, new faces everywhere. He recognised no-one. He passed the tryout first time again. Once he was suited in his new position he began raising from the ranks. In a matter of 2 weeks Tommy rose from PVT to LCPL, He wanted to push further, harder, Tommy had noticed he was being watched. At first he assumed nothing of it. However, he realised something was up by the time he was taken somewhere blindfolded and gagged. He was once again infront of the MTF ██. They explained they knew who he was and wanted to see if he still had what it took. The tryout was intense, he passed.

Tommy at this time is in MTF ██ working his way up the ranks of NCO. Although he remembers what occured 2 years, he still pushes on, wanting to go beyond. However, Tommy knows that with this injury he can't be at his fullest. He wants to have a plan in case things go wrong whether it be another attack or his leg gets worse. So he has applied for another deskjob, Working alongside the ██ ██████. He knows he won't see much combat. But working alongside side those he would protect otherwise would be a good alternative if things go south.

After his application for his ██████ █████████ was approved he would proceed with his duties as an MTF ██ member whilst in his spare time work with the ██████ in their day to day tasks. Meetings, proposals, ████████ is just some things he would do whilst working in his position.

After a few months in the position he was requested to work alongside medical in a time of need by his superiors. So he grabbed his notepad, and went to the Director of Medicine at the time, Kayla. She taught Tommy from the bottom, how to complete a simple checkup, to complex surgery include amputation and drug trials.

After a few more months working with this temporary position, they gained a new likeness to medical as a whole whilst slowly getting a distaste to continued working as an assistant so they requested a transfer from their original ███ position to be a permanent transfer to Medical Consultant.

This was approved with the caveat that they would be administered amnestics at a Class-█ to forget information relating to projects which could be dangerous information in the wrong hands. Tommy accepted with it ending his tenure as an assistant.

During his continued time in the medical department as a consultant, he worked with training members of foundation simple techniques like CPR, general administration of pharmaceuticals and basic medical knowledge.

As of the last month Tommy has been working with the current Director of Medicine, in a project which aims to ████████████ for the effect of ████████████.

As of today he is still working with the DoM on this project while in his off-time and whilst on duty as Alpha-1 he is working with other regiments to better connect them in ways to promote effectiveness and performance.

Last Edited by: ██████ On: 12/08/20XX Reason: Sensitive information & Updated Information.

Some notes I wish to specify as a footnote:
Although an SL member I hope to not have this impede my position if I were to get it. I always strive to get RP for both myself and other players where possible.
I also apologise for the yap of the lore block

Thank you for reading my application.
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